2 occurrences in 2 dictionaries

Reference: Prince


the title generally applied to the chief men of the state. The "princes of the provinces" (1Ki 20:14) were the governors or lord-lieutenants of the provinces. So also the "princes" mentioned in Da 6:1,3-4,6-7 were the officers who administered the affairs of the provinces; the "satraps" (as rendered in R.V.). These are also called "lieutenants" (Es 3:12; 8:9; R.V., "satraps"). The promised Saviour is called by Daniel (Da 9:25) "Messiah the Prince" (Heb nagid); compare Ac 3:15; 5:31. The angel Micheal is called (Da 12:1) a "prince" (Heb sar, whence "Sarah," the "princes").

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This is the tr of a considerable number of Heb. and Gr. words, expressing different shades of meaning, e.g. 'chieftain,' 'ruler,' 'king,' 'governor,' 'noble,' 'deputy.' The main terms are 1. sar, 'one who has authority or bears rule.' It is used of rulers (Isa 21:6; Nu 21:18 etc.), of royal officials (Ge 12:15; 2Ki 24:12 etc.), of leaders in war (1Sa 22:2), of tribal chieftains (e.g. Philistines, 1Sa 18:30), of the chief butler and baker (Ge 40:2,16), of the keeper of prison (Ge 39:21), of the taskmaster (Ex 1:11), of the prince of the eunuchs (Da 1:7). It came later to be applied to the guardian angels of the nations (Da 10:13,20-21), to Michael the archangel (Da 12:1). It is the most general term for prince, and occurs in the fem, form s

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