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Thus didst thou rescue me from the contentions of a people, - didst appoint me to be the head of nations, A people I had not known, served me:

For I have heard the whispering of many - A terror round about! When they have sat in conclave together against me, to take away my life, have they intrigued.

But, as for me, In my blamelessness, hast thou held me fast, And hast caused me to stand before thee unto times age-abiding.

Who will conduct me to fortified city? Who will lead me as far as Edom!

Who will conduct me to a fortified city? Who will lead me as far as Edom?

The way of thy precepts, cause thou me to understand, and I will indeed meditate in thy wonders.

I have kept close to thy testimonies, O Yahweh! do not put me to shame.

[ZAYIN] Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope.

[AYIN] I have done justice and righteousness, - Do not leave me to mine oppressors.