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Arise, LORD! Deliver me, my God! For you strike the jaw of all my enemies, and you break the teeth of the wicked.

Break the arm of the wicked and evil man; so that when you seek out his wickedness you will find it no more.

Those who seek my life lay snares for me; those who seek to do me harm brag all day long about their wicked planning.

He causes wars to cease all over the earth, he causes the bow to break, the spear to snap, the chariots to ignite and burn.

God, shatter their teeth in their mouths; LORD, break the fangs of the young lions!

You made the earth quake; you broke it open. Repair its fractures, because it has shifted.

For they persecute those whom you have struck, and they brag about the pain of those you have wounded.

I will say to the proud, "Don't brag," and to the wicked, "Don't vaunt your strength.

Therefore, when the LORD heard this, he was angry, and fire broke out against Jacob. Moreover, his anger flared against Israel,

Why did you break down its walls so that those who pass by pluck its fruits?

Deal with them as you did to Midian, Sisera, and Jabin at the Kishon Brook.

He would have destroyed them but for Moses, his chosen one, who stood in the breach before him to avert his destructive wrath.

They had provoked anger by their deeds, so that a plague broke out against them.

Break me out of this prison, so I can give thanks to your name. The righteous will surround me, for you will deal generously with me. A Davidic Song