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I am dazed and completely humiliated; all day long I walk around mourning.

Verse ConceptsBowingBent OverOthers MourningMental IllnessDepression

I will pray to God, my high ridge: "Why do you ignore me? Why must I walk around mourning because my enemies oppress me?"

Verse ConceptsGod, The RockOppression, God's Attitude ToRocksGod ForgettingThose Oppressedoppression

For you are the God who shelters me. Why do you reject me? Why must I walk around mourning because my enemies oppress me?

Verse ConceptsAbandonmentGod, The RockFeelings Of Rejection By GodStrongholdsThose Oppressedoppression

They are bubbling with joy as they walk in procession and enter the royal palace.

Verse ConceptsGladnessJoy And HappinessThe Rapturejoyfuljoyfulness

Walk around Zion! Encircle it! Count its towers!

Verse ConceptsNumberingCounting Buildingszion

Consider its defenses! Walk through its fortresses, so you can tell the next generation about it!

Verse ConceptsTeaching ChildrenHer Strength

Day and night they walk around on its walls, while wickedness and destruction are within it.

Verse ConceptsWallsWalled TownsLabour Day And NightAbuse

Singers walk in front; musicians follow playing their stringed instruments, in the midst of young women playing tambourines.

Verse ConceptsVirginMusical Instruments, types ofOrchestrasSingersYoung Ladiesinstrumentsdrums

I will walk in the way of integrity. When will you come to me? I will conduct my business with integrity in the midst of my palace.

Verse ConceptsLifestylesLearning The Right WayThe Timing Of His Comingbehavior

I will favor the honest people of the land, and allow them to live with me. Those who walk in the way of integrity will attend me.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, To GodService To GodNames And Titles For The ChristianGod's Faithfulness

hands, but cannot touch, feet, but cannot walk. They cannot even clear their throats.

Verse ConceptsAbsence Of FeelingDumbnessTypes Of FeetDumbFeeling Lost

Even when my strength leaves me, you watch my footsteps. In the path where I walk they have hidden a trap for me.

Verse ConceptsMan's WaysTrapSnares Laid for PeopleGod, All knowingMan TrappingBeing Overwhelmedoverwhelmed