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Wherefore, I will bring the most cruel tyrants from among the Heathen to take their houses in possession. I will make the pomp of the proud to cease, and they shall take in their Sanctuary.

and pour my indignation upon thee, and will blow upon thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee unto cruel people, which are learned to destroy.

I will bring you together, and kindle the fire of my cruel displeasure under you, that ye may be melted therein.

"Thou son of man, tell her, 'Thou art an unclean land, which is not rained upon in the day of the cruel wrath:

Therefore will I poured out my cruel displeasure upon them, and burn them in the fire of my wrath: their own ways will I recompense upon their heads, sayeth the LORD God.'"

he and his people with him. Yea, and the cruel tyrants of the Heathen shall be brought to destroy the land. They shall draw out their swords upon Egypt and fill the land full of slain men.

Forsomuch as thou bearest an old enemy against the children of Israel, and with a cruel hand hast made them afraid, what time as they were troubled and punished for their sin: