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And there was a woman in the town who was a sinner; and when she had news that he was a guest in the Pharisee's house, she took a bottle of perfume,

Now when the Pharisee in whose house he was saw it, he said to himself, This man, if he was a prophet, would be conscious what sort of woman this is who has put her hands on him, that she is a sinner.

The tax-farmer, on the other hand, keeping far away, and not lifting up even his eyes to heaven, made signs of grief and said, God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

So they sent a second time for the man who had been blind and they said to him, Give glory to God: it is clear to us that this man is a sinner.

He said in answer, I have no knowledge if he is a sinner or not, but one thing I am certain about; I was blind, and now I see.

But if, because I am untrue, God being seen to be true gets more glory, why am I to be judged as a sinner?

Clearly he is in error and a sinner, being self-judged.

And if it is hard for even the good man to get salvation, what chance has the man without religion or the sinner?