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But he answering said to one of them, My friend, I do not wrong thee. Didst thou not agree with me for a denarius?

And he says to him, My friend, how camest thou in here not having on a wedding garment? But he was speechless.

But Jesus said to him, My friend, for what purpose art thou come? Then coming up they laid hands upon Jesus and seized him.

And he said to them, Who among you shall have a friend, and shall go to him at midnight and say to him, Friend, let me have three loaves,

since a friend of mine on a journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him;

I say to you, Although he will not get up and give them to him because he is his friend, because of his shamelessness, at any rate, he will rise and give him as many as he wants.

But when thou hast been invited, go and put thyself down in the last place, that when he who has invited thee comes, he may say to thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have honour before all that are lying at table with thee;

These things said he; and after this he says to them, Lazarus, our friend, is fallen asleep, but I go that I may awake him out of sleep.

From this time Pilate sought to release him; but the Jews cried out saying, If thou releasest this man, thou art not a friend to Caesar. Every one making himself a king speaks against Caesar.