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And there will be to me ox and ass, sheep and servant, and maid; and I shall send to announce to my lord to find grace in thine eyes.
Thou shalt not desire thy friend's house, thou shalt not desire thy friend's wife, and his servant and his maid and his ox and his ass and all which is to thy friend.
And if an ox shall push (with the horns) a man or a woman, and he died; stoning, the ox shall be stoned, and he shall not eat his flesh; and the lord of the ox being innocent
And if this ox pushed (with the horns) from yesterday the third day, and being testified to its lord, and he will not watch him and he killed the man or the woman; the ox shall be stoned, and also his lord shall be put to death.
If the ox shall push a servant, or a maid, he shall give thirty shekels of silver to his lord, and the ox shall be stoned.
And if a man shall open a pit, or if a man shall dig a pit, and shall not cover it, and an ox fall there, or an ass:
And if a man's ox shall strike the ox of his friend and he died, and they shall sell the living ox and divide the silver, and also the dead ox they shall divide.
Or if this ox was known to push from yesterday, the third day, and his lord guarded him not; recompensing, he shall recompense, ox for ox, and the dead shall be to him.
If a man shall steal an ox or a sheep, and slaughter it or sell it, he shall recompense five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.
If finding, the theft shall be found in his hand, from an ox to an ass, to a sheep; living, he shall recompense two.
For every word of transgression, for ox, for ass, for sheep, for garment, for every loss which if this say is his: to God the word of both of them shall come; whom God shall condemn, he shall recompense double to his friend.
If a man shall give to his friend an ass or ox or sheep or all cattle to watch; and it died, or being broken or being taken captive, not being seen:
Thus shalt thou do to thine ox, to thy sheep: seven days shall it be with its mother; in the eighth day thou shalt give it to me.
If thou shalt meet thine enemy's ox or his ass wandering, turning back, thou shalt turn him back to him.
Six days thou shalt do thy works, and in the seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox shall rest, and thine ass, and the son of thy maid shall be refreshed, and the stranger.
And skins of rams made red, and tahash skins, and acacia wood;
And make ye an ark of acacia wood: two cubits and a half its length, a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height
And make bars of acacia wood, and spread over them gold.
And make a table of acacia wood; two cubits its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height
And make the bars of acacia wood, and spread over them gold, and lift up with them the table.
And make boards for the tent of acacia wood, standing up.
And make bars of acacia wood; five for the boards of the one rib of the tent
And give it upon four acacia pillars spread over with gold: their pegs of gold upon four silver bases.
And make for the covering five acacia pillars, and spread them over with gold, their pegs gold: and cast for them five bases of brass.
And make the altar acacia wood, five cubits the length, and five cubits the breadth; and the altar shall be quadrated: and three cubits its height
And make bars for the altar, bars of acacia wood, and spread them over with brass.
And make an altar for burning incense: of acacia wood shalt thou make it
And make staves of acacia wood, and spread them over with gold.
All opening the womb is to me: all thy cattle, the male, the firstling of the ox or sheep.
And skins of rams made red, and tahash skins, and acacia wood,
All lifting up an offering of silver and brass, brought the offering of Jehovah: and all with whom was found acacia wood for all the work of the service, brought
And he will make boards for the temple of acacia wood, standing up.
And he will make bars of acacia wood; five for the boards of the one rib of the temple,
And he will make to it four acacia pillars, and he will spread them over with gold: and their pegs gold; and he cast for them four bases of silver.
And Bezaleel will make the ark acacia wood: two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height
And he will make poles of acacia wood, and he will spread them over with gold.
And he will make the table acacia wood: two cubits its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height
And he will make the poles of acacia wood, and he will spread them over with gold to lift up the table.
He will make the altar of incense of acacia wood: a cubit its length and a cubit its breadth; quadrated; and two cubits its height; out of it were its horns
And he will make the poles of acacia wood, and he will spread them over with gold.
And he will make the altar of burnt-offering of acacia wood: five cubits its length, and five cubits its breadth; four-square; and three cubits its height
And he will make the bars of acacia wood; and he will spread them over with brass.
Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, Any fat of ox, and lamb, and goat, ye shall not eat
A man, a man from the house of Israel, who shall slaughter an ox or lamb or goat, in the camp, or who shall slaughter without the camp,
And an ox, and a sheep stretched out, and contracted, thou shalt do it a voluntary gift; and for a vow it shall not be accepted.
And an ox or a sheep, it and its son, thou shalt not slaughter in one day.
But the first-born which shall be first to Jehovah among the cattle, a man shall not consecrate it; if an ox, if a sheep, it is to Jehovah.
And they will bring their offering before Jehovah, six litter wagons and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the chiefs and an ox for one: and they shall bring them before the dwelling.
And Moab will say to the old men of Midian, Now this gathering will lick up all round about us, as the ox licking up the green of the field. And Balak, son of Zippor, the king of Moab in that time.
And the seventh day, the Sabbath to Jehovah thy God: thou shalt not do any work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy servant, and thy maid, and thine ox, and thine ass, and all thy cattle, and thy stranger who is in thy gates; so that thy servant and thy maid shall rest like thyself.
and thou shalt not desire thy friend's wife; and thou shalt not long for thy friend's house, his field, and his servant, and his maid, his ox and his ass, and all that is to thy friend.
And I will make the ark of acacia wood, and I will hew two tables of stone as the first, and I will go up to the mount and the two tables in my hands.
These the cattle which thou shalt eat: the ox, the sheep of the lambs, and the sheep of the goats,
Thou shalt not sacrifice to Jehovah thy God an ox and a sheep which shall be in it a blemish, any evil word, for it is an abomination to Jehovah thy God.
And this shall be the judgment of the priests from the people, from those sacrificing a sacrifice, whether an ox or a sheep; and give to the priest the shoulder, the cheeks and the maw.
And who shall go with his friend into the forest to cut wood, and his hand thrust out with the axe to out down the tree, and the iron slipped from the wood and found his friend, and he died; he shall flee to one of these cities, and he lived:
When thou. shalt besiege against a city many days to war against it, to capture it, thou shalt not destroy its wood to thrust an axe upon it; for from it thou shalt eat: and thou shalt not cut it down; for the man the tree of the field, to go from before thee into the fortress.
Thou shalt not see the ox of thy brother or his sheep wandering, and thou shalt not hide from them: turning back, thou shalt turn them back to thy brother.
Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fallen in the way, and hide from them: lifting up, thou shalt lift up with him.
Thou shalt not plough with an ox and ass together.
Thine ox slaughtered before thine eyes and thou shalt not eat from it: thine ass stripped from before thee and shall not turn back to thee; thy sheep, given to thine enemies, and none to thee saving.
And they will devote all which in the city, from man and even to woman, and from the youth even to the old man, and ox and sheep and ass, to the mouth of the sword.
And Caleb will say, Who will smite the City of the Book and take it, and I gave to him Achsah my daughter for a wife.
And Othniel, son of Kenaz will take it, the brother of Caleb, and he will give to him Achsah his daughter for a wife.
And Caleb will say, Whoever shall smite the city of the Book and take it, and I will give to him Achsah my daughter for a wife.
And Othniel, son of Kenaz, Caleb's brother, the small, will take it from him, and he will give to him Achsah his daughter for a wife.
Asher did not drive out the inhabitants of Accho, and the inhabitants of Zidon and Ahlab and Achzib and Helbah, and Aphik, and Rehob:
And after him was Shamgar, son of Anath; and he will smite the Philistines, six hundred men with an ox-goad; and he also will deliver Israel
And they will encamp against them, and they will destroy the produce of the land even to thy coming to Gaza; and they will not leave means of life in Israel, and sheep and ox and ass.
And the three hundred will clang the trumpets, and Jehovah will set the sword of a man against his neighbor and in all the camp: and the camp fled even to the House of Acacia of Zererath, even to the lip of Abel-Meholah, to Tabbath.
Behold me: answer against me before Jehovah and before his Messiah, whose ox did I take? or whose ass did I take? and whom did I oppress? whom did I vex? and from whose hand did I take a ransom and hidden mine eyes with it? and I will turn back to you.
And all Israel went down to the rovers, to hammer each his plough-shares, and his coulter, and his axe, and his plough-shares.
And Saul will say, Be ye dispersed among the people, and say to them, Bring near to me a man his ox, and a man his sheep, and slaughter here and eat; and ye shall not sin against Jehovah to eat with the blood. And all the people will bring near, each his ox in his hand this night, and they will slaughter there.
Now go and strike Amalek, and exterminate all which is to him, and thou shalt not spare to him; and kill from man even to woman, from child even to suckling, from ox and even to sheep, from camel and even to ass.
And Nob the city of the priests. he struck with the mouth of the sword, from man and even to woman, from child and even to suckling, and ox, and ass, and sheep, with the mouth of the sword.
And the house in its building was built of stone completed from the quarry: and hammers and the axe, every instrument of iron was not heard in the house in its building.
And she will bear Shaaph the father of Madmannah, Sheva the father of Machbenah, and the father of Gibea: and the daughter of Caleb, Achsah.
And what was done for one day, one ox, six choice sheep; and birds were done for me, and within ten days with every wine for abundance: and with this, the bread of the prefect I sought not for the servitude was heavy upon this people
Shall the wild ass bray at grass? if the ox will low over his provender?
His ox passed over and will not be cast away: his heifer will escape and will not be barren.
They will lead away the ass of the orphans, and they will take for pledge, the widow's ox.
Behold now, the great beast which I made with thee; he will eat grass as an ox.
I was poured out as water, and all my bones were sundered; my heart was as wax being melted in the midst of my bowels.
As smoke being dispersed thou wilt disperse: as wax melting from the face of fire, the unjust shall perish from the face of God.
And it shall be good to Jehovah above an ox, a bullock shooting out horns and hoofs,
The mountains melted as wax from before the face of Jehovah, from before the face of the Lord of all the earth.
And they will change their glory into the likeness of an ox eating grass.
He went after her suddenly as the ox will go to the slaughter, and as the fetter for the correction of the foolish.
In no oxen the stall clean, and much increase in the strength of the ox.
Good a ration of herbs and love there, above an ox of the stall and hatred with it.
. The ox knew his possessor, and the ass his lord's stall: Israel knew not; my people understood not
And all the mountains which shall be dressed with the hoe, the fear of sharp points and thorns shall not come there: and it was for the sending forth of the ox and for the treading of sheep.
Shall the axe vaunt itself against him hewing with it? shall the saw magnify itself against him moving it up and down? as the rod moving up and down with those lifting it up; as the lifting up of the rod not wood.
And the heifer and the bear shall feed together, and their young shall lie down; and the lion shall eat straw as the ox.
Happy ye sowing upon all waters, sending the foot of the ox and the ass.
I will give in the desert the cedar, the acacia, and the myrtle, and the tree of oil; I will set in the sterile region the the elm and the box tree together.
The workman of iron with an axe also worked with coal, and he will cleave it with hammers, and will work with the arm of his strength: also he hungered and no strength: he drank not water and was wearied.
The wolf and the lamb shall feed as one, and the lion and the ox shall eat straw, and the serpent, dust his bread. They shall not do evil, and they shall not destroy in all my holy mountain, said Jehovah
He slaughtering the ox, striking a man; he sacrificing a sheep, broke a dog's neck; he bringing up a gift, swine's blood; he making remembrance of frankincense, praising vanity; also they chose their ways, and in their abominations their soul delighted.
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