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And Abram shall pass over the land to the place Sichem, to the erect oak tree. And the Canaanite then in the land.

And Lot shall choose to him all the environs of Jordan: and Lot will remove from the east and they shall be separated each from his brother.

And he will take to him all these, and he will divide them, asunder in the midst, and will put each of its parts divided, opposite its companion: and the birds he divided not

And it shall be as Isaak grew old, and his eyes shall be weak for seeing, and he will call Esau his son the great, and he will say to him, My son: and he will say to him, Behold me.

And by thy sword shalt thou live and shalt serve thy brother: and it shall be when thou shalt wander about and thou shalt break his yoke from thy neck.

And Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, will die, and be buried from below the house of God, under the oak: and its name shall be called, The Oak of Weeping.

And it will be in their emptying their sacks, and behold, the bundle of silver of each in his sack: and they will see the bundles of their silver, they and their father, and they will be afraid.

And it will be as we came to the lodging place, and we opened our sacks, and behold, the silver of each in the mouth of his sack, our silver in weight: and we turned it back in our hand.

And they will set before him, the first-born, according to his seniority, and the small according to his minority: and the men will wonder each at his friend.

And he will command him over house, saying, Fill the men's sacks with food, as much as they shall be able to lift up, and put the silver of each in the mouth of his sack.

And they will hasten, and will take down each his sack to the earth, and they will open each his sack.

And they will rend their garments, and will lift up each upon his ass, and will turn back to the city.

To all of them he gave, to each, changes of garments: and to Benjamin he gave three hundred of silver and five changes of garments.

And Joseph will buy all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold each his field, for the famine was strong over them: and the land will be to Pharaoh.

All these tribes of Israel, twelve: and this what their father spake to them, and he will bless them; each according to his blessing he blessed them.

And they will cast down each their rod, and they will be for dragons: and Aaron's rod swallowed their rods.

They saw not a man his brother, and they rose not up each from his lower part, three days: and to all the sons of Israel there was light in their dwellings.

Speak now in the ears of the people; they shall ask each from his friend, and a woman from her friend, vessels of silver and vessels of gold.

Speak ye to all the assembly of Israel, saying, In the tenth of this month and they shall take to them each a sheep, according to the house of the fathers; a sheep for a house.

And if the house shall be little from being for a sheep, and he taking, and his neighbor drawing nigh his house according to the number of souls; each according to the mouth of his eating shall ye reckon for the sheep.

And take ye a bundle of hyssop, and dip in the blood that is upon the threshhold, and touch upon the lintel, and upon the two door-posts from the blood which is upon the threshhold and ye shall not come forth each from the door of his house till morning.

And the sons of Israel will see, and they will say, each to his brother, What this? for they knew not what it was And Moses will say to them, This the bread which Jehovah gave to you to eat

This the word which Jehovah commanded, Gather ye from it, each according to the mouth of his eating: an omer for the head from the numbering of your souls, ye shall take each for those in his tent

See, for Jehovah gave to you the Sabbath; for this be gave to you in the sixth day, bread of two days: sit ye each in his station; a man shall not go forth from his place in the seventh day.

And Moses will go forth to the meeting of his father-in-law, and will worship him and kiss him: and they will ask each his friend of peace; and they will come into the tent.

And the cherubs shall be spreading their wings on high, covering with their wings over the cover; and their faces each to the other; to the cover shall be the faces of the cherubs.

And the stones shall be over the names of the sons of Israel, twelve, according to their names, the engravings of a signet; each according to his name shall be the twelve tribea

When thou shalt take up the head of the sons of Israel for their reviewing, and they gave each a ransom of his soul to Jehovah, and in reviewing them; and a stumble shall not be in them in reviewing them.

And he will say to them, Thus said Jehovah the God of Israel, Put ye each his sword upon his thigh, and pass ye through and turn ye back from gate to gate in the camp, and slay ye each his brother, and each his friend, and each his near one.

And Moses will say, Fill your hand this day to Jehovah, for each upon his son and upon his brother, to give to you a blessing this day.

And the people will hear this evil word, and they will mourn: and they put not each his ornaments upon him.

And it was when Moses went forth to the tent, all the people will rise up, and they stood each at the door of his tent, and they looked after Moses till his going into the tent

And all the people saw the pillar of the cloud standing at the door of the tent: and all the people rose up and worshipped it, each at the door of his tent.

And the cherubs shall be spreading out the wings from upwards, covering with their wings over the cover, and their faces each to his brother: to the cover were the faces of the cherubs.

And the stones according to the names of the sons of Israel; they are twelve according to their names, the engravings of a seal each, according to his name for the twelve tribes.

And every gift mixed with oil, and dry, to all the sons of Aaron it shall be, each as his brother.

And Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron, will take each his censer, and give in them fire, and put upon it incense, and bring before Jehovah strange fire, which he commanded them not

And consecrate the year, the fiftieth year, and call a letting go free in the land, to all inhabiting it: it shall be a jubilee to you; and return ye each to his possession, and each to his family shall ye turn back.

In the year of this jubilee ye shall turn back each to his possession.

And when ye shall sell a selling to thy neighbor, or buying of thy neighbor's hand, ye shall not oppress each his brother.

And ye shall possess them for your sons after you to take possession forever; ye shall serve with them: and over your brethren the sons of Israel, ye shall not rule over him, each over his brother with oppression.

I Jehovah your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, from being servants to them, and I will break the rod of your yoke, and I will cause you to go erect

And they faltered each upon his brother, as from before the sword, and none pursued: and there shall be to you no power of standing before your enemies.

And the sons of Israel encamped each by his camp, and each by his flag for their warfare.

And the sons of Israel will do according to all which Jehovah commanded Moses: so they encamped according to their flags, and so they removed each according to his family, according to the house of their, fathers.

And Moses will hear the people weeping to their families, each at the door of his tent: and the wrath of Jehovah was kindled greatly; and it was evil in the eyes of Moses.

And take each his censer and put incense upon them, and bring them near before Jehovah, each his censer and put incense upon them, and bring them near before Jehovah, each his censer, fifty and two hundred censers; and thou and Aaron, each his censer.

And they will take each his censer and will give upon them fire, and will put incense upon them, and they will stand at the door of the tent of appointment, and Moses and Aaron.

Speak to the sons of Israel, and take from them a rod, a rod according to the house of the father, from all the chiefs according to the house of their fathers, twelve rods: thou shalt write each his name upon his rod.

And Moses will bring forth all the rods from before Jehovah to all the sons of Israel: and they shall see and shall take each his rod.

This is the law of the precept which to Jehovah commanded, saying, Speak the sons of Israel and they shall take to thee a red, blameless heifer, to which not a blemish in her, and which a yoke was not lifted up upon her.

And they will turn and go up the way of Bashan: and Og, king of Bashan, will come forth to their meeting, he and all his people, to the war at Edrei.

And Moses will say to the judges of Israel, Kill ye each his men being bound to Baal-Peor.

To the many thou shalt mutiply his inheritance, and to the few thou shalt diminish his inheritance: to each according to his reviewing his inheritance shall be given.

And we will bring an offering to Jehovah, what each found, vessels of gold, armbands, and bracelets, rings, ear-rings, and globules of gold, to expiate for our souls before Jehovah.

The men of war plundered each for himself.

We will not turn back to our houses till the sons of Israel inherit each his inheritance.

And Moses will give to them, to the sons of Gad and to the sons of Reuben, and to half the tribe of Manasseh, son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og, king of Bashan, the land with its cities in the bounds, the cities of the land round about

And the cities which ye shall give from the possession of the sons of Israel: from the many ye shall multiply; and from the few ye shall diminish: each according to his inheritance which they shall inherit, he shall give from his cities to the Levites.

And the inheritance of the sons of Israel shall not remove from tribe to tribe; for the sons of Israel shall cleave each to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers.

And every daughter possessing an inheritance from the tribe of the sons of Israel, to one of the families of the tribe of her father shall she be for wife, so that the sons of Israel shall possess each the inheritance of his fathers.

And the inheritance shall not remove from a tribe to another tribe; for the tribes of the sons of Israel shall cleave each to his inheritance.

After his smiting Sihon, king of the Amorites, who will dwell in Hesh-bon, and Og, king of Bashan, who will dwell in Ashtaroth in Edrei:

And ye will answer and say to me, We sinned against Jehovah, we will go up and fight according to all that Jehovah our God commanded us. And ye will gird on each the weapon of his fighting, and ye will act lightly to go up to the mountain.

And we shall turn and go up the way of Bashan: and Og, king of Bashan, will come forth to our meeting, he and all his people to war at Edrei.

And Jehovah our God will give into our hand also Og, king of Bashan, and all his people: and we shall smite him till none remained to him escaping.

And we shall take all his cities in that time, and there was not a city which we took not from them: sixty cities, all the region of Argob, from the kingdom of Og in Bashan

All the cities of the plain, and all Gilead, and all Bashan, even to Salchah and Edrei, cities from the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

For only Og, king Of Bashan, remained from the remnant of the Rephaims; behold, his bed, a bed of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the sons of Ammon? nine cubits its length and four cubits its breadth, according to the cubit of a man.

And the remnant of Gilead and all Bashan from the kingdom of Og, I gave to the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob and all Bashan, it will be called the land of Rephaims.

Till when Jehovah shall cause your brethren to rest as you, and they also shall possess the land which Jehovah, your God, gave to them on the other side of Jordan: and ye turned back each to his possession which I gave to you.

And they shall possess their land and the land of Og, king of Bashan, the two kings of the Amorites, which in the other side of Jordan from the rising of the sun;

Each according to the gift of his hand, according to the blessing of Jehovah thy God which he gave to thee.

And it was the the city being near to the wounded, and the old men of the city took a heifer of the kine which was not worked with, and drew not in the yoke:

And thou servedst thine enemies which Jehovah shall send forth against thee in hunger and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things and he gave a yoke of iron upon thy neck till his destroying thee.

And ye shall come to this place; and Sihon, king of Heshbon, will come, and Og, king of Bashan, to our meeting, to war; and we shall smite them.

And Jehovah did to them as he did to Sihon and to Og, kings of the Amorites, and to their land which be destroyed them.

For we heard that Jehovah dried up the water of the sea of sedge from before you, in your coming out of Egpyt; and what ye did to the two kings of the Amorites that were upon the other side of Jordan, to Sihon and to Og, whom ye destroyed them.

And Joshua will say to them, Pass ye over before the ark of Jehovah your God into the midst of Jordan, and lift up to you each one stone upon his shoulder according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel:

And it was in prolonging upon the horn of the jubilee in your hearing, the voice of the trumpet, and all the people shall shout a great shout: and the walls of the city shall fall under it, and the people went up each before him.

And the people will shout and clang with the trumpets: and it will be as the people heard the voice of the trumpet, and the people will shout a great shout, and the wall will fall under it, and the people will go up to the city, each before him, and they will take the city.

And all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites on the other side of Jordan, to Sihon, king of Heshbon, and to Og, king of Bashan, in Ashtaroth.

And the bound of Og, king of Bashan, being left of the Rephaims dwelling in Aahtaroth and in Edrei,

All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, he was left of the remnant of the Rephaims. And Moses smote them and drove them out.

And their bound shall be from the two camps, all Bashan, all the kingdom of Og, king of Bashan, and all the towns of Jair which are in Bashan, sixty cities.

And half Gilead, and Ashtaroth and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og. in Bashan, to the sons of Machir, son of Manasseh, to half the sons of Machir according to their families.

And ten chiefs with him, one chief, one chief, to the house of a father for all the tribes of Israel; and each the head of the house of their fathers, these for the thousands of Israel.

And Joshua will write these words in the book of the law of God, and he will take a great stone and will set it up there under the oak which is in the holy place of Jehovah.

And Joshua will send away the people each to his inheritance.

And Heber the Kenite separated himself from Kain, from the sons of Hobab, father-in law of Moses, and he will stretch out his tent even to the oak in Zaanaim which is at Kadesh.

And a messenger of Jehovah will come and sit under an oak which is in Ophrah, which is to Joash, father of Ezri: and Gideon his son threshed wheat in the wine press to place in safety from the face of Midian.

And Gideon went in, and he will do a kid of the goats, and an ephah of flour of unleavened: the flesh he put in a basket, and he put the broth in a pot, and he will bring forth to him under the oak and will bring near.

And they will say, Giving, we will give. And they will spread a garment, and they will cast there each the rings of his spoil.

And all the lords of Shechem will gather together, and all the House of the Rampart, and they will make Abimelech king, by the Oak of the Pillar which is in Shechem.

And Gaal will add to speak, and will say, Behold, people coming down from the height of the land, and one head coming from the way of the oak of Meonenim.