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But the Lord was with Joseph, and was good to him, and made the keeper of the prison his friend.

Verse ConceptsKindnessPrisonersDivine FavourGod With Specific PeopleGod Showed His LovingkindnessFavor

And the keeper of the prison put all the prisoners under Joseph's control, and he was responsible for whatever was done there.

Verse ConceptsResponsibility, Examples OfPrison KeepersEntrustingDoing One's Workjail

And the keeper of the prison gave no attention to anything which was under his care, because the Lord was with him; and the Lord made everything he did go well.

Verse ConceptsFindingSuccessGod With Specific PeopleSuccess Through God

To go out and come in before them and be their guide; so that the people of the Lord may not be like sheep without a keeper.

Verse ConceptsInadequate ShepherdingPeople Going BeforeGoing Out And Coming In

And they went on from Abronah, and put up their tents in Ezion-geber.

And they went on from Ezion-geber, and put up their tents in the waste land of Zin (which is Kadesh).

Verse ConceptsWilderness Of Zin

So we went on past our brothers, the children of Esau, living in Seir, by the road through the Arabah, from Elath and Ezion-geber. And turning, we went by the road through the waste land of Moab.

Verse ConceptsHighway

Where there will be bread for you in full measure and you will be in need of nothing; a land where the very stones are iron and from whose hills you may get copper.

Verse ConceptsEarth, Description OfBrass

And David got up early in the morning, and, giving the sheep into the care of a keeper, took the things and went as Jesse had said; and he came to the lines where the carts were, when the army was going out to the fight giving their war-cry.

Verse ConceptsRising Early, Examples OfChildren, Good KidsMorningOccupationsShoutingVoicesChildren, Good Examples OfRising EarlyBattle CriesThose Who Rose EarlyNo More Tending The FlockRoses

And David gave his parcels into the hands of the keeper of the army stores, and went running to the army and came to his brothers to get knowledge about them.

Verse ConceptsGreetingsIndividuals RunningBaggage

And David said to Saul, Your servant has been keeper of his father's sheep; and if a lion or a bear came and took a lamb from the flock,

Verse ConceptsServanthood, In SocietyAnimals, Types OfBearsThose Who Kept StockDeerbeer

And David said to Achish, You will see now what your servant will do. And Achish said to David, Then I will make you keeper of my head for ever.

Verse ConceptsGuards

In the past when Saul was king over us, it was you who went at the head of Israel when they went out or came in: and the Lord said to you, You are to be the keeper of my people Israel and their ruler.

Verse ConceptsGod, As ShepherdGoing Out And Coming InSaul And David

And Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was chief of the army; and Jehoshaphat, the son of Ahilud, was keeper of the records;

Verse ConceptsScribesRecorders

... the son of Geber in Ramoth-gilead; he had the towns of Jair, the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead, and the country of Argob, which is in Bashan, sixty great towns with walls and locks of brass.

Verse ConceptsFortressesCityLargenessBrassSixtiesCities In IsraelWalled TownsBronze GatesGrandmothers

Geber, the son of Uri, in the land of Gilead, the country of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and Og, king of Bashan; and one overseer had authority over all the overseers who were in the land.

Verse ConceptsGovernors

And King Solomon made a sea-force of ships in Ezion-geber, by Eloth, on the Red Sea, in the land of Edom.

Verse ConceptsThe NavyAccumulatingOther References To The Red Sea

Then he said, I saw all Israel wandering on the mountains like sheep without a keeper; and the Lord said, These have no master: let them go back, every man to his house in peace.

Verse ConceptsHillsProphecy, Fulfilment Of OtProphecy, Methods Of OtSheepShepherds, As Kings And LeadersWatchfulness, DivineInadequate ShepherdingScattered Like SheepEscaping To MountainsLet Them Go HomeNo King

And the representative of King Jehoshaphat made a Tarshish-ship to go to Ophir for gold, but it did not go, because it was broken at Ezion-geber.

Verse ConceptsGoldMerchantsSeafaringSuffering, Causes OfTradeThe NavyCommerceShips For TradingTrade With Metalssailing

So Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam and Achbor and Shaphan and Asaiah, went to Huldah the woman prophet, the wife of Shallum, the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the robes, (now she was living in Jerusalem, in the second part of the town;) and they had talk with her.

Verse ConceptsProphetessSchoolsSecond ThingNamed Wives

Zechariah, the son of Meshelemiah, was keeper of the door of the Tent of meeting.

Verse ConceptsTent Of Meeting

In the past, when Saul was king, it was you who went at the head of Israel when they went out or came in; and the Lord your God said to you, You are to be the keeper of my people Israel, and their ruler.

Verse ConceptsGod, As Shepherd

And Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was chief of the army; and Jehoshaphat, son of Ahilud, was keeper of the records.

Verse ConceptsScribesRecorders

Then Solomon went to Ezion-geber and to Eloth by the sea in the land of Edom.

Then he said, I saw all Israel wandering on the mountains like sheep without a keeper; and the Lord said, These have no master: let them go back, every man to his house in peace.

Verse ConceptsWatchfulness, DivineScattered Like Sheep

Together they made ships to go to Tarshish, building them in Ezion-geber.

Verse ConceptsThe Navypartnership

And Kore, the son of Imnah the Levite, the keeper of the east door, had control of the offerings freely given to God, and the distribution of the offerings of the Lord and the most holy things.

Verse ConceptsFreewill OfferingDividing FoodFree Will

So Hilkiah, and those whom the king sent, went to Huldah the woman prophet, the wife of Shallum, the son of Tokhath, the son of Hasrah, the keeper of the robes (now she was living in Jerusalem, in the second part of the town); and they had talk with her about this thing.

Verse ConceptsSecond Thing

Even these Cyrus made Mithredath, the keeper of his wealth, get out, and he gave them, after numbering them, to Sheshbazzar, the ruler of Judah.

Verse ConceptsGovernorsPrincesTreasurer

And a letter to Asaph, the keeper of the king's park, so that he may give me wood to make boards for the doors of the tower of the house, and for the wall of the town, and for the house which is to be mine. And the king gave me this, for the hand of my God was on me.

Verse ConceptsBeamsFortificationsForestsCitadelsGrace, In OtHand Of GodGod's HandGod's Hands On People

After them Zadok, the son of Immer, was working opposite his house. And after him Shemaiah, the son of Shecaniah, the keeper of the east door.

Verse ConceptsNamed Gates

Let the king give authority to certain men in all the divisions of his kingdom, to get together all the fair young virgins and send them to Shushan, the king's town, to the women's house, under the care of Hegai, the king's servant, the keeper of the women: and let the things needed for making them clean be given to them;

Verse ConceptsWeak Women

So when the order made by the king was publicly given out, and a number of girls had been placed in the care of Hegai in the king's house in Shushan, Esther was taken into the king's house and put in the care of Hegai, the keeper of the women.

Now when the time came for Esther, the daughter of Abihail, his father's brother, whom Mordecai had taken as his daughter, to go in to the king, she made request for nothing but what Hegai, the king's servant and keeper of the women, had given her. And Esther was looked on kindly by all who saw her.

Verse ConceptsHuman FavourMan's CounselWomen's Rolesmakeup

If I have done wrong, what have I done to you, O keeper of men? why have you made me a mark for your blows, so that I am a weariness to myself?

Verse ConceptsGod Seeing All PeopleTargetsWe Have Sinned

For a day in your house is better than a thousand. It is better to be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to be living in the tents of sin.

Verse ConceptsDoorkeepersDoorsProperty, HousesTentsEvil AssociationsOne DayPresented At The DoorwayWe Live With GodDaysgaysBeing GayHaving A Good Daywickedness

Let not your eyes be turned on me, because I am dark, because I was looked on by the sun; my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vine-gardens; but my vine-garden I have not kept.

Verse ConceptsAfrican AmericansScorchingLooking Intently At PeopleBlack PeopleUnnamed People Angry With OthersSunMothers And SonsColorSunshine

Then the early days came to their minds, the days of Moses his servant: and they said, Where is he who made the keeper of his flock come up from the sea? where is he who put his holy spirit among them,

Verse ConceptsGod, As ShepherdIndwelling Of The Holy SpiritGod Remembering His CovenantA Way Through The Red Sea

Give ear to the word of the Lord, O you nations, and give news of it in the sea-lands far away, and say, He who has sent Israel wandering will get him together and will keep him as a keeper does his flock.

Verse ConceptsGod, As Shepherddispersion, theIslandsPeople Of God, In OtShepherds, As Kings And LeadersShepherds, As OccupationsChrist And His SheepGathering Israel

And I took them into the house of the Lord, into the room of the sons of Hanan, the son of Igdaliah, the man of God, which was near the rulers' room, which was over the room of Maaseiah, the son of Shallum, the keeper of the door;

Verse ConceptsDoorkeepersEntering The TempleMan Of God

And he will put a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt; and they will be burned by him: and he will make Egypt clean as a keeper of sheep makes clean his clothing; and he will go out from there in peace.

Verse ConceptsCovering The BodyShepherds, As OccupationsBurning Idolatrous Things

See, he will come up like a lion from the thick growth of Jordan against the resting-place of Teman: but I will suddenly make him go in flight from her; and I will put over her the man of my selection: for who is like me? and who will put forward his cause against me? and what keeper of sheep will be able to keep his place before me?

Verse ConceptsChallengesShepherds, As Kings And LeadersInadequate ShepherdingGod Like A LionWho Is Like God?The Region Of JordanLeadership Qualities

See, he will come up like a lion from the thick growth of Jordan against the resting-place of Teman: but I will suddenly make them go in flight from her; and I will put over her the man of my selection: for who is like me? and who will put forward his cause against me? and what keeper of sheep will keep his place before me?

Verse ConceptsChallengesShepherds, As Kings And LeadersInadequate ShepherdingGod Like A LionWho Is Like God?The Region Of Jordan

With you the keeper of sheep with his flock will be broken, and with you the farmer and his oxen will be broken, and with you captains and rulers will be broken.

Verse ConceptsGovernorsFarmersStock Keeping

And they were wandering in every direction because there was no keeper: and they became food for all the beasts of the field.

Verse ConceptsInadequate ShepherdingScattered Like SheepAnimals Eating People

By my life, says the Lord, truly, because my sheep have been taken away, and my sheep became food for all the beasts of the field, because there was no keeper, and my keepers did not go in search of the sheep, but the keepers took food for themselves and gave my sheep no food;

Verse ConceptsSelfishnessAnimals Eating PeopleFeeding AnimalsNot Seeking PeopleNo One Available

As the keeper goes looking for his flock when he is among his wandering sheep, so I will go looking for my sheep, and will get them safely out of all the places where they have been sent wandering in the day of clouds and black night.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorShepherds, As Kings And LeadersDarkness During DaytimeGod Saves The Needy

And my servant David will be king over them; and they will all have one keeper: and they will be guided by my orders and will keep my rules and do them.

Verse ConceptsGod, As ShepherdChrist, The ShepherdTypes Of Christ

Then Daniel said to the keeper in whose care the captain of the unsexed servants had put Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:

So the keeper regularly took away their meat and the wine which was to have been their drink, and gave them grain.

Verse ConceptsVegetables

These are the words of the Lord: As the keeper of sheep takes out of the mouth of the lion two legs or part of an ear; so will the children of Israel be made safe, who are resting in Samaria on seats of honour or on the silk cushions of a bed.

Verse ConceptsLegsMouthsRemnantShepherds, As OccupationsBedsStock Keepingdamascus

For the images have said what is not true, and the readers of signs have seen deceit; they have given accounts of false dreams, they give comfort to no purpose: so they go out of the way like sheep, they are troubled because they have no keeper.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyFutilityencouragement, examples ofdiscouragementGuidance, Need For God'sHousehold GodsPeace, Human Destruction OfRestlessnessSheepSorcery And MagicVisionsDivinationWanderersMisleading DreamsProphesying LiesNo ComfortDreams And False Prophets

And the Lord said to me, Take again the instruments of a foolish keeper of sheep.

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfThe Work Of FoolsStock Keeping

For see, I will put a sheep-keeper over the land, who will have no care for that which is cut off, and will not go in search of the wanderers, or make well what is broken, and he will not give food to that which is ill, but he will take for his food the flesh of the fat, and let their feet be broken.

Verse ConceptsGod, As ShepherdNeglecting PeopleFat AnimalsNot Seeking PeopleFeet Of CreaturesNo Healing

A curse on the foolish keeper who goes away from the flock! the sword will be on his arm and on his right eye: his arm will become quite dry and his eye will be made completely dark.

Verse ConceptsdrynessArmsAntichrist, Names ForAccuracyLimbs WitheredEyes HarmedPeople Abandoning PeopleUseless PeopleBlindingOther BlindingOther Right PartsWoe To Israel And JerusalemStock Keeping

Awake! O sword, against the keeper of my flock, and against him who is with me, says the Lord of armies: put to death the keeper of the sheep, and the sheep will go in flight: and my hand will be turned against the little ones.

Verse ConceptsSheepUnfaithfulness, To PeopleInadequate ShepherdingJesus Christ, Prophecies OfChrist And His SheepProphecies Concerning ChristNames And Titles For ChristMessianic PropheciesAtonement, ForeordainedScattered Like SheepGod With ChristHurt And Betrayal