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When the sun was down and it was waxed dark, behold, there was a smoking furnace and a fire brand that went between the said pieces.

And they covered all the face of the earth, so that the land was dark therewith. And they ate all the herbs of the land and all the fruits of the trees which the hail had left: so that there was no green thing left in the trees and herbs of the field through all the land of Egypt.

And Moses stretched forth his hand unto heaven, and there was a dark mist upon all the land of Egypt three days long,

and went between the host of the Egyptians and the host of Israel. It was a dark cloud, and gave light by night: so that all the night long the one could not come at the other.

And about the time of the shutting of the gate, when it was dark, they went out. Whither they went, I know not: but follow after them quickly, and ye shall take them."

And he went in the dark and took it of their hands and bestowed it in the house, and let the men go, and they departed.

And so they arose in the dark to go to the Host of the Syrians. And when they were come to the side of the Host of Syria: see, there was no man there.

And upon that they arose and fled in the dark, and left their tents, their horses, their asses and the field they had pitched even as it was, and fled for their lives.

And he heard tidings of Tirhakah king of the black Moors, how that he was come out to fight against him. And thereupon he departed and sent messengers unto Hezekiah, saying,

And it fortuned, that when the ports of Jerusalem began to be dark in the evening before the Sabbath, I commanded to shut the gates, and charged that they should not be opened till after the Sabbath: and some of my servants set I at the gates, that there should no burden be brought in on the Sabbath day.

Let the dark storm overcome that night; let it not be reckoned among the days of the year, nor counted in the months.

When I laid me down to sleep, I said, 'O when shall I rise?' Again, I longed sore for the night. Thus am I full of sorrow, till it be dark.

yea, into a land as dark as darkness itself, and into the shadow of death where is none order; but light there is as darkness."

and grope in the dark without light, staggering to and fro like drunken men.

Though I tarry never so much, yet the grave is my house, and I must make my bed in the dark.

The light shall be dark in his dwelling, and his candle shall be put out with him.

The darkness shall once come to an end: he can seek out the ground of all things; the stones, the dark, and the shadow of death.

For he knoweth their evil and dark works: therefore shall they be destroyed.

When I made the clouds to be a covering for it, and swaddled it with the dark;

He bowed the heavens, also, and came down, and it was dark under his feet. {TYNDALE: And he bowed heaven and came down, and darkness underneath his feet.}

He made darkness his secret place, his pavilion round about him; with dark waters and thick clouds to cover him. {TYNDALE: And he made darkness a tabernacle round about him, with water gathered together in thick clouds.}

Let their way be dark and slippery, and let the angel of the LORD to persecute them.

I will incline mine ear to the parable, and show my dark speech upon the harp.

Look upon the covenant, for the dark houses of the earth are full of wickedness.

Shall thy wondrous works be known in the dark? Or thy righteousness in the land where all things are forgotten?

He sent darkness, and it was dark; for they were not obedient unto his word.

and he that is endued with understanding shall obtain wit to perceive a parable, and the interpretation thereof; the words of the wise, and the dark speeches of the same.

in the twilight of the evening, when it began now to be night and dark.

All the days of his life also must he eat in the dark, with great carefulness, sickness and sorrow.

In that day they shall be so fierce upon them, as the sea. And if we look unto the land, behold, it shall be all darkness and sorrow. If we look to heaven: behold, it shall be dark with careful desperation.

For there came a rumor, that Tirhakah king of Ethiopia was come forth to war against him. And when the king of Assyria heard that, he sent other messengers to king Hezekiah with this commandment:

I have not spoken secretly, neither in dark places of the earth. It is not for naught, that I said unto the seed of Jacob, "Seek me." I am the LORD which, when I speak, declareth the thing that is righteous and true.

Sit still, hold thy tongue, and get thee into some dark corner, O daughter Chaldea, for thou shalt no more be called lady of kingdoms.

And this is the cause that equity is so far from us, and that righteousness cometh not nigh us. We look for light, lo, it is darkness; for the morning shine, see, we walk in the dark.

As for thyself, thou shalt go forth in the dark. Hide thy face that thou see not the earth, for I have made thee a show-token unto the house of Israel."

Now as the Lord commanded me, so I did: the gear that I had made ready, brought I out by day. At even I brake down a hole through the wall with my hand: and when it was dark, I took the gear upon my shoulders and bare them out in their sight.

The chiefest that is among you, shall lade his shoulders in the dark, and get him away. He shall break down the wall, to carry stuff therethrough: he shall cover his face, that he see not the ground with his eyes.

"Thou son of man, put forth a dark speaking and a parable unto the house of Israel,

for the day is here, the day of the LORD is come: the dark day of the Heathen, the hour is at hand,

At Tehaphnehes the day shall be dark, when I break there the scepter of the land of Egypt, and when the pomp of her power shall have an end. A cloud shall cover her, and her daughters shall be led away into captivity.

Like as a shepherd among the flock seeketh after the sheep that are scattered abroad, even so will I seek after my sheep, and gather them together out of all places, where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

Thou shalt come up like a stormy weather to cover the land, and as it were a dark cloud: thou with all thine hosts, and a great multitude of people with thee.

Then heard I say, that thou can expound dark things, and declare hard doubts. Well then, if thou can read this writing, and show me the meaning thereof: thou shalt be clothed with purple, have a chain of gold about thy neck, and rule the third part of my kingdom."

After these kingdoms, while ungodliness is a growing, there shall arise a king of an unshamefast face, which shall be wise in dark speakings.

a dark and gloomy day, a cloudy and black day. As the morning is spread over the mountains, so it this populous and strong people: such as have not been since the beginning, neither shall be after them for evermore.

Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into morning and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: the LORD is his name.

'Woe be unto them that desire the day of the LORD: Wherefore would ye have it? As for that day of the LORD, it shall be dark and not clear.

Shall not the day of the LORD be dark, and not clear? Shall it not be cloudy, and no shine in it?

Therefore your vision shall be turned to night, and your prophesying to darkness. The Sun shall go down over those prophets, and the day shall be dark unto them.

For that day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and heaviness, a day of utter destruction and misery, a dark and gloomy day, a cloudy and stormy day,