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Then Samuel went to Ramah, and Saul went to his house in Gibeah of Saul.

Samuel did not see Saul again until the day of his death, but Samuel grieved over Saul, and the LORD regretted that he had made Saul king over Israel.

The LORD told Samuel, "How long will you grieve over Saul, since I've rejected him from being king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go. I'm sending you to Jesse from Bethlehem because I've chosen for myself one of his sons as king."

Samuel said, "How can I go? Saul will hear about this and kill me!"

Samuel did what the LORD said and went to Bethlehem. The elders of the town came out to meet him trembling, and said, "May your coming be in peace."

He said, "Peace, I've come to sacrifice to the LORD. Consecrate yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice." Samuel consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice.

When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab, and said, "Surely he's the LORD's anointed."

Then Jesse summoned Abinadab and brought him before Samuel, and he said, "Neither has the LORD chosen this one."

Jesse brought seven of his sons before Samuel, and Samuel told Jesse, "The LORD has not chosen these."

Then Samuel told Jesse, "Are these all the young men?" He said, "There yet remains the youngest one, and right now he's tending the sheep." Samuel told Jesse, "Send someone to get him, for we won't do anything else until he arrives here."

Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the LORD came on David from that day forward. Then Samuel got up and went to Ramah.

David escaped and fled. He came to Samuel at Ramah and told him all that Saul had done to him. Then he and Samuel went and stayed at Naioth.

Saul sent messengers to take David, and they saw a group of prophets caught up in prophetic ecstasy, with Samuel standing beside them leading them. Then the Spirit of God came on Saul's messengers, and they also were caught up in prophetic ecstasy.

Then Saul himself went to Ramah, and he arrived at the large well that is in Secu. He asked, "Where are Samuel and David?"

He also removed his clothes and was caught up in prophetic ecstasy right in front of Samuel! He fell down naked and remained there all that day and all night. That is why people say, "Is Saul also among the prophets?"

Jonathan told him, "Far from it! You won't die. Look, my father never does anything, great or small, without telling me; so why should my father hide this thing from me? It's not like that!"

Samuel died and all Israel assembled to mourn for him. They buried him at his home in Ramah.

Now Samuel had died, and all Israel had mourned for him and buried him in his own town of Ramah. Saul had expelled the mediums and spiritists from the land.

The woman said, "Whom shall I bring up for you?" Saul said, "Bring up Samuel for me."

When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out loudly. The woman told Saul, "Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!"

Saul told her, "What does he look like?" She said, "An old man is coming up, and he's wrapped in a robe." Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed low to the ground and prostrated himself.

Samuel told Saul, "Why did you disturb me by bringing me up?" Saul said, "I'm in great distress. The Philistines are waging war against me. God has departed from me and won't answer me anymore, either by messages written by the hand of the prophets or by dreams. So I've summoned you to tell me what I should do."

Samuel said, "Why do you ask me, since the LORD has departed from you and become your enemy?

Saul immediately fell down full-length on the ground. He was terrified because of Samuel's words, and he had no strength because he had not eaten food all day and all night.

Nothing of theirs was missing, whether small or large, sons or daughters, spoil, or anything that they had taken for themselves David brought back everything.

"Who am I, Lord GOD, and what is my family, that you have brought me to this? And this is still a small thing to you, Lord GOD you also have spoken about the future of your servant's house, and this is the charter for mankind, O Lord GOD!

That same day, the king consecrated the middle court that stood in front of the LORD's Temple, because that was where he offered burnt offerings, grain offerings, and fat from the peace offerings and because the bronze altar that was in the LORD's presence was too small to hold the burnt offerings, grain offerings, and fat from the peace offerings.

But Elijah told him to go back seven times. On the seventh look, he said, "Look! There's a cloud, a small one, about the size of a man's hand. It's coming up out of the sea!" "Get up and find Ahab!" Elijah said. "Tell him, "Mount your chariot and ride down the mountain so the storm doesn't stop you.'"

Now then, let's build a small upper room and put a bed in it for him there, along with a table, a chair, and a lamp stand. That way, when he comes to visit, he can rest there."

One day the Guild of Prophets told Elisha, "Notice how the place where we are living is too small for us.

After Hadad died, Samlah from Masrekah succeeded him.

After Samlah died, Shaul from Rehoboth on the Euphrates River succeeded him.

Samuel's descendants included Joel his firstborn and his second son Abijah.

These are the men who served, including their descendants: From the descendants of Kohath, there was Heman the singer, who had been fathered by Joel, who had been fathered by Samuel,

David and Samuel the seer installed them in their positions of trust, so they and their descendants were in charge of the gates of the house of the LORD, that is, the House of the Tent, as guardians.

So all the elders of Israel approached the king at Hebron, where David entered into a covenant in the presence of the LORD. Then they anointed David to be king over Israel, just as the LORD had sent word through Samuel.

"Who am I, LORD God, and what is my household, since you have brought me to this? Furthermore, this is a small thing to you, God, and yet you have spoken concerning your servant's household for a great while to come, and you have seen in me the fulfillment of man's purpose, LORD God.

assigned by lottery according to their ancestral households, whether large or small alike, for their gate assignments.

Furthermore, everything that Samuel the seer, Kish's son Saul, Ner's son Abner, and Zeruiah's son Joab had dedicated all of their dedicated gifts were under the care of Shelomoth and his brothers.

The activities of David the king are recorded in the History of Samuel the Seer, in the History of Nathan the Prophet, and in the History of Gad the Seer,

The Aramean army attacked with only a small force, but the LORD delivered a much larger army into their control because Judah had abandoned the LORD God of their ancestors. And so the Aramean army carried out God's judgment on Joash.

Under his authority, Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah served in the priestly cities, making sure contributions were distributed faithfully to their relatives division by division, no matter how large or how small,

There had not been a Passover celebration like it in Israel since Samuel the prophet was alive, nor had any of the kings of Israel celebrated a Passover like Josiah did at that time with the priests, the descendants of Levi, everyone from Judah and Israel who were present, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

who took back to Babylon every article in God's Temple, whether large or small, including the treasuries of the LORD's Temple, the king's assets, and those of his officers.

Does it delight you to oppress or despise what you have made, while you smile at the plans of the wicked?

My days are so few, aren't they? So leave me alone, then, so I can smile a little

My wife says my breath stinks; even my children say I smell bad!

Stop looking at me with chastisement, so I can smile again, before I depart and am no more. To the Director: A Davidic Psalm.

Moses and Aaron were among his priests; Samuel also was among those who invoked his name. When they called on the LORD, he answered them.

There is the deep and wide sea, teeming with numberless creatures, living things small and great.

They have ears, but cannot hear; they have noses, but cannot smell.

Though I may be small and despised, I do not neglect your precepts.

What the righteous person says is like precious silver; the thoughts of the wicked are compared to small things.

Four things on earth are small, but they are very, very wise:

I told myself, "I'll go up the palm tree, and take hold of its fruit. May your breasts be like clusters of the vine, and the smell of your breath like apples.

Then the LORD told me, "Even if Moses and Samuel were standing before me, I wouldn't be favorably disposed toward this people. Send them out of my presence! Let them go!

""They'll invade you with weapons, chariots, wagons, and a vast army. They'll set themselves in place to attack you from every direction with large shields, small shields, and helmets. I'll turn over judgment to them, and they'll punish you according to their own standards.

the least significant of kingdoms. It will never again dominate other nations. I will make them so small that they will never again rule any nation.

"After all this happens, the people who live in the cities of Israel will be kindling fires for seven years, using small shields, large shields, bows, arrows, clubs, personal weapons, and spears to do so.

The regional authorities, viceroys, governors, and royal advisors gazed at those men and saw that the fire had no effect on their bodies not a hair on their head was singed, their clothes were not burned, and they did not smell of fire.

From the time that an alliance is made with him, he'll act deceitfully, and he will go up and take power with only a small group of nations.

For indeed, the LORD is giving the command and he will smash the large house to rubble and the small house into bits.

And so it came about that when the swarm had finished eating the grass of the land, I was saying, "Lord GOD, forgive please! How will Jacob stand, since he is small?"

So I kept on saying, "Lord GOD, forgive please! How will Jacob stand, since he is so small?"

Jesus asked them, "How many loaves of bread do you have?" They said, "Seven, and a few small fish."

They also had a few small fish. He blessed them and said that the fish should also be distributed.

Then he saw a destitute widow drop in two small copper coins.

Other small boats from Tiberias arrived near the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.

"Indeed, all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and those who followed him, also announced these days.

"After that, he gave them judges until the time of the prophet Samuel. When they demanded a king, God gave them Kish's son Saul, from the tribe of Benjamin, for 40 years.

As we drifted to the sheltered side of a small island called Cauda, we barely managed to secure the ship's lifeboat.

It is a very small thing to me that I should be examined by you or by any human court. In fact, I don't even evaluate myself.

If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?

And what more should I say? For time would fail me to tell you about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets.

He held a small, opened scroll in his hand. Setting his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land,

So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the small scroll. "Take it and eat it," he told me. "It will turn bitter in your stomach, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth."

So I took the small scroll from the angel's hand and ate it. It was as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, it turned bitter in my stomach.