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And the people will see that Moses delayed to come down from the mount, and the people will assemble to Aaron, and will say to him, Arise, make to us gods who shall go before us: for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egyt, we shall not know what was to him.

And he will take from their hand, and will form it with a graver, and he will make it a molten calf: and they will say, These thy gods, Israel, who brought thee up from the land of Egypt

And they will rise early early on the morrow, and they will raise up a burnt-offering, and they will bring near peace; and the people will sit down to eat and drink, and they will rise up to play.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, Go, descend: for thy people were corrupted whom thou didst bring up out of the land of Egypt

For they turned aside quickly from the way which I commanded them: they made for them a molten calf, and worship to it, and will sacrifice to it, and will say, These thy gods, Israel, which raised thee up out of the land of Egypt

And they will say to me; Make to us gods which shall go before us: for this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we knew not what was to him.

And it shall be from the morrow, and Moses will say to the people, Ye sinned a great sin: and now I will go up to Jehovah; perhaps I shall expiate for your sin.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, whoever that sinned against me I will wipe him off from my book'

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, Go, come up from here, thou, and the people which thou didst bring up out of the land of Egypt to the land which I sware to Abraham, to Isaak, and to Jacob, saying, to thy seed will I give it

To a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a people of a hard neck; lest I shall consume thee in the way.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Say to the sons of Israel, Ye are a people of a hard neck: one moment I will come up in the midst of thee, and finish thee: and now bring down thy ornaments from thee, and I shall know what I shall do to thee.

And it was when Moses went forth to the tent, all the people will rise up, and they stood each at the door of his tent, and they looked after Moses till his going into the tent

And all the people saw the pillar of the cloud standing at the door of the tent: and all the people rose up and worshipped it, each at the door of his tent.

And Moses will say to Jehovah, See, thou sayest to me, Bring up this people: and thou madest not known to me whom thou wilt send with me. And thou saidst, I knew thee by name, and also thou didst find favor in mine eyes.

And he will say to him, If thy face led them not, thou wilt not bring us up from here.

And be prepared at morning, and come up in the morning to mount Sinai, and stand by me there upon the head of the mount

And no man shall come up with thee, and also a man shall not be seen in all the mountain: also the sheep and the cattle shall not feed before that mountain.

And he will carve the two tables of stones as the first; and Moses will rise early in the morning, and will go up to the mount Sinai as Jehovah commanded him, and he will take in his hand the two stone tables.

For I will dispossess the nations from before thee; and I enlarged thy bound: and a man shall not desire thy land in thy coming up to see the face of Jehovah thy God, three times in the year.

And stones of onyx, and stones of filling up for the ephod, and for the breast-plate.

And they will come, every man whose heart lifted him up and every one whose spirit impelled him, and they brought the offering of Jehovah to the work of the tent of appointment, and for all its work, and for the garments of the holy place.

And they will come, the men with the women, all of a willing heart, they brought rings, and ear-rings, and seals, and globules of gold, all vessels of gold: and every man who lifted up a waving of gold to Jehovah.

All lifting up an offering of silver and brass, brought the offering of Jehovah: and all with whom was found acacia wood for all the work of the service, brought

And all the women whose heart was lifted up in wisdom, spun goats' hair.

And the chiefs brought stones of onyx, and stones of filling up for the ephod, and for the breast-plate.

And Moses will call to Bezaleel and to Aholiab, and to every man wise of heart, to whom Jehovah gave wisdom in his heart, every one who lifted up his heart to draw near to the work to do it:

And he will make boards for the temple of acacia wood, standing up.

And he will bring the bars into the rings over the ribs of the ark to lift up the ark

Over against the border were the rings, the inner parts for the poles to lift up the table.

And he will make the poles of acacia wood, and he will spread them over with gold to lift up the table.

And two rings of gold he made to it from underneath for its wreath, upon its two ribs, upon its two sides for the inner parts for the poles to lift it up by them.

And he will bring the bars into the rings upon the ribs of the altar to lift it up by them; he made it hollow.

In the day of the first month, in the one of the month, thou shalt raise up the dwelling of the tent of the appointment

And bring in the table and arrange its arrangement; and bring in the chandelier and raise up its lamps.

And it will be in the first month, in the second year, in the one of the month, the dwelling was raised up.

And Moses will raise up the dwelling and will set its bases, and will put up its boards, and will give its bars, and will raise up its pillars.

And he will bring the ark to the dwelling and will put up the vail of the covering, and he will cover over the ark of the testimony; as Jehovah commanded Moses.

And he will raise up the lamps before Jehovah, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

And he will put up the covering of the door of the dwelling.

And the altar of burnt-offering he put at the door of the dwelling of the tent of appointment, and he will bring up upon it the burnt-offering and the gift; as Jehovah commanded Moses.

And he will put up the washbasin between the tent of appointment and between the altar, and he will give there water to wash.

And he will raise up the enclosure round about to the dwelling and to the altar, and he will give the covering of the gate of the enclosure: and Moses will finish the work.

And in the going up of the cloud from above the dwelling, the sons of Israel removed in all their departures.

And if the cloud shall not go up, they will not remove till the day it went up.

And the priest lifted up from the gift its memorial, and burnt upon the altar: a sacrifice, an odor of sweetness to Jehovah.

The offering of the first fruits ye shall bring them near to Jehovah: and to the altar they shall not go up for an odor of sweetness.

And all the fat of the bullock of the sin, he shall lift up from it: the fat covering over the bowels, and all the fat which is upon the bowels.

As it shall be lifted up from the bullock of the sacrifice of peace: and the priest burnt them upon the altar of burnt-offering.

And he shall lift up all the fat from it, and he burnt it upon the altar.

And the priest put on his garment of thread, and his drawers of thread he shall put upon his flesh, and he took up the ashes which the fire shall consume, with the burnt-offering upon the altar, and he put it beside the altar.

And he took up from it his handful from the fine flour of the gift, and from its oil, and all the frankincense which is upon the gift, and he burnt upon the altar, an odor of sweetness, a remembrance to Jehovah.

His hands shall bring the sacrifices of Jehovah: the fat upon the breast he shall bring it, the breast to lift it up a waving before Jehovah.

And he will bring the second ram, the ram of the filling up: and Aaron and his sons will place their hands upon the head of the ram.

And he will give the whole upon the hands of Aaron, and upon the hands of his sons, and he shall lift them up a waving before Jehovah.

And Moses will take them from their hands and burn upon the altar upon the burnt-offering: they fillings up for an odor of sweetness: it is a sacrifice to Jehovah.

And Moses will take the breast and will lift it up; a waving before Jehovah: from the ram of the fillings up it was to Moses for a portion; as Jehovah commanded Moses.

And Moses will say to Aaron and to his sons, Boil the flesh at the door of the tent of appointment; and there ye shall eat it, and the bread which is in the basket of the fillings up, as I commanded, saying, Aaron and his sons shall eat it.

And ye shall not go out from the door of the tent of appointment, seven days, till the day of filling up the days of your fillings up: for seven days shall he fill your hands.

And the breasts, and the right leg, Aaron lifted up a waving before Jehovah; as Moses commanded.

And Aaron will lift up his hand to the people, and bless them; and come down from the doing the sin, and the burnt-offering, and the peace.

And Moses will call to Mishael and to Elzaphan, sons of Uzziel, Aaron's uncle, and say to them, Draw near; lift up your brethren from before the holy place, to without the camp.

And they will draw near and lift them up in their tunics to without the camp; as Moses spake.

And Moses will say to Aaron, and to Eleazar, and to Ithamar, his sons, Ye shall not uncover you heads, and ye shall not rend your garments; and ye shall not die, and there shall be anger upon all the assembly: and your brethren, all the house of Israel shall weep for the burning which Jehovah burnt

The leg of oblation, and the breast of waving upon the sacrifices of the fat shall they bring, to lift up a waving before Jehovah; and it was to thee, and to thy sons with thee, for a law forever; as Jehovah commanded.

Wherefore ate ye not the sin in the holy place? for it is holy of holies, and he gave it to you to lift up the iniquity of the assembly, and to expiate for them before Jehovah.

All cleaving the cloven hoof, and splitting, split the cloven hoof, and lifting up rumination among the cattle, ye shall eat it

But this ye shall not eat: from them bringing up rumination, and from them cleaving the cloven hoof; the camel, for it bringing up rumination, and cleaving not its cloven hoof; it is unclean to you.

The coney, for this bringing up rumination, and will not cleave the cloven hoof; it is unclean to you.

And the hare, for this bringing up rumination, and cleaving not the cloven hoof; it is unclean to you.

And every one lifting up from their carcass shall cleanse his garment; and be unclean till evening.

For all cattle of which it is cleaving the cloven foot and not splitting the cleft, and not bringing up rumination, they are unclean to you; every one touching upon them shall be unclean.

And be lifting up their carcass shall cleanse his garments, and be unclean till evening: they are unclean to you.

And he eating from its carcass shall cleanse his garments, and be unclean till the evening; and he lifting up its carcass shall wash his garments and be unclean till the evening.

For I am Jehovah bringing up from the land of Egypt, to be to you for God: and ye shall be holy, for I am holy.

When to a man there shall be a lifting up in the skin of his flesh, or a scab, or brightness, and it was in the skin of his flesh for the stroke of leprosy; and he shall be brought to Aaron the priest, or to one of his sons the priests.

And if the brightness it white in the skin of his flesh, and its sight not deep from the skin, and the hair not turned white; and the priest shut up the stroke seven days.

And the priest saw him in the seventh day: and behold, the stroke stood; in his eyes, the stroke spread not in the skin, and the priest shut him up the second seven days.

And the priest saw, and behold, a lifting up white in the skin, and it turned the hair white, and the quickening of living flesh in the lifting up:

It is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh, and the priest shall defile him; he shall not shut him up for he is unclean.

And if the priest shall see it, and behold, no white hair in it, and it not low from the skin, and it was dim; and the priest shut him up seven days:

And if the priest shall see it, and behold, no white hair in the burning, and it not being low from the skin, and it was dim; and the priest shut him up seven days.

And when the priest shall see the stroke of the scall, and behold, its sight not deep from the skin, and no black hair in it; and the priest shut up the stroke of the scall seven days.

And he was shaved, and the scall he shall not shave, and the priest shut up the scall seven days the second time

And if in his eyes the scall stood still, and black hair sprang up in it, the scall was healed; he is clean: and the priest cleansed him.

And the priest saw the stroke, and shut up the stroke seven days.

And the priest commanded, and they washed that in which was the stroke, and he shut it up seven days, the second time.

And the priest took one he lamb and brought him near for trespass, and the measure of oil, and lifted them up, a waving before Jehovah.

And the priest brought up the burnt-offering and the gift upon the altar: and the priest expiated for him, and he was cleansed.

And the priest took the lamb of the trespass and the measure of oil, and the priest lifted them up, a waving before Jehovah.

And the priest shall go forth from the house to the door of the house, and he shut up the house seven days.

And he coming in to the house all the days it is shut up, shall be unclean till the evening.

And this shall be his uncleanness in his flowing: his flesh running with his flowing, or his flesh sealed up from his flowing, it is his uncleanness.

And every one touching upon any thing which shall be under him, shall be unclean till the evening: and he lifting up these things, shall wash his garments, and he washed in water, and was unclean till the evening.

And Aaron brought the he goat which upon it came up the lot for Jehovah, and he did it for the sin.

And the he goat which upon it came up the lot for the goat set apart, shall stand living before Jehovah, to expiate upon him, to send him for a goat set apart to the desert

And the he goat lifted up upon him all their iniquities to a desert land: and he sent the he goat into the desert

And thou shalt say to them, A man, a man from the house of Israel, and from the stranger who shall sojourn in the midst of you, who shall bring up a burnt-offering or a sacrifice,