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Uzziah flew into a rage while he held in his hand a censer to burn incense. As he got angry at the priests, leprosy broke out all over his forehead right in front of the priests beside the incense altar in the LORD's Temple.

He practiced what the LORD considered to be right, just as his father Uzziah had done, even though he did not enter the Temple. Nevertheless, the people continued acting corruptly.

Ahaz was 20 years old when he began to reign, and he reigned 16 years in Jerusalem, but he did not practice what the LORD considered to be right, as his ancestor David had done.

After this, some men who were chosen by name took charge of the captives, clothed those who were naked with clothes appropriated from the war booty, gave them clothes and sandals, fed them, gave them something to drink, anointed them with oil, provided those who weren't able to walk with donkeys to ride on, and took them back to their relatives at Jericho, the city of palm trees. Then they returned to Samaria.

Right about then, King Ahaz sent for help from the kings of Assyria

He practiced what the LORD considered to be right, following all of the examples set by his ancestor David.

Hezekiah also sent word to all of Israel and Judah, and wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasseh that they should come to the LORD's Temple in Jerusalem to observe the Passover to the LORD God of Israel.

Hezekiah did this throughout all of Judah, and he acted well, doing what the LORD his God considered to be right and true.

Sennacherib also wrote letters like this that insulted and slandered the LORD God of Israel: "Just as the gods of the nations in other lands haven't delivered their people from my control, so also the god of Hezekiah won't deliver his people from me!"

So the LORD sent an angel, who eliminated all of the elite forces, commanders, and officers within the encampment of the king of Assyria. As a result, he retreated to his own country, deeply ashamed and humiliated. When he visited the temple of his god, some of his sons killed him right there with swords.

He practiced what the LORD considered to be right, following the example of his ancestor David, turning neither to the right nor to the left.

Shaphan the scribe also informed the king, "Hilkiah the priest gave me a book." Shaphan read from its contents to the king.

"Go ask the LORD for me and for those who survive in Israel and in Judah about the words that we've read in this book that we found, because the wrath of the LORD that we deserve to have poured out on us is very great, since our ancestors haven't obeyed the command from the LORD that required us to do everything that is written in this book."

Then the king went up to the LORD's Temple, accompanied by the men of Judah, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the priests and descendants of Levi, and everyone else from the most important to the least important, and he read out loud all the words of the book of the covenant that had been found in the LORD's Temple.

"Put the holy ark in the Temple that Solomon, the son of Israel's King David, built. It will no longer be a burden on their shoulders. Now go serve the LORD your God and his people Israel. Prepare yourselves by divisions according to your ancestral households, keeping to what King David of Israel and his son Solomon wrote about this.

While Artaxerxes was king of Persia, Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel, and the rest of their co-conspirators wrote in the Aramaic language and script to King Artaxerxes of Persia. Aramaic:

Governor Rehum and Shimshai the scribe wrote a letter concerning Jerusalem to King Artaxerxes as follows:

The memorandum you sent to us has been read and carefully considered.

As soon as a copy of the letter from King Artaxerxes was read to Rehum, to Shimshai the scribe, and to their colleagues, they traveled quickly to Jerusalem and compelled the Jews to cease by force of arms.

Right about then, Trans-Euphrates Governor Tattenai, Shethar-bozenai, and their colleagues approached and challenged them. They asked, "Who authorized you to build this Temple and to reconstruct this wall?"

In reply to them, I said, "The God of Heaven will prosper us. That's why we're preparing to build. But as far as you're concerned, there exists no ancestral heritage, no legal right, nor any historic claim in Jerusalem.

So I said, "What you're doing isn't right! Shouldn't you live in the fear of our God to avoid shame from our foreign enemies?

Ezra read from it, facing the plaza in front of the Water Gate, from early in the morning until mid-day in the presence of the men and women, as well as all who could understand. All the people were attentive to the Book of the Law.

Ezra the scribe stood on a wooden rostrum erected for that purpose. Beside him to his right stood Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, and Maasseiah. Beside him to his left stood Pedaiah, Mishael, Malchijah, Hashum, Hashbaddanah, Zechariah, and Meshullam.

They read from the Book of the Law of God, distinctly communicating its meaning, so they could understand the reading.

and Ezra continued to read from the Book of the Law of God day by day, from the first day through the last. They celebrated for seven days, and on the eighth day they held a solemn assembly according to regulation.

While they stood there, they read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God for one fourth of the day, and they confessed and worshipped the LORD their God for another fourth of the day.

"You took note of the affliction of our ancestors in Egypt, and listened to their cry at the Red Sea.

Then I brought up the leaders of Judah to the crest of the wall, and appointed two large thanksgiving choirs, the first of which proceeded on the wall to the right toward the Dung Gate.

Later that day the book of Moses was read aloud so the people could hear it, and a written command was discovered therein permanently prohibiting the Ammonites and Moabites from coming into the congregation of God

That night the king could not sleep, so he gave instructions to bring the book of records, the chronicles, and they were read to the king.

Now, in the name of the king, you write what seems good to you concerning the Jewish people, and seal it with the king's signet ring, for a document written in the king's name and sealed with the king's signet ring cannot be revoked."

He wrote in the name of King Ahasuerus and sealed it with the king's signet ring. He sent the letters by couriers on horseback, riding steeds especially bred for the king.

What the king granted the Jewish people in every town was the right to assemble and defend themselves, to annihilate, kill, and destroy every armed force of a people or a province that was hostile to them, including children and women, and to plunder their property.

Mordecai wrote these instructions and sent letters to all the Jewish people in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, both near and far,

Queen Esther, the daughter of Abihail, and Mordecai the Jew wrote with full authority confirming this second letter about Purim.

Does God pervert justice? Does the Almighty pervert what's right?

"Indeed, I'm fully aware that this is so, but how can a person become right with God?

Even if I'm in the right, I cannot answer him. I can only appeal for mercy.

Though I'm in the right, my own mouth will condemn me; though I'm blameless, he'll pronounce me as guilty.

removing his rod from me, and not letting terror of him overwhelm me.

Even if its roots have grown ancient in the earth, and its stump begins to rot in the ground,

My face is red from my tears, and dark shadows encircle my eyelids,

"For he has stumbled into a net with his own feet; he walked right into the network!

"When you're thinking about asking yourselves, "How will we pursue him, since the root of the problem is with him?'

They push the needy off the road, and force the poor of the land into hiding.

Far be it from me to admit that you're right! I intend to maintain my integrity even if it kills me!

"A wretched crowd ambushes me to my right; they trip my feet; they build up their path of calamity for me.

you carried me off in a wind storm, making me ride on it while you toss me about as the storm roars around me.

"Look! I have waited to hear your speech, so I listened to your insights while you searched for the right words to say.

"You aren't right about this; My response is that God is greater than human beings.

"He'll sing to mankind with these words: "I've sinned. I have twisted what is right. Yet he has not repaid me like I deserve.

let's choose what's right for us. Let's consider among ourselves what is good."

"Where is the road to where the light lives? Or where does the darkness live?

stared down and subdued every proud person, trampled the wicked right where they are,

Justice for me will come from your presence; your eyes see what is right.

Now I know that the LORD has delivered his anointed; he has answered him from his sanctuary with the strength of his right hand of deliverance.

Your hand will find all your enemies, your right hand will find those who hate you.

In your majesty ride forth for the cause of truth, humility, and righteousness; and your strong right hand will teach you awesome things.

The king's daughters are among your honorable women; the queen, dressed in gold from Ophir, has taken her place at your right hand."

God, according to your name, so is your praise to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is filled with righteousness.

Then you will be pleased with right sacrifices, with burnt offerings, and with whole burnt offerings. Then they will offer bulls on your altar. To the Director: A Davidic instruction about Doeg, the Edomite, when he went to Saul and told him, "David went to the house of Abimelech."

My soul clings to you, even as your right hand supports me.

God, endow the king with ability to render your justice, and the king's son to render your right decisions.

May he rule your people with right decisions and your oppressed ones with justice.

Why do you not withdraw your hand your right hand from your bosom and destroy them?

So I say: "It causes me pain that the right hand of the Most High has changed."

The root that your right hand planted, the shoot that you tended for yourself,

May you support the man at your right hand; the son of man whom you have raised for yourself.

I will place his hand over the sea, and his right hand over the rivers.

then I will punish their disobedience with a rod and their iniquity with lashes.

You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries; you have caused all of his enemies to rejoice.

If a thousand fall at your side or ten thousand at your right hand, it will not overcome you.

Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done awesome deeds! His right hand and powerful arm have brought him victory.

Write this for the next generation, that a people yet to be created will praise the LORD.

In Egypt, our ancestors neither comprehended your awesome deeds nor remembered your abundant gracious love. Instead, they rebelled beside the sea, the Reed Sea.

awesome deeds in the land of Ham, astonishing deeds at the Reed Sea.

They wandered in desolate wilderness; they found no road to a city where they could live.

Appoint an evil person over him; may an accuser stand at his right side.

The Lord is at your right hand; he will utterly destroy kings in the time of his wrath.

There's exultation for deliverance in the tents of the righteous: "The right hand of the LORD is victorious!