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And who teacheth us from the cattle of the earth, and he will make us wise above the birds of the heavens?

Then they will cry, and he will not answer from the face of the pride of the evil.

Also if thou shalt say thou wilt not see him, judgment is before him, and thou shalt wait for him.

I will lift up my knowledge from far off, and to him making me, I will give justice.

Behold, God is mighty, and he will not despise: mighty in strength of heart

He will not save alive the unjust one, and he will give the judgment of the poor.

He will not take off his eyes from the just: and with kings upon the throne, and he will seat them for glory, and they shall be exalted.

And they being bound in fetters shall be taken in the cords of affliction.

And if they will not hear, they shall pass away by the spear, and they shall expire without knowledge.

And also he moved thee from the mouth of the enemy to a broad, not straight place; and thy table came. down full of fatness.

And thou didst fill up the judgment of the unjust one; judgment and right shall hold together.

Because of wrath, lest he shall remove thee with smiting, and a multitude of covering shall not turn thee away.

Will he value thy riches? not gold and all the powers of thy strength.

Every man looked upon it; man shall see from far off.

For he will withhold the drops of water: they will pour out rain for its vapor.

Also if he shall understand the spreadings of the cloud, the noise of his booth.

Behold, he spread upon it his light, and he covered the roots of the sea.

Hearing, hear ye, to the noise of his voice, and the growling going out from his mouth.

He will let it go free under all the heavens, and his light upon the wings of the earth.

After him a voice shall rear; he will thunder with the voice of his majesty: and he will not leave them behind when his voice shall be heard.

He will seal in the hand of every man, for all men to know his work.

Also by watering he will cast down the cloud: he will scatter the cloud of his light:

Being turned by his guidance to their doing all that he commanded them upon the face of the habitable globe of the earth.

Shalt thou know in God's setting upon them, and he caused the light of his cloud to shine?

Wilt thou spread out with him to the clouds, strong as the sight of a melted mass?

Make known to us what we shall say to him we shall not set in order from the face of darkness.

Shall it be recounted to him that I shall speak? If a man spake, then shall he be swallowed down.

The Almighty we found not: great of power and judgment, and much justice, he will not afflict

For this, men shall fear him: he will not see all the wise of heart.

Who set its measures, if thou shalt know? or who stretched the line upon it?

And saying, Even to this shalt thou come, and thou shalt not add: and here in the pride of thy waves, stand thou.

To take hold upon the wings of the earth, and the unjust shall be shaken out of it?

Didst thou go even to the fountains of the sea? and didst thou go about in searching the depth?

Were the gates of death uncovered to thee? and shalt thou see the gates of the shadow of death?

Wilt thou consider even to the breadth of the earth? Announce if thou knewest all of it

That thou shalt take it to its bound, and that thou shalt understand the beaten paths of its house?

Knewest thou? for shalt thou then be born, and the number of thy days great?

Didst thou come into the treasures of snow? and shalt thou see the treasures of hail,

Which I kept back for the time of straits, for the day of encounter and war?

Who divided a channel for the overflowing, and a way for the lightning of the voices?

To satisfy the desolation and burning, and to cause the springing up of the finding of the tender grass?

Is there a father to the rain? or who begat the reservoirs of the dew?

From whose womb came forth the ice? and the hoarfrost of the heavens, who brought it forth?

The waters shall be hid as a stone, and the face of the depth will be taken.

Knewest thou the laws of the heavens? or wilt thou set up its dominion in the earth?

Wilt thou lift up thy voice to the cloud, and abundance of waters shall cover thee?

In the pouring out of the dust into a melted mass, and the clods will adhere

Wilt thou hunt the prey for the lion? and wilt thou fill up the life of the young lions?

Knewest thou the time of the bringing forth of the wild goats of the rock? and wilt thou watch the bearing of the hinds?

Wilt thou number the months they shall fill up? and didst thou know the time of their bringing forth?

Who sent the wild ass free? and who opened the bonds of the wild ass?

He will laugh at the multitude of the city; he will not hear the noise of him driving.

The searching out of the mountains his pasture, and he will seek after every green thing.

The wings of ostriches exulted; and the wing-feather of the stork and the pinion.

And she will forget that the foot will press it, and the beast of the field will crush it

Wilt thou cause him to tremble as the locust? the glory of his snorting is terror.

They will dig in the valley, and he will rejoice in strength: he will go forth to the meeting of the weapon.

He will laugh at fear, and he will not be dismayed; and he will not turn back from the face of the sword.

The quiver will give forth a whizzing against him, the flame of the spear and the javelin.

With leaping and rage he will swallow the earth; and he will not believe that it is the voice of the trumpet

He will say according to the multitude of the trumpet, Aha! and he will smell the battle from far off, the thunder of the chiefs, and the war cry.

If at thy mouth the eagle will lift itself up, and if it will raise up its nest?

She will dwell in the rock, and she will lodge upon the cliff of the rock and the fortress.

From thence it sought food; far off shall its eyes behold.

Scatter the overflowings of thine anger, and see every proud one and bring him low.

Behold now, his strength in his loins, and his power in the sinews of his belly.

He will bend his tail as a cedar; the sinews of his thighs will be woven together.

His bones tubes of brass; his bones as a hammered bar of iron.

He the chief of the ways of God: he making him, his sword will reach.

For the mountains shall lift up produce for him, and all the beasts of the field shall play there.

He will lie down under the shades, in the covering of the reed and marsh.

The shades shall cover him with their shadow; the willows of the torrent shall surround him.

I will not be silent for him, and the word of powers and the beauty of his preparation.

Who uncovered the face of his clothing? who shall come with his double bridle?

Who opened the doors of his face? his teeth a terror round about

Pride of strong shields shut up with a seal of straitness.

His sneezings a light will shine, and his eyes as the eyelashes of the dawning of day.

From his mouth flaming torches shall go forth; sparks of fire will escape.

The flaps of his flesh adhered: it will press upon him; it will not be moved.

The sword reaching him, shall not be raised up: the spear, the dart, and the coat of mail.

He will reckon iron for straw, and brass for wood of rottenness

The son of the bow shall not cause him to flee: sling-stones were turned to him for stubble.

The bludgeon was reckoned to him for stubble: and he will laugh at the shaking of the javelin.

Sharpnesses of the potsherd under him: he will spread a trench upon the mire.

He will see every thing high: he is king over all the sons of pride.