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As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who was afterward called Peter, and his brother, Andrew, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.

These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon, who was called Peter, and his brother Andrew, and James the son of Zebedee and his brother John,

He said, "Yes." But when he went home, Jesus spoke of it first and said, "What do you think, Simon? From whom do earthly kings collect duties and taxes? From their own people, or from aliens?"

And he sent his slaves to summon those who had been invited to the banquet, and they would not come.

When Jesus got back to Bethany, to the house of Simon the leper,

As they went out of the city they came upon a Cyrenian named Simon, and they forced him to carry Jesus' cross.

As he was passing along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets in the sea, for they were fishermen.

As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the house of Simon and Andrew.

Simon's mother-in-law was in bed, sick with a fever, and they immediately told him about her.

And Simon and his companions sought him out

Peter, which was the name he gave to Simon,

Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alpheus, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot,

Jesus was in Bethany, at the house of Simon the leper, and as he was at table, a woman came in, with an alabaster flask of pure nard perfume, very expensive; she broke the flask and poured the perfume on his head.

When he went back he found them asleep and he said to Peter, "Simon, are you asleep? Were you not able to watch for one hour?

And they forced a passer-by, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross??ne Simon, a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus.

Symeon also took him in his arms and blessed God, and said,

The child's father and mother were astonished at what Symeon said.

the son of Maath, the son of Mattathias, the son of Semein, the son of Josech, the son of Joda,

the son of Symeon, the son of Judah, the son of Joseph, the son of Jonam, the son of Eliakim,

When he got up and left the synagogue, he went to Simon's house. And Simon's mother-in-law was suffering with a severe attack of fever, and they asked him about her.

And he got into one of the boats, which belonged to Simon, and asked him to push out a little from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds of people from the boat.

When he stopped speaking, he said to Simon, "Push out into deep water, and then put down your nets for a haul."

Simon answered, "Master, we worked all night and caught nothing, but as you tell me to do it, I will put down the nets."

and so were Zebedee's sons, James and John, who were Simon's partners. Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you are to catch men!"

Simon, whom he named Peter, his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew,

Matthew, Thomas, James, the son of Alpheus, Simon, who was called the Zealot,

Jesus answered him, and said to him, "Simon, there is something I want to say to you." He said, "Proceed, Master."

And turning to the woman, he said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came to your house; you did not give me any water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with tears and wiped them with her hair.

As they led Jesus away, they seized a man named Simon, from Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and put the cross on his back, for him to carry behind Jesus.

and learned from them that the Master had really risen and had been seen by Simon.

Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, another of his disciples, said to him,

He meant Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, though he was one of the Twelve, was going to betray him.

So at supper??he devil having by this time put the thought of betraying Jesus into the mind of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son??3 Jesus, fully aware that the Father had put everything into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God,

So he came to Simon Peter. He said to him, "Master, are you going to wash my feet?"

Simon Peter said to him, "Master, wash not only my feet but my hands and my face too!"

So Simon Peter nodded to him and said to him, "Tell us whom he means."

Jesus answered, "It is the one to whom I am going to give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish." So he dipped the piece of bread and took it and gave it to Judas, Simon Iscariot's son.

Simon Peter said to him, "Master, where are you going?" Jesus answered, "I am going where you cannot follow me now, but you will follow me later."

Then Simon Peter, who had a sword with him, drew it and struck at the high priest's slave and cut off his right ear. The slave's name was Malchus.

But Simon Peter and another disciple followed Jesus. This other disciple was an acquaintance of the high priest, and he went on with Jesus into the high priest's courtyard,

But Simon Peter still stood warming himself. So they said to him, "Are you also one of his disciples?" He denied it and said, "No, I am not."

So she ran away and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple who was dear to Jesus, and said to them, "They have taken the Master out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have put him."

Then Simon Peter came up behind him, and he went inside the tomb, and saw the bandages lying on the ground,

Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael, of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples of Jesus were all together.

Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We will go with you." They went out and got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing.

Then the disciple who was dear to Jesus said to Peter, "It is the Master!" When Simon Peter heard that it was the Master, he put on his clothes, for he had taken them off, and sprang into the sea.

So Simon Peter got into the boat, and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three of them, and though there were so many, the net was not torn.

When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, are you more devoted to me than these others are?" Peter said to him, "Yes, Master, you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Then feed my lambs!"

Again Jesus said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, are you devoted to me?" He said to him, "Yes, Master, you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Then be a shepherd to my sheep!"

Jesus said to him a third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because the third time Jesus asked him if he loved him, and he answered, "Master, you know everything, you can see that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Then feed my sheep!

When they entered the city they went to the upstairs room where they were staying. There were Peter, John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James, the son of Alpheus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas, the son of James.

There was a man named Simon in the town, who had been amazing the Samaritan people by practicing magic there, and who made great pretensions.

Even Simon himself believed and after his baptism devoted himself to Philip, and he was amazed at seeing such signs and great wonders taking place.

But when Simon saw that the holy Spirit was imparted through the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money,

Simon answered, "You must pray to the Lord for me, that none of the things you have said may happen to me!"

So it came about that Peter stayed for some time in Joppa, at the house of a tanner named Simon.

Now send men to Joppa, for a man named Simon, who is also called Peter.

He is being entertained at the house of a tanner named Simon, which is close to the sea."

While Peter was still wondering what the vision he had had could mean, the men whom Cornelius had sent had asked the way to Simon's house and reached the door,

and they called out to ask if Simon who was called Peter was staying there.

So send to Joppa and invite Simon who is called Peter to come here. He is staying at the house of a tanner named Simon, close to the sea.'

Then he told us how he had seen the angel stand in his house and say, 'Send to Joppa for a man named Simon who is also called Peter,

There were at Antioch in the church there a number of prophets and teachers??arnabas, Symeon who was called Niger, Lucius the Cyrenian, Manaen, who had been brought up with Herod the governor, and Saul.

Symeon has told how God first showed an interest in taking from among the heathen a people to bear his name.

12,000 from the tribe of Symeon; 12,000 from the tribe of Levi; 12,000 from the tribe of Issachar;