87 occurrences in 13 translations

'Higher' in the Bible

Then the waters surged even higher on the earth, and all the high mountains under the whole sky were covered.

Verse ConceptsCovering The Earth

The water prevailed fifteen cubits higher, and the mountains were covered.

Verse ConceptsdepthCovering The EarthWeights And Measures, LinearDepthingFloods

" 'As for the priest [who is] higher than his brothers, on whose head the oil of anointment is poured and {he was ordained} to wear the garments, he shall not dishevel his head, and he shall not tear his garments.

Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In OtRankConsecrationBare HeadsAnointing PriestsPriests GarmentsNot Tearing ClothesAccompaniments Of MourningRivers

Balak sent officials again who were more numerous and higher in rank than the others.

Verse ConceptsMessengers Sent Out

He shall pour the water out of his buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters, and his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted.

Verse ConceptsAbundance, MaterialBucketsGod Providing WaterSpilling Your Seed On The Ground

The foreign resident among you will rise higher and higher above you, while you sink lower and lower.

Verse ConceptsForeignersImmigrantsAliens

And when the feet of the priests who take up the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, come to rest in the waters of Jordan, the waters of Jordan will be cut off, all the waters flowing down from higher up, and will come together in a mass.

Verse ConceptsEarth, Belonging To GodBearingCessationDry LandFeet In ActionIn The JordanNature Of GodThings Stopping

Then the waters flowing down from higher up were stopped and came together in a mass a long way back at Adam, a town near Zarethan; and the waters flowing down to the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, were cut off: and the people went across opposite Jericho.

Verse ConceptsDead SeaCrossing Into The Promised LandRoses

And she said, Give me a blessing; because you have put me in dry south-land, now give me springs of water. So he gave her the higher spring and the lower spring.

And the limit of the land of the children of Ephraim by their families was marked out in this way: the limit of their heritage to the east was Ataroth-addar, to Beth-horon the higher;

Verse ConceptsBorders Around Tribal Areas

And she said to him, Give me a blessing; because you have put me in a dry south-land, now give me springs of water. So Caleb gave her the higher spring and the lower spring.

And he had a son, whose name was Saul, a choice young man, and a goodly: and there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people.

Verse ConceptsBodyHeadsOutward AppearanceTall PeoplestructuresaulHandsome Men

And they ran and fetched him thence: and when he stood among the people, he was higher than any of the people from his shoulders and upward.

Verse ConceptsHeadsTall People

Howbeit the high places were not removed: the people sacrificed and burned incense still in the high places. He built the higher gate of the house of the LORD.

Verse ConceptsSolomon's TempleGateways Of The TempleIncense Offered Amiss

Then the king of Assyria sent the Tartan and the Rab-saris and the Rab-shakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem, to King Hezekiah, with a strong force. And they went up and came to Jerusalem, and took up their position by the stream of the higher pool, by the highway of the washerman's field.

Verse ConceptsCommanderLargenessOccupationsSiegesActual Attacks On JerusalemWater ChannelLarge Armies

And said kind words to him, and put his seat higher than the seats of the other kings who were with him in Babylon.

Verse ConceptsKindnessThrone

And his daughter was Sheerah, the builder of Beth-horon the lower and the higher, and Uzzen-sheerah.

Verse ConceptsBuilders

Then David gave to his son Solomon the design of the doorway of the house of God and of its houses and its store-houses, and the higher rooms and the inner rooms and the place for the mercy-seat;

Verse ConceptsPorchesBlueprintsStores Of Food

And fifty shekels weight of gold was used for the nails. He had all the higher rooms plated with gold.

Verse Conceptsweight

And of Beth-horon the higher and the lower, walled towns with walls and doorways and locks;

Verse ConceptsFortificationsGates

Then he took the captains of hundreds and the chiefs and the rulers of the people and all the people of the land, and they came down with the king from the house of the Lord through the higher doorway into the king's house, and put the king on the seat of the kingdom.

Verse ConceptsNoblesRulersThroneNamed Gates

He put up the higher doorway of the house of the Lord, and did much building on the wall of the Ophel.

Verse ConceptsWallsBuilding Jerusalem's WallGates Of The Temple

Then he took heart, building up the wall where it was broken down, and making its towers higher, and building another wall outside; and he made strong the Millo in the town of David, and got together a great store of all sorts of instruments of war.

Verse ConceptsArmourShieldsTowersWeaponsArmor ProtectionBuilding Jerusalem's Wallrebuildingreinforcement

It was Hezekiah who had the higher spring of the water of Gihon stopped, and the water taken down on the west side of the town of David. In everything he undertook, Hezekiah did well.

Verse ConceptsWater Irrigation

So Hezekiah went to rest with his fathers, and they put his body into the higher part of the resting-places of the sons of David: and all Judah and the people of Jerusalem gave him honour at his death. And Manasseh his son became king in his place.

Verse ConceptsTombs

After this Manasseh built up the outer wall of the City of David on the west side of the Gihon in the valley to the entrance of the Fish Gate and all around the terrace; he made it much higher. He placed army officers in all the fortified cities in Judah.

Verse ConceptsCityBuilding Jerusalem's WallNamed Gatesreinforcement

And I said:My God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face toward You, my God, because our iniquities are higher than our heads and our guilt is as high as the heavens.

Verse ConceptsGuilty ConsciencesConfession, Examples OfGuilt, Human Aspects OfShameSin, Effects OfBlushingFound GuiltyShame Has Come

Palal, the son of Uzai, made good the wall opposite the angle and the tower which comes out from the higher part of the king's house, by the open space of the watch. After him was Pedaiah, the son of Parosh.

Verse ConceptsThe Angle

Therefore set I in the lower places behind the wall, and on the higher places, I even set the people after their families with their swords, their spears, and their bows.

Verse ConceptsFamily SolidaritySpearsProtecting Your Familyvulnerability

And Ezra took the book, opening it before the eyes of all the people (for he was higher than the people); and when it was open, all the people got to their feet:

Verse ConceptsThe Act Of OpeningOpening DocumentsPeople Getting UpReading The Bible

After all this took place, King Ahasuerus honored Haman, son of Hammedatha the Agagite. He promoted him in rank and gave him a higher position than all the other officials.

Verse ConceptsPromotion

They are higher than the heavens—what can you do?They are deeper than Sheol—what can you know?

Verse ConceptsGod On HighSpiritual Depths

His ways are ever fixed; your decisions are higher than he may see: as for his haters, they are as nothing to him.

Verse ConceptsNosesPride, Results OfSelf Righteousness, Nature OfNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsThe Wicked Prosperrehabilitationprospering

who delivered me from my enemies. Indeed, you exalted me higher than [those who] rose against me. You delivered me from the man of violence.

Verse ConceptsViolenceRescue From ViolenceGod Lifting PeopleGod Saving From EnemiesProtection From EnemiesEnemy Attacks

And now my head will be lifted up higher than my haters who are round me: because of this I will make offerings of joy in his tent; I will make a song, truly I will make a song of praise to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsMusicSacrifice, In OtThankfulnessWorship, Elements OfGod Lifting PeopleLifting HeadsI Will Sing Praises

Be lifted up, O God, higher than the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth.

Verse ConceptsGlory, Revelation OfLordship, Human And Divine

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Verse ConceptsGod, The RockCrying To GodPeople From Far AwayThe End Of The WorldOvercoming Hard TimesDespairBeing Overwhelmedoverwhelmed

Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.

Verse ConceptsFirstbornBrothersChrist The Firstborn

For Your faithful love is higher than the heavens,and Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Verse ConceptsGod, Greatness OfGod's TruthFaithfulnessGod's Faithfulnesscloudsdevotion

Because the fate of the sons of men and the fate of the beasts is the same. As is the death of one so is the death of the other, and all have one spirit. Man is not higher than the beasts; because all is to no purpose.

Verse ConceptsEquality Of FateUniversality Of DeathVanityAdvantagesUseless EndeavourCondition Of The BodyAnimals Having A Soulnatural Lifenatural DeathEverything Happening For A ReasonPetsThe Environmentbreathinghumanityfatebreath

If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.

Verse ConceptsOppressorsAuthorityNot Helping The PoorInjusticeoppressionsurprises

Then the Lord said to Isaiah, Go out now, you and Shear-jashub, your son, and you will come across Ahaz at the end of the stream flowing from the higher pool, in the highway of the washerman's field;

Verse ConceptsOccupationsProphets, Lives OfPoolsMeeting PeopleClean ClothesWater ChannelHighways

For you said in your heart, I will go up to heaven, I will make my seat higher than the stars of God; I will take my place on the mountain of the meeting-place of the gods, in the inmost parts of the north.

Verse ConceptsLove, Abuse OfNames Of GodSelf ExaltationGoing Up To HeavenRebellion of Satan and AngelsKarma

And the king of Assyria sent the Rab-shakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem to King Hezekiah with a strong force, and he took up his position by the stream of the higher pool, by the highway of the washerman's

Verse ConceptsCommanderOccupationsPoolsClean ClothesWater Channel

And Pashhur gave blows to Jeremiah and had his feet chained in a framework of wood in the higher doorway of Benjamin, which was in the house of the Lord.

Verse ConceptsFloggingGatesNamed Gates

Then read Baruch in the book the words of Jeremiah in the house of the LORD, in the chamber of Gemariah the son of Shaphan the scribe, in the higher court, at the entry of the new gate of the LORD'S house, in the ears of all the people.

Verse ConceptsCourtyardSecretaryNamed GatesReading The Scriptures

And he said kind words to him and put his seat higher than the seats of the other kings who were with him in Babylon.

Verse ConceptsThroneKind Words

And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar.

Verse ConceptsSix PeopleComing To GatesFacing NorthWriting On ObjectsWeapons Of GodSetting Up The Bronze AltarDeath Penalty For Killing

Therefore higher hath been his stature than all trees of the field, And multiplied are his boughs, and long are his branches, Because of many waters in his shooting forth,

Verse ConceptsSpreadingThings On High

And a broad place and a turning place still upwards are to the side-chambers, for the turning round of the house is still upwards all round about the house: therefore the breadth of the house is upwards, and so the lower one goeth up unto the higher by the midst.

Verse ConceptsStairwaysDecksstructure

Now the upper chambers were shorter: for the galleries were higher than these, than the lower, and than the middlemost of the building.

Verse ConceptsNarrownessNarrow Things

And these are the measures of the altar after the cubits: The cubit is a cubit and an hand breadth; even the bottom shall be a cubit, and the breadth a cubit, and the border thereof by the edge thereof round about shall be a span: and this shall be the higher place of the altar.

Verse ConceptsdepthHeightWeights And Measures, LinearDimensions Of Temple FurnitureSetting Up The Bronze AltarBase Of Thingsmeasurement

and higher than they three presidents, of whom Daniel is first, that these satraps may give to them an account, and the king have no loss.

Verse ConceptsPromotionAccountabilityThree Men

Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns: and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last.

Verse ConceptsRamsLong ThingsHorns In AllegoryTwo Of Body Parts

You say, "When will the new moon festival be over, so we can sell grain? When will the Sabbath end, so we can open up the grain bins? We're eager to sell less for a higher price, and to cheat the buyer with rigged scales!

Verse ConceptsFraudCovenant breakersCheatingDishonesty, Kinds OfBuying and sellingMarketsMonthNew Moon FestivalSabbath, In OtBalances, For BusinessStealingWeighingBig ThingsSmall ThingsBeginning Of PeriodsSabbath ViolatedThose Who Deceivedbalancemarketing

Other seeds fell among thorn bushes, and the thorn bushes grew higher and choked them out.

Verse ConceptsThornsChokingPlants Growing UpNot Giving UpPlanting SeedsSeedsSowing Seeds

Just then the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who ranks higher than others in the Kingdom of the Heavens?"

Verse ConceptsGreatness Of DisciplesChrist With His Disciples

For whoever wishes to save his life [in this world] will [eventually] lose it [through death], but whoever loses his life [in this world] for My sake and the gospel’s will save it [from the consequences of sin and separation from God].

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of OneselfCommitment, to Jesus ChristSurrenderingLove, Abuse OfLossRestitutionGain Through LossKeeping Oneself AliveSuffering For The GospelLosing One's Life

I assure you and most solemnly say to you, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”

Verse ConceptsKingdom Of God, Coming OfLord's SupperLove FeastNot Drinking WineFresh

But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee.

Verse ConceptsPresumptionSeatsMoving UpwardsReclining To EatBe Humble!Guest RoomsBeing HumbleMoving OnMoving To A New PlaceWaiting Till Marriageovereating

And when he learned that He belonged to the jurisdiction of Herod [Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee], he sent Him to Herod, who was also in Jerusalem at that time.

Verse ConceptsTetrarchHuman Authority, Nature Ofassertiveness

John told the truth about him when he cried out, "This is the person about whom I said, "The one who comes after me ranks higher than me, because he existed before me.'"

Verse ConceptsHeraldJohn The BaptistWitnesses, To Jesus ChristWitnessing, Importance OfPreexistence Of ChristThe Existence Of ChristGreatness Of ChristChrist Going BeforeContemporary Witness To ChristSaid To Be The Christ

This is He on behalf of whom I said, ‘After me comes a Man who has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’

Verse ConceptsThe Existence Of ChristGreatness Of ChristChrist Going BeforeSaid To Be The Christ

But the testimony which I have is far greater than the testimony of John; for the works that the Father has given Me to finish—the very same works [that is, the miracles and proofs of My deity] that I am [now] doing—testify about Me, [by providing evidence] that the Father has sent Me.

Verse ConceptsThe Completion Of RedemptionCompletionWitnesses, To Jesus ChristDoing God's WorksGod Giving To The SonInteraction Of Father And Son

And it came about that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, having gone through the higher country, came to Ephesus, where there were certain disciples:

Verse ConceptsFindingRoadsflexibility

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither the lower ranks of evil angels nor the higher, neither things present nor things future, nor the forces of nature,

Verse Conceptsdemons, Kinds ofDemons, Christ's AuthorityThe Present AgeDeath Of God's PeopleEvil Angelsboyfriendsprincipalities

Yet we do speak wisdom among those spiritually mature [believers who have teachable hearts and a greater understanding]; but [it is a higher] wisdom not [the wisdom] of this present age nor of the rulers and leaders of this age, who are passing away;

Verse ConceptsMaturity, SpiritualMiddle AgePhilosophyStrength, HumanThoughtPerfectionPeople Passing AwayThe Present AgeWorldly WisdomNature Of KingsGod Gives WisdomPassing AwayMaturity

But earnestly desire and strive for the greater gifts [if acquiring them is going to be your goal].And yet I will show you a still more excellent way [one of the choicest graces and the highest of them all: unselfish love].

Verse ConceptsAmbition, positive aspects ofCoveting, prohibition ofdiligenceSpiritual Gifts, Importance Of LoveHoly Ambitionthe Gifts of GodSpiritual GiftsExcellence

If I wish to boast, I will not be foolish, because I will be speaking the truth. But I abstain [from it], so that no one will credit me with more than [is justified by what] he sees in me or hears from me.

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfOverestimationFoolish PeopleSeeing PeoplePaul's Boasting

So He became higher in rank than the angels, just as the name He inherited is superior to theirs.

Verse ConceptsAngel of the LordPreeminence Of ChristAngels

For Jesus has been counted worthy of greater glory than Moses, in so far as he who has built a house has higher honour than the house itself.

Verse ConceptsMoses, Significance OfOccupationsProperty, HousesTeachingWorthinessPreeminence Of ChristBuilding HousesChrist's Own GloryHonour The Honourable

But as it is, Christ has acquired a [priestly] ministry which is more excellent [than the old Levitical priestly ministry], for He is the Mediator (Arbiter) of a better covenant [uniting God and man], which has been enacted and rests on better promises.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, the newMediationMediatorUniquenessJesus Christ, PriesthoodChrist, The MediatorPreeminence Of ChristAdvocatesGreatness Of ChristPromises concerningPromisesMinistryExcellencecovenant

Let a brother in humble life rejoice when raised to a higher position;

Verse ConceptsPoverty, SpiritualHumility And PrideMoney Management

Not many [of you] should become teachers [serving in an official teaching capacity], my brothers and sisters, for you know that we [who are teachers] will be judged by a higher standard [because we have assumed greater accountability and more condemnation if we teach incorrectly].

Verse ConceptsBeing A TeacherDoctrine, CommunicatedLove, Abuse OfPreaching, Importance OfTeachersWatchfulness, Of LeadersFew In The KingdomAccountabilityJudgmentsResponsibilityJudgement DayJudgementJudging Others Actionscondemnation

These are the ones who are [agitators] causing divisions—worldly-minded [secular, unspiritual, carnal, merely sensual—unsaved], devoid of the Spirit.

Verse ConceptsInstinctLiving For The MaterialWithout Godnatural LifeEmotionsGoing To Churchdivision

Bible Theasaurus

Eminent (11 instances)
Higher (87 instances)
Superior (40 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 13

exalt , ... up , haughty , higher , high , above , height , proud , upward
Usage: 34

גּבוהּ גּבהּ 
Usage: 37

Usage: 53

Usage: 5

up , exalt , high , offer , give , heave , extol , lofty , take , tall , higher ,
Usage: 189

Usage: 1

Usage: 5

Usage: 10

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

King James Version Public Domain

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible