605 occurrences

'Sons' in the Bible

Adam lived another 800 years, fathering other sons and daughters after he had fathered Seth.

Verse ConceptsAbel and Cain500 Years And MoreFathers And Daughters

After he fathered Enosh, Seth lived 807 years, fathering other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts500 Years And More

After he fathered Kenan, Enosh lived 815 years, fathering other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts500 Years And More

After he fathered Mahalalel, Kenan lived 840 years, fathering other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts500 Years And More

After he fathered Jared, Mahalalel lived 830 years, fathering other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts500 Years And More

After he fathered Enoch, Jared lived 800 years, fathering other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts500 Years And MoreFathers And Daughters

After he fathered Methuselah, Enoch communed with God for 300 years and fathered other sons and daughters.

Verse ConceptsWalking With God100 Years And More

After he fathered Lamech, Methuselah lived 782 years, fathering other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts500 Years And More

After he fathered Noah, Lamech lived 595 years, fathering other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts500 Years And MoreFathers Birthday

Noah fathered three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Verse ConceptsThree Children

However, I will establish my own covenant with you, and you are to enter the ark you, your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with NoahBefore The FloodRevelation, In OtEntering The Ark

Noah, his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives entered the ark with him before the flood waters arrived.

Verse ConceptsEscapingEscaping, Physical ThingsOld Testament Events As TypesEntering The ArkBuilding Relationships

On that very day, Noah entered the ark with his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, Noah's wife, his sons' three wives with them,

Verse ConceptsAt The Same TimeEntering The ArkOther Wives

"It's time for you, your wife, your sons, and your sons' wives who are with you to leave the ark.

Verse ConceptsOther Wives

So Noah, his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives emerged.

Verse ConceptsOther Wives

Noah's sons who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Ham later fathered Canaan.)

These three were Noah's sons, and from these men the whole earth was repopulated.

Verse ConceptsThree ChildrenAncestorsThe RainbowRainbow

These are the records of Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, to whom descendants were born after the flood.

Verse ConceptsNationalismNoahNoah's FloodFloods

Shem's sons included Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud, and Aram.

Verse ConceptsAssyria, Facts Of

To Eber were born two sons. One was named Peleg, because the earth was divided during his lifetime. His brother was named Joktan.

Verse ConceptsContinentsTwo SonsPeople With Apt Names

These are the families of Noah's sons, according to their records, by their nations. From these people, the nations on the earth spread out after the flood.

Verse ConceptsNationalismNoah's Flood

Shem lived 500 years after he fathered Arpachshad and had other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts500 Years And More

After he fathered Cainan, Arpachshad lived 430 years and had other sons and daughters, and then died. Cainan lived 130 years and fathered Shelah. After he fathered Shelah, Cainan lived 330 years and had other sons and daughters, and then died.

Verse Concepts100 Years And More

After he fathered Eber, Shelah lived 403 years and had other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts100 Years And More

After he fathered Peleg, Eber lived 430 years and had other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts100 Years And More

After he fathered Reu, Peleg lived 209 years and had other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts100 Years And More

After he fathered Serug, Reu lived 207 years and had other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts144,000100 Years And More

After he fathered Nahor, Serug lived 200 years and had other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts144,000100 Years And More

After he fathered Terah, Nahor lived 119 years and had other sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts100 Years And More

"Do you have anyone else here in the city?" the angels asked Lot. "A son-in-law? Sons? Daughters? Get them out of this place,

Verse ConceptsSons In LawRelatives Also InvolvedBringing People Out Of Other Places

She also said, "Who would have told Abraham that Sarah would nurse sons? Yet I have given birth to a son in my husband's old age!"

Verse ConceptsNursesOld Age, Attainment OfHope For Old PeopleImpossible For PeopleAgesarah

Therefore swear an oath here by God that you won't deal falsely with me, my sons, or my descendants. Just as I've dealt graciously with you, won't you do so with me and with the land in which you live as a foreigner?"

Verse ConceptsKindnessNegotiationPolitical Alliances, By OathsSojourningFalse WaysPeople Bound By OathsSwearing

Now after these things somebody told Abraham, "Look, Milcah has given birth to sons for your brother Nahor.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Testing And Victory

Bethuel fathered Rebekah. Milcah bore these eight sons to Nahor, Abraham's brother.

Verse ConceptsEight People

Jokshan was the father of Sheba and Dedan. Dedan's sons were the Asshurites, Letushites, and Leummites.

Midian's sons were Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. All of these were Keturah's descendants.

His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field that used to belong to Zohar the Hittite's son Ephron.

Verse ConceptsCavesCaves For BuryingCaves Used As Graves

Here's a list of the names of Ishmael's sons, recorded by their names and descendants: Nebaioth was the firstborn, followed by Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,

Verse ConceptsFirstbornFirstborn Sons

Sure enough, when her due date arrived, she delivered twin sons.

Verse ConceptsTwinsWomb

May people serve and bow before you; may you be master over your brothers; may your mother's sons bow before you; may anyone who curses you be cursed; and may anyone who blesses you be blessed."

Verse ConceptsJacob, Life And Character OfServing PeopleSalutationsBlessing Through God's PeopleCursing Israel

Later, she conceived again and said, "This time my husband will become attached to me, now that I've borne him three sons." So he named him Levi.

Verse ConceptsThree ChildrenPeople With Apt Names

Rachel noticed that she was not bearing children for Jacob, so because she envied her sister Leah, she told Jacob, "If you don't give me sons, I'm going to die!"

Verse ConceptsBarren WomenJealousyPolygamySistersSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfAnger Of Man, CausePossibility Of DeathThose Jealous Of People

Then Leah said, "God has given me a good gift. This time my husband will exalt me, because I've borne him six sons." So she named him Zebulun.

Verse ConceptsGiftsGifts Of GodOther Gifts Of GodPeople With Apt Names

That very day, Laban removed the male goats that were striped or spotted, all the female goats that were speckled or spotted that is, every one that had white on them and all the black lambs and placed them into the care of his sons.

Verse ConceptsBlack AnimalsBlemished CreaturesBlack And WhiteTaking Animals

Now Jacob used to listen while Laban's sons kept on complaining, "Jacob has taken over everything our father owns! He made himself wealthy from what belongs to our father!"

Verse ConceptsEnvy, Example OfGetting RichTaking Possessions

Because Jacob learned that Shechem had dishonored his daughter Dinah while his sons were still out with their cattle on the open range, he remained silent until they returned.

Verse ConceptsJacob, Life And Character OfRapeIndividuals Being SilentPeople Being Polluted

Just then Jacob's sons arrived from the field. When they heard what had happened, they were distraught with grief and livid with anger toward Shechem, because he had committed a disgraceful deed in Israel by forcing Jacob's daughter to have sex, an act that never should have happened.

Verse ConceptsLove, And The WorldSexual Sin, Nature OfSorrowRapeNamed People Angry With Others

Intermarry with us. Give your daughters to us and take our sons for yourselves.

But Jacob's sons answered Shechem and his father Hamor deceptively, because Shechem had dishonored their sister Dinah.

Verse ConceptsRapePeople Being PollutedNamed SistersThose Who Deceivedhumor

"These men are at peace with us," they announced. "Therefore, let them live in the land and trade in it. Look! The land is large enough for them. Let's take their daughters as wives for ourselves and let's give our sons to them.

Verse ConceptsMoney, Stewardship OfLiving In The LandMen Of Peace

Three days later, while they were still in pain, Jacob's sons Simeon and Levi, two of Dinah's brothers, each grabbed a sword and entered the city unannounced, intending to kill all the males.

Verse ConceptsThe Third Day Of The WeekExterminationDeath Of All MalesPhysical PainTwo SonsPleasurablenessMassacres

Jacob's other sons came along afterward and plundered the city where their sister had been defiled,

Verse ConceptsRapePeople Being PollutedNamed Sisters

As they set out on their journey, because the people who lived in the cities around them feared God, they did not pursue Jacob's sons.

Verse ConceptsDivine Protection, Examples OfTerror Of Godterrorism

But while Israel lived in that land, Reuben went inside his father's tent and had sexual relations with his father's concubine Bilhah, and Israel heard about it. Now Jacob had twelve sons.

Verse ConceptsIncestConcubinesThe Number TwelveImmorality, Examples Of SexualExtra Marital Sex ExamplesTwelve Beingssex

Leah's sons were Reuben (Jacob's first-born), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun.

Verse ConceptsFirstbornFirstborn Sons

Rachel's sons were Joseph and Benjamin.

Rachel's servant Bilhah's sons were Dan and Naphtali.

Leah's servant Zilpah's sons were Gad and Asher. These were Jacob's sons who were born to him while he lived in Paddan-aram.

Oholibamah bore Jeush, Jalam, and Korah. These were Esau's sons, who were born to him in the territory of Canaan.

The names of Esau's sons were Eliphaz (the son of Esau's wife Adah) and Reuel (the son of Esau's wife Basemath).

Eliphaz's sons were Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, and Kenaz.

Reuel's sons were Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. These were the sons of Esau's wife Basemath.

These were the sons of Esau's wife Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah, who was the daughter of Zibeon. She bore Jeush, Jalam, and Korah for Esau.

Verse ConceptsGrandchildren

Korah, Gatam, and Amalek. These were the tribal leaders who descended from Eliphaz in the territory of Edom. These were Adah's sons.

These were the descendants of Esau's son Reuel: tribal leaders Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. These were the tribal leaders who descended from Reuel in the territory of Edom. These were the sons of Esau's wife Basemath.

All his sons and daughters showed up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. He kept saying, "Leave me alone! I'll go down to the next world, still mourning for my son." So Joseph's father wept for him.

Verse ConceptsBereavement, Experience OfGrave, TheLove, And The WorldSheolWeepingComfort, Of FriendsParental LoveAfflicted To DeathNo Comfort

Before the years of famine arrived, Joseph fathered two sons with Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, the priest of On.

Verse ConceptsTwo Sons

Eventually, Jacob observed that there was grain in Egypt, so he asked his sons, "Why do you keep on staring at one another?

Verse ConceptsLooking Intently At PeopleSeeing Situations

Israel's sons went in a caravan that included others who were going to Egypt to buy grain, because the famine pervaded the land of Canaan, too.

Verse ConceptsMoney, Uses Of

We're all sons of a common father. We're honest men, your majesty. We're not spies!"

Verse ConceptsSpyingvulnerability

"But your majesty," they pleaded, "your servants include twelve brothers, the sons of a common father back in the land of Canaan. Please! Our youngest brother remains with our father, and the other one is no longer alive."

Verse ConceptsThe Youngest ChildIndividuals Passing AwayTwelve BeingsPassing Awayvulnerability

Our father has twelve sons, but one of us isn't alive anymore, and our youngest brother is with our father today back home in Canaan.'

Verse ConceptsThe Number TwelveThe Youngest ChildIndividuals Passing AwayTwelve Beings

"Feel free to put my own two sons to death," Reuben responded to his father, "if I don't bring him back to you. Trust me I'll bring him back to you."

Verse ConceptsTwo Sons

As a result, when Jacob's family was beginning to eat the last of the grain that they had brought back from Egypt, their father Jacob told his sons, "Go back to Egypt and buy us some food."

Verse ConceptsBuying FoodEnd Of Actions

"Then your servant, our father, told us, "You know my wife bore me two sons.

Verse ConceptsTwo Sons

So Israel's sons did what they were asked to do, and Joseph provided wagons for them, as Pharaoh had commanded. He also gave them provisions for the journey.

Verse ConceptsJourneyPeople Providing Food

However, as soon as his sons had told him everything Joseph had said, and after he saw the wagons that Joseph had sent along to carry him, their father Jacob's spirit was encouraged.

Verse ConceptsRevival, Personalrevival

So Jacob got up and left Beer-sheba, and Israel's sons carried their father Jacob, their little ones, and their wives in the transport wagons that Pharaoh had sent to carry them.

Verse ConceptsCartsImmigrants

including his sons, his grandsons, his daughters, and his granddaughters every one of his descendants accompanied him to Egypt.

Verse ConceptsGrandchildren

Here's a list of the names of Israel's sons, that is, of Jacob and his sons who moved to Egypt: Reuben, Jacob's firstborn;

Verse ConceptsFirstbornFirstborn Sons

Reuben's sons Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi;

Simeon's sons Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul, who was the son of a Canaanite woman;

Levi's sons Gershon, Kohath, and Merari;

and Judah's sons Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah. (Technically, Er and Onan had died in the land of Canaan.) Perez's sons were Hezron and Hamul.

Also included were Issachar's sons Tola, Puvvah, Job, and Shimron;

Verse ConceptsTribes Of Israel

along with Zebulun's sons Sered, Elon, and Jahleel.

These were all sons from Leah, whom she bore for Jacob in Paddan-aram, along with his daughter Dinah. He had 33 sons and daughters.

Verse ConceptsThirty Some

Also included were Gad's sons Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli;

Verse ConceptsTribes Of Israel

Asher's sons Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, Beriah, and their sister Serah. Beriah's sons Heber and Malchiel were also included.

Verse ConceptsTribes Of IsraelNamed Sisters

These were all sons from Zilpah, whom Laban had given to his daughter Leah. She bore these sixteen children for Jacob.

Verse ConceptsSixteen

Jacob's wife Rachel's sons were Joseph and Benjamin.

Joseph's sons born in the land of Egypt were Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, daughter of Potiphera, the priest of On, bore for him.

Verse ConceptsOccupations

Benjamin's sons included Bela, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard.

Verse ConceptsTribes Of Israel

These were all the sons of Rachel, who were born for Jacob fourteen in all.

Verse ConceptsFourteen

Naphtali's sons Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem.

These were sons of Bilhah, whom Laban had given to his daughter Rachel. She bore these children for Jacob seven in all.

Verse ConceptsSeven People

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 3

שׁירה שׁיר 
Usage: 90

Usage: 21

Usage: 117

Ben (Aramaic) 
children , son , young, of the captives
Usage: 11

Usage: 1

son of Geber
Usage: 1

son of Dekar
Usage: 1

son of Hur
Usage: 1

son of Hesed
Usage: 1

Bar (Aramaic) 
Usage: 8

Usage: 4

זמרה זמר זמיר 
Usage: 6

Usage: 3

Usage: 12

Usage: 89

Usage: 13

Usage: 1

Usage: 65

נגינת נגינה 
Usage: 14

Usage: 3

Usage: 33

Usage: 1

Usage: 35

Usage: 69

Usage: 5

sona , Son of Man Trans TDNT :
Usage: 213

Usage: 7

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.