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When Zechariah saw him he was startled and overcome with fear.

When they saw this, they told what had been said to them about this child.

When his parents saw him they were amazed, and his mother said to him. "My child, why did you treat us like this? Here your father and I have been looking for you, and have been very anxious."

and he saw two boats on the shore of the lake, for the fishermen had gotten out of them and were washing their nets.

When he was in one of the towns, he came upon a man covered with leprosy. And when he saw Jesus he fell down on his face, and begged him, saying, "If you only choose, sir, you can cure me!"

After this he went out, and he saw a tax-collector named Levi sitting at the tollhouse, and he said to him, "Follow me!"

When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were really a prophet, he would know who and what the woman is who is touching him, for she leads a wicked life."

When he saw Jesus he cried out and threw himself down before him, and said in a loud voice, "What do you want of me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you not to torture me!"

When the men who tended them saw what had happened, they ran away and spread the news in the town and in the country around.

When the woman saw that she had not escaped his notice, she came forward trembling, and fell down before him, and before all the people told why she had touched him, and how she had been cured at once.

Peter and his companions had been overcome by sleep, but waking up they saw his glorious appearance and the two men standing by him.

At the sound of the voice, they saw that Jesus was alone. And they kept silence, and said nothing about it to anyone at that time.

When the disciples, James and John, saw this, they said, "Master, will you have us order fire to come down from heaven and consume them?"

Now a priest happened to be going that way, and when he saw him, he went by on the other side of the road.

And a Levite also came to the place, and when he saw him, he went by on the other side.

But a Samaritan who was traveling that way came upon him, and when he saw him he pitied him,

When Jesus saw her he called to her, "You are freed from your sickness!"

And when he saw them, he said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." And as they went they were cured.

People brought babies to him to have him touch them, but the disciples, when they saw it, reproved them for it.

And when Jesus saw it, he said, "How hard it will be for those who have money to get into the Kingdom of God!

And he regained his sight immediately, and followed Jesus, giving thanks to God. And all the people saw it and praised God.

But when the tenants saw him, they argued with one another, 'This is his heir! Let us kill him, so that the property will belong to us!'

And looking up, he saw the rich people dropping their gifts into the treasury.

Those who were about him saw what was coming and said, "Master, shall we use our swords?"

A maid saw him sitting by the fire and looked at him and said, "This man was with him too."

Shortly after, a man saw him and said, "You are one of them too!" But Peter said, "I am not!"

When Herod saw Jesus he was delighted, for he had wanted for a long time to see him, because he had heard about him and he hoped to see some wonder done by him.

And all the crowds that had collected for the sight, when they saw what happened, returned to the city beating their breasts.

The women who had followed Jesus from Galilee followed and saw the tomb and how his body was put there.

They were startled and panic-stricken, and thought they saw a ghost.