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have not we the liberty to take a christian woman with us in our travels, as well as the rest of the apostles, as the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas did?

Verse ConceptsPeter, The ApostleBachelorsCompanionshipChrist's Earthly FamilyMarriage AllowedThe Apostles In ActionChristians Being Called Brothers

every man who prays or prophesies having his head covered, dishonoureth him who is his head: but every woman who prays

Verse ConceptsVeilsCovering Heads

a woman may as well have the tonsure, as not wear her veil: the one is as indecent as the other.

Verse ConceptsBeing A WomenHairsCovering HeadsBare HeadsCutting HairWomen's RolesBeing A Woman Of GodHairwoman

Be you yourselves judges: is it decent for a woman to pray to God without a veil?

Verse ConceptsCovering HeadsBare HeadsWomen's RolesBeing A Woman Of God

otherwise if you should give thanks by the spirit in an unknown tongue, the hearer cannot but appear unlearned upon this occasion; how then can he say Amen to thy thanksgiving? since he does not conceive what you say.

Verse ConceptsAgreement, Before GodAmenNot Understanding Sayings

Let your women be silent in your assemblies: for they are not allowed to discourse there; but are to observe orders, as indeed the law implies:

Verse ConceptsChurchBeing A WomenWives, Duties OfGod ForbiddingThe churchWomen's RolesspeakingBeing A Woman Of Godorderwomanassertiveness

and if they desire to have information about any point, let them consult their husbands at home: for it does not become women to ask questions in the church.

Verse ConceptsAskingEach Local ChurchShame Of Bad ConductCommunication In MarriageHusband And WifeGodly WomanLoving Your WifeWifeGoing To ChurchBeing A Woman Of GodWaiting Till Marriagespousewoman