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He comes forth like a flower, and is cut down. He too flees as a shadow, and does not continue.

My face is red with weeping, and the shadow of death is on my eyelids,

In the dark they dig through houses. They shut themselves up in the daytime. They do not know the light.

Or [who] shut up the sea with doors when it broke forth, [like] it had issued out of the womb,

Have the gates of death been revealed to thee? Or have thou seen the gates of the shadow of death?

[His] strong scales are [his] pride, shut up together [like] a close seal.

But let all those who take refuge in thee rejoice. Let them ever shout for joy, because thou defend them. Let those also who love thy name be joyful in thee.

For, lo, the wicked bend the bow. They make ready their arrow upon the string that they may shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.

All those who see me laugh me to scorn. They shoot out the lip. They shake the head, [saying],

and thou have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy. Thou have set my feet in a large place.

Be glad in LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous. And shout for joy, all ye who are upright in heart.

Let them shout for joy, and be glad, who favor my righteous cause. Yea, let them say continually, LORD be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

How precious is thy loving kindness, O God, and the sons of men take refuge under the shadow of thy wings.

that thou have greatly broken us in the place of jackals, and covered us with the shadow of death.

God has gone up with a shout, LORD with the sound of a trumpet.

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for my soul takes refuge in thee. Yea, in the shadow of thy wings I will take refuge until calamities be passed by.

Moab is my wash pot. Upon Edom I will cast my shoe. Philistia, shout thou because of me.

For thou have been my help, and in the shadow of thy wings I will rejoice.

that they may shoot in secret places at a blameless man. Suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.

But God will shoot at them. With an arrow they shall suddenly be wounded.

The pastures are clothed with flocks. The valleys also are covered over with grain. They shout for joy; they also sing.

Let not the water flood overwhelm me, nor let the deep shallow me up. And let not the pit shut its mouth upon me.

My lips shall shout for joy when I sing praises to thee, and my soul, which thou have redeemed.

Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he in anger shut up his tender mercies? Selah.

They have shed their blood like water round about Jerusalem, and there was none to bury them.

Why should the nations say, Where is their God? Let the avenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed be known among the nations in our sight.

The mountains were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs of it were [like] cedars of God.

Thou have put my acquaintances far from me. Thou have made me an abomination to them. I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.

and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan. And the land was polluted with blood.

Moab is my wash pot. Upon Edom I will cast my shoe. Over Philistia I will shout.

I am gone like the shadow when it declines. I am tossed up and down as the locust.

Let thy priest be clothed with righteousness, and let thy sanctified shout for joy.

I will also clothe her priests with salvation, and her sanctified shall shout aloud for joy.

For who knows what is good for man in life, all the days of his vain life which he spends as a shadow? For who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun?

But it shall not be well with a wicked man, neither shall he prolong [his] days, [which are] as a shadow, because he did not fear before God.

and the doors shall be shut in the street, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of a bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low,

As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

And the daughter of Zion is left as a booth in a vineyard, as a shed in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city.

And there shall be a pavilion for a shade in the daytime from the heat, and for a refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.

Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes, lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and turn, and be healed.

And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse. And a branch out of his roots shall bear fruit.

And LORD will utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea. And with his scorching wind he will wave his hand over the River, and will smite it into seven streams, and cause men to march over dry shod.

Cry aloud and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion, for great in the midst of thee is the Holy One of Israel.

Give counsel, execute justice, make thy shade as the night in the midst of the noonday. Hide the outcasts. Do not betray the fugitive.

Therefore I will weep with the weeping of Jazer for the vine of Sibmah. I will water thee with my tears, O Heshbon, and Elealeh. for upon thy summer fruits and upon thy harvest the [battle] shout has fallen.

And gladness is taken away, and joy out of the fruitful field. And in the vineyards there shall be no singing nor joyful noise. No treader shall tread out wine in the presses. I have made the [vintage] shout to cease.

And I will lay the key of the house of David upon his shoulder, and he shall open, and none shall shut, and he shall shut, and none shall open.

The waste city is broken down. Every house is shut up, that no man may come in.

These shall lift up their voice. They shall shout. For the majesty of LORD they cry aloud from the sea.

And they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison. And after many days they shall be visited.

For thou have been a stronghold to a poor man, a stronghold to a needy man in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat, when the blast of the oppressors is as a storm against the wall.

As the heat in a dry place thou will bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat by the shade of a cloud, the song of the oppressors shall be brought low.

Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors around thee. Hide thyself for a little moment until the indignation be passed over.

who set out to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth, to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt!

Therefore the strength of Pharaoh shall be your shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.

And a man shall be as a hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as streams of water in a dry place, as the shade of a great rock in a weary land.

There the dart-snake shall make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shade. Yea, there the vultures shall be gathered, each one with her mate.

Therefore thus says LORD concerning the king of Assyria, He shall not come to this city, nor shoot an arrow there. Neither shall he come before it with shield, nor cast up a mound against it.

Behold, I will cause the shadow on the steps, which has gone down on the dial of Ahaz with the sun, to return backward ten steps. So the sun returned ten steps on the dial on which it had gone down.

Let the wilderness and the cities of it lift up [their voice], the villages that Kedar inhabits. Let the inhabitants of Sela sing. Let them shout from the top of the mountains.

LORD will go forth as a mighty man. He will stir up [his] zeal like a man of war. He will cry, yea, he will shout aloud. He will do mightily against his enemies.

They do not know, nor do they consider. For he has shut their eyes, that they cannot see, and their hearts, that they cannot understand.

Sing, O ye heavens, for LORD has done it. Shout, ye lower parts of the earth. Break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree therein. For LORD has redeemed Jacob, and will glorify himself in Israel.

And he has made my mouth like a sharp sword. He has hid me in the shadow of his hand, and he has made me a polished shaft. He has kept me close in his quiver.

And I have put my words in thy mouth, and have covered thee in the shadow of my hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, Thou are my people.

so shall he sprinkle many nations. Kings shall shut their mouths at him. For that which had not been told them they shall see, and that which they had not heard they shall understand.

Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity. Desolation and destruction are in their paths.

Thy gates also shall be open continually. They shall not be shut day nor night, that men may bring to thee the wealth of the nations, and their kings led captive.

Nor did they say, Where is LORD who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, who led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought and of the shadow of death, through a land that none pa

if ye do not oppress the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, nor walk after other gods to your own hurt,

Give glory to LORD your God, before he causes darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains. And, while ye look for light, he turns it into the shadow of death, and makes it gross darkness.

The cities of the South are shut up, and there is none to open them. Judah is carried away captive, all of it. It is wholly carried away captive.

And if I say, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name, then there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with forbearing, and I cannot.

Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say to them, LORD will roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation. He will mightily roar against his fold. He will give a shout, as those who tread [gra

For thus says LORD: Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout for the chief of the nations. Publish ye, praise ye, and say, O LORD, save thy people, the remnant of Israel.

Now at that time the king of Babylon's army was besieging Jerusalem, and Jeremiah the prophet was shut up in the court of the guard, which was in the king of Judah's house.

For Zedekiah king of Judah had shut him up, saying, Why do thou prophesy, and say, Thus says LORD: Behold, I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall take it.

Moreover the word of LORD came to Jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the guard, saying,

And Jeremiah commanded Baruch, saying, I am shut up. I cannot go into the house of LORD.

Now the word of LORD came to Jeremiah while he was shut up in the court of the guard, saying,

Those who fled stand without strength under the shadow of Heshbon. For a fire has gone forth out of Heshbon, and a flame from the midst of Sihon, and has devoured the corner of Moab, and the crown of the head of the tumultuous ones