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They must bring the thigh of the contribution [offering] and the breast section of the wave offering in addition to the offerings made by fire, [consisting] of the fat portions, to wave as a wave offering {before} Yahweh; and it will be for you and for your sons with you as a lasting rule, [just] as Yahweh had commanded."

"Why did you not eat the sin offering on the sanctuary's site, because it [is] {a most holy thing}? And he gave it to you to remove the community's guilt, to make atonement for them {before} Yahweh.

Look, its blood was not brought {inside the sanctuary}. Certainly you should have eaten it in the sanctuary, as I commanded."

So Aaron said to Moses, "Look, today they presented their sin offering and their burnt offering {before} Yahweh, and [things] such as these have happened to me, and [if] I were to eat a sin offering today, would it have been good in Yahweh's eyes?"

Then Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying to them,

"Speak to the {Israelites}, saying, 'These [are] the animals that you may eat from all the animals that [are] on the land:

Any among the animals that has a divided hoof and has a split cleft in [the] hoof, such you may eat.

However, these you may not eat from those that chew the cud and from those that have a divided hoof: the camel, because it [is] a chewer of cud but it does not have a hoof that is divided--it [is] unclean for you;

and the coney, because it [is] a chewer of cud but it does not have a hoof that is divided--it [is] unclean for you;

and the hare, because it [is] a chewer of cud but it does not have a hoof that is divided--it [is] unclean for you;

and the pig, because it has a divided hoof and has a split cleft in the hoof but it does not chew cud--it [is] unclean for you.

You must not eat from their meat, and you must not touch their dead body--they are unclean for you.

" 'These you may eat from all that [are] in the water: any in the water that has a fin and scales, [whether] in the seas or in the streams--such you may eat.

But any that does not have a fin and scales, [whether] in the seas or in the streams, {among} all the water's swarmers among all the living creatures that [are] in the water--they [are] a detestable thing to you.

And they shall be detestable to you; you must not eat from their meat, and you must detest their dead body.

Any that does not have a fin and scales in the water--it [is] a detestable thing to you.

" 'And these you must detest from the birds; they must not be eaten--they [are] detestable: the eagle and the vulture and the short-toed eagle,

" 'Any {winged insect} that walks on [all] fours [is] detestable to you.

Only this may you eat from any of {the winged insects} that walk on [all] fours--[that] which has jointed legs above its feet for leaping upon the land.

{From these} you may eat the locust according to its kind and the bald locust according to its kind and the cricket according to its kind and the grasshopper according to its kind.

But any [other] {winged insect} that has four legs [is] detestable to you.

And by these you shall become unclean--anyone who touches their dead body shall become unclean until the evening,

and anyone who carries their dead body must wash his garments, and he shall be unclean until the evening.

" '[With regard] to any animal that has a divided hoof but does not split the hoof, or does not have a cud [for] chewing--they [are] unclean for you; anyone who touches them shall become unclean.

And anything that walks upon its paws among any of the animals that walks on [all] fours--they [are] unclean for you; anyone who touches their dead body shall become unclean until the evening,

and the one who carries their dead body must wash his garments, and he shall be unclean until the evening--they [are] unclean for you.

" 'And these [are] the unclean for you among the swarmers that swarm on the land: the weasel and the mouse and the thorn-tailed lizard according to its kind,

These [are] the unclean for you among all the swarmers; anyone who touches them at their death shall become unclean until the evening.

And any clay vessel into which it falls shall become unclean, and you must break it.

Any of the food that could be eaten on which water [from such a vessel] comes shall become unclean, and any liquid that could be drunk in any [such] vessel shall become unclean.

And anything on which {one of their dead bodies} falls shall become unclean: an oven or a stove must be broken--they [are] unclean and shall be unclean for you.

Surely a spring or a cistern collecting water shall be clean, but that which touches their dead body shall become unclean.

But when water is put on [the] seed and {one of their dead bodies} falls on it, it [is] unclean for you.

" 'And when {one of the animals} dies that is for you to eat, the one who touches its dead body shall become unclean until the evening.

And the one who eats {some of} its dead body must wash his garments, and he shall be unclean until the evening; and the one who carries its dead body must wash his garments, and he shall be unclean until the evening.

You must not eat anything that moves upon its belly or that walks on [all] fours, even any [with] numerous feet [belonging] to any swarmer that swarms on the land, because they [are] detestable.

You must not defile yourselves with any swarmer that swarms, and you must not make yourselves unclean by them and [so] be made unclean by them,

because I [am] Yahweh your God, and you must keep yourselves sanctified, so that you shall be holy, because I [am] holy. And you must not make yourselves unclean with any swarmer that moves along on the land,

because I [am] Yahweh, who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be for you as God. Thus you shall be holy, because I [am] holy.

Then Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,

"Speak to the {Israelites}, saying, 'When a woman becomes pregnant and she gives birth to a male, then she shall be unclean seven days--as [in] the time of her menstrual bleeding, she shall become unclean.

But if she gives birth to a female, then she shall be unclean [for] two weeks as [in] her menstruation, and [for] sixty-six days she shall stay {through} the blood of [her] cleansing.

And at the fulfilling of the days of her cleansing, [whether] for a son or for a daughter, she must bring to the priest at the tent of assembly's entrance a {yearling} male lamb as a burnt offering and {young dove} or a turtledove as a sin offering.

And [the priest] shall present it {before} Yahweh, and he shall make atonement for her, so that she shall be clean from the flow of her blood. This [is] the regulation of childbearing for the male or for the female.

And if {she cannot afford} a sheep, then she shall take two turtledoves or two {young doves}--one as a burnt offering and one as a sin offering--and the priest shall make atonement for her, so that she shall be clean.'"

Then Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,

"When a {person} has on his body's skin a swelling or an epidermal eruption or a spot and it becomes an infectious skin disease on his body's skin, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons the priests.

But if a spot [is] white on his body's skin and its appearance is not deeper than the skin and its hair does not turn white, then the priest shall confine the afflicted person [for] seven days.

And the priest shall examine him on the seventh day [for a] second [time], and {if} the infection has faded and the infection has not spread on the skin, then the priest shall declare him clean--it [is] an epidermal eruption; and he shall wash his garments, and so he shall be clean.

"When an infectious skin disease is on a person and he is brought to the priest,

the priest shall examine [it], and {if} a white swelling [is] on the skin and it turns [the] hair white and {raw flesh} [is] in the swelling,

it [is] a chronic infectious skin disease on his body's skin, and the priest shall declare him unclean; he shall not confine him, because he [is] unclean.

"And when [someone's] body {has} a skin sore on his skin and it is healed

and a white swelling or a {pinkish} spot appears in the skin sore's place, then he shall show himself to the priest.

"Or when a body {has} a burn-spot {from} fire on its skin and the {raw flesh} of the burn-spot [is] {pinkish} or white,

"And when a man or a woman {has} an infection on [the] head or in [the] beard,

then the priest shall examine the infection, and {if} its appearance [is] deeper than the skin and in it [is] thin bright red hair, then the priest shall declare it unclean--it [is] a diseased area of skin; it [is] an infectious skin disease of the head or the beard.

"And when a man or a woman {has} spots on their body's skin, white spots,

then the priest shall examine [them], and {if} [the] spots on their body's skin [are] faded white, it [is] a skin rash; it has broken out on the skin--it [is] clean.

"And if a man becomes bald, his head [is] bald, he [is] clean.

But if a {pinkish} infection occurs on the bald spot or on the bald forehead, it [is] an infectious skin disease that sprouts on his bald spot or on his bald forehead.

he [is] a man afflicted with a skin disease--he [is] unclean; the priest certainly shall declare him unclean--his infection [is] on his head.

"As for the person who is afflicted with a skin disease, his garments must be torn and his {hair} must [be allowed to] hang loosely, and he must cover [his] upper lip, and he must call out, 'Unclean! Unclean!'

"And when the garment {has} an infectious skin disease on it, on a wool garment or on a linen garment,

or on woven material or on a linen fabric, or on wool or on leather or on any work of leather,

And he shall examine the infection on the seventh day; if the infection has spread on the garment or on the woven material or on the fabric or on the leather, for any work for which the leather is used, the infection [is] a destructive skin disease--it [is] unclean.

And the priest shall examine [it] after the infection has been washed off, and {if} the infection has not changed its outward appearance and the infection has not spread, it [is] unclean; he must burn it in the fire; it [is] a fungus on its back or on its front.

And if it appears again on the garment or on the woven material or on the fabric or on any leather object, it [is] spreading; you must burn in the fire that which [has] the infection in it.

Then Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,

"This is the regulation of the person afflicted with a skin disease {at the time of} his cleansing. And he shall be brought to the priest,

then the priest shall command, and he shall take two living, clean birds and {cedar wood} and {a crimson thread} and hyssop for the one who presents himself for cleansing.

Then the priest shall command [someone] to slaughter one bird over fresh water in a clay vessel.

And he shall spatter [the blood] seven times on the one who presents himself for cleansing from the infectious skin disease, and he shall declare him clean, and he shall send the living bird {into the open field}.

Then the one who presents himself for cleansing shall wash his garments, and he shall shave off all his hair, and he shall wash himself in the water; thus he shall be clean, and afterward he shall enter the camp, but he shall stay {outside his tent} [for] seven days.

"And on the eighth day he must take two male lambs without defect and one ewe-lamb {in its first year} without defect and three-tenths [of an ephah] of finely milled flour mixed with oil [as] a grain offering and one log of oil.

And the priest who cleanses [him] shall present the man who presents himself for cleansing and {these things} {before} the tent of assembly's entrance.

Then the priest shall take the one male lamb, and he shall present it as a guilt offering, and the log of oil, and he shall wave them [as] a wave offering {before} Yahweh.

And he shall slaughter the male lamb in the place where he slaughters the sin offering and the burnt offering in the sanctuary's space, because as the sin offering belongs to the priest, so [also] the guilt offering--{it is a most holy thing}.

And the priest shall take {some of} the guilt offering's blood, and the priest shall put [it] on the right ear's lobe of the one who presents himself for cleansing and on his right hand's thumb and on his right foot's big toe.

and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that [is] on his left palm, and he shall spatter {some of} the oil with his finger seven times {before} Yahweh.

And the remaining oil that [is] on the priest's palm he shall put on the head of the one who presents himself for cleansing, and the priest shall make atonement for him {before} Yahweh.

Thus the priest shall {sacrifice} the sin offering, and he shall make atonement for the one who presents himself for cleansing from his uncleanness, and afterward he shall slaughter the burnt offering.

"But if he [is] poor and {he cannot afford} [it], then he shall take one male lamb [for] a guilt offering as a wave offering to make atonement for himself and one-tenth [of an ephah] of finely milled flour mixed with oil for a grain offering, and a log of oil,

and two turtledoves or two {young doves} that {he can afford}, and one shall be a sin offering and the {other} a burnt offering.

And he shall bring them to the priest at the tent of assembly's entrance {before} Yahweh on the eighth day for his cleansing.

And the priest shall take the male lamb [for] the guilt offering and the log of oil, and the priest shall wave them [as] a wave offering {before} Yahweh;

and he shall slaughter the male lamb of the guilt offering, and the priest shall take {some of} the guilt offering's blood, and he shall put [it] on the right ear's lobe of the one who presents himself for cleansing and on his right hand's thumb and on his right foot's big toe.

and with his right finger the priest shall spatter {some of} the oil that [is] on his left palm seven times {before} Yahweh.

Then the priest shall put {some of} the oil that [is] on his palm on the right ear's lobe of the one who presents himself for cleansing and on his right hand's thumb and on his right foot's big toe on the place of the guilt offering's blood.

And the remaining oil that [is] on the priest's palm he shall put on the head of the one who presents himself for cleansing to make atonement for him {before} Yahweh.

[even] what {he can afford}, the one [as] a sin offering and the {other} [as] a burnt offering in addition to the grain offering, and the priest shall make atonement for the one who presents himself for cleansing {before} Yahweh.

This [is] the regulation of [the one] on whom [is] an infectious skin disease who {cannot afford} [the cost] for his cleansing."

Then Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,

"When you come into the land of Canaan, which I [am about to] give to you [as your] possession, and I put {mildew} in a house [in] the land of your possession,

then the one who {owns the house} shall come and tell the priest, saying, 'It appears to me [that] an infection [is] in the house.'

And the priest shall [issue a] command, and they shall clear out the house before the priest comes to examine the infection, so that all that [is] in the house might not become unclean; and {afterward} the priest shall go to examine the house.

the priest shall [issue a] command and they shall remove the stones on which [is] the infection, and they shall throw them {outside the city} on an unclean place.

then the priest shall come, and he shall examine [the infection], and {if} the infection has spread in the house, it [is] a destructive {mildew} in the house--it [is] unclean.

And the person who enters into the house [during] all [the] days [that] he confined it shall become unclean until the evening.

And the person who sleeps in the house must wash his garments, and the person who eats in the house shall wash his garments.