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As Jesus was walking out of the Temple Courts, one of his disciples said to him: "Teacher, look what fine stones and buildings these are!"

His winnowing-fan is in his hand, that he may clear his threshing-floor, and store the grain in his barn, but the chaff he will burn with inextinguishable fire."

"What did you go out into the Wilderness to look at? A reed waving in the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in rich clothing? Why, those who are accustomed to fine clothes and luxury live in royal palaces.

Remain united to me, and I will remain united to you. As a branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it remains united to the vine; no more can you, unless you remain united to me.

And who, by the lips of our ancestor, your servant David, who spoke under the influence of the Holy Spirit, have said-- 'Why did the nations rage, and the peoples form vain designs?

I, however, have not availed myself of any of these rights. I am not saying this to secure such an arrangement for myself; indeed, I would far rather die-Nobody shall make my boast a vain one!

And by means of which you are being saved. I would remind you of the very words that I used in telling it to you, since you are still holding fast to it, and since it was not in vain that you became believers in Christ.

Can a fig tree, my Brothers, bear olives? or a vine bear figs? No, nor can a brackish well give good water.

Yet in the very same way these men, too, cherishing vain dreams, pollute our human nature, reject control, and malign the Mighty.

Then another angel came out of the altar; he had power over fire, and he called in a loud voice to the angel that had the sharp sickle-- 'Take your sharp sickle, and gather the bunches from the Vine of Earth, for its grapes are ripe.'

The angel brought his sickle down on the earth and gathered the fruit of the Vine of Earth, and threw it into the great winepress of the Wrath of God.

their cargoes of gold, or silver, or precious stones, or pearls, or fine linen, or purple robes, or silk, or scarlet cloth; nor their many scented woods; nor their many articles of ivory; nor their many articles of choicest wood, or brass, or iron, or marble;

nor their cinnamon, or spice, or incense, or perfumes. or frankincense, or wine, or oil, or fine flour, or wheat, or cattle, or sheep; nor their horses, or chariots, or slaves; nor the bodies and souls of men.

'Alas! Alas! Great City! O City clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet cloth! O City adorned with gold ornaments, and precious stones, and pearls!