178 occurrences

'Strong' in the Bible

The Israelites, however, were fruitful, increased greatly, multiplied, and became extremely strong, so that the land was filled with them.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalFilling PlacesBirth ControlPeople Multiplyingfruitfulness

So God treated the midwives well, and the people multiplied and became very strong.

Verse ConceptsGod Doing GoodPeople Multiplying

Then the Lord said to Moses, "Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh, for compelled by my strong hand he will release them, and by my strong hand he will drive them out of his land."

Verse ConceptsStrength Of GodLooking At God's Works

and the Lord turned a very strong west wind, and it picked up the locusts and blew them into the Red Sea. Not one locust remained in all the territory of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsSeaWestWindMiracles Of Moses And AaronOut Of The WestOther References To The Red Sea

Moses stretched out his hand toward the sea, and the Lord drove the sea apart by a strong east wind all that night, and he made the sea into dry land, and the water was divided.

Verse ConceptsRestraintWeather, God's Sovereignty OverStretching OutDivision Of WatersOut Of The EastGod Dispensing WindWaters DividedWaters DividingA Way Through The Red SeaThe Sea DividedThings ChangedThe OceanThe SeaThe East Wind

"Do not drink wine or strong drink, you and your sons with you, when you enter into the Meeting Tent, so that you do not die, which is a perpetual statute throughout your generations,

Verse ConceptsAbstinenceAlcoholOrdinancesPriests, Function In Ot TimesWineProhibitionEntering The TabernacleNot Drinking WineStrong DrinkDeath Due To God's PresenceDrinking No WineAlcoholic Beveragesbeeralcoholism

he must separate himself from wine and strong drink, he must drink neither vinegar made from wine nor vinegar made from strong drink, nor may he drink any juice of grapes, nor eat fresh grapes or raisins.

Verse ConceptsAbstinenceAlcoholNot Drinking WineStrong DrinkVinegarDrinking No WineAlcoholic BeveragesAlcoholicsbeeralcoholism

and see what the land is like, and whether the people who live in it are strong or weak, few or many,

Verse ConceptsWeakness, PhysicalDealing With Many PeopleWhat Is This?Strong Nations

But the inhabitants are strong, and the cities are fortified and very large. Moreover we saw the descendants of Anak there.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsFortified CitiesLargenessGiantsStrong Nations

Then he looked on the Kenites and uttered this oracle: "Your dwelling place seems strong, and your nest is set on a rocky cliff.

Verse ConceptsNestsWise Proverbs

"'And its drink offering must be one quarter of a hin for each lamb. You must pour out the strong drink as a drink offering to the Lord in the holy place.

Verse ConceptsAlcoholOfferingsStrong DrinkA Fourth PartMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsAlcoholic BeveragesAlcoholicsbeer

Now pay attention to all the commandments I am giving you today, so that you may be strong enough to enter and possess the land where you are headed,

Verse ConceptsKeep The Commandments!

Then Moses called out to Joshua in the presence of all Israel, "Be strong and courageous, for you will accompany these people to the land that the Lord promised to give their ancestors, and you will enable them to inherit it.

Verse ConceptsRest, EternalFighting TogetherStrength Of PeopleGod Gave The LandBe Courageous!Be Strong!Courage And Strength

and the Lord commissioned Joshua son of Nun, "Be strong and courageous, for you will take the Israelites to the land I have promised them, and I will be with you."

Verse ConceptsBattlesCommands, in OTSolemn ChargesBraveryStrength Of PeopleGod With Specific PeopleGod Appointing OthersBe Courageous!Be Strong!

Be strong and brave! You must lead these people in the conquest of this land that I solemnly promised their ancestors I would hand over to them.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, From Godly PeopleStrength Of PeopleGod Gave The LandBe Courageous!Be Strong!CourageCourage And Strength

Make sure you are very strong and brave! Carefully obey all the law my servant Moses charged you to keep! Do not swerve from it to the right or to the left, so that you may be successful in all you do.

Verse ConceptsCourage, In Facing EnemiesBeing ConfidentSuccessMoving ForwardStrength Of PeopleNot Turning AsideBe Courageous!Be Strong!Keep The Commandments!Success Through GodCourageCourage And Strength

Then Joshua said to them, "Don't be afraid and don't panic! Be strong and brave, for the Lord will do the same thing to all your enemies you fight.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual Warfare, As ConflictAnger Of God, Examples OfBraveryStrength Of PeopleBe Courageous!Be Strong!CourageBeing Scared

Today I am still as strong as when Moses sent me out. I can fight and go about my daily activities with the same energy I had then.

Verse ConceptsInfirmitiesStrong IndividualsStrength In Battlefaith and strengthWarBattleAgeenergystrengh

Whenever the Israelites were strong militarily, they forced the Canaanites to do hard labor, but they never totally conquered them.

Verse ConceptsNot Driving Them OutForced Labour

The whole hill country will be yours; though it is a forest, you can clear it and it will be entirely yours. You can conquer the Canaanites, though they have chariots with iron-rimmed wheels and are strong."

Verse ConceptsIron Objectsreinforcement

Be very strong! Carefully obey all that is written in the law scroll of Moses so you won't swerve from it to the right or the left,

Verse ConceptsBook of the LawLibertinismMoses, Significance OfThe Authority Of ScriptureWord Of GodBraveryNot Turning AsideStanding FirmKeep The Commandments!

Whenever Israel was strong militarily, they forced the Canaanites to do hard labor, but they never totally conquered them.

Verse ConceptsSlavery, In OtWarfare, Examples OfForced Labour

The Amorites managed to remain in Har Heres, Aijalon, and Shaalbim. Whenever the tribe of Joseph was strong militarily, the Amorites were forced to do hard labor.

Verse ConceptsForced Labour

That day they killed about ten thousand Moabites -- all strong, capable warriors; not one escaped.

Verse ConceptsTens Of ThousandsNumbers Of Foreigners Killedhumor

The Kishon River carried them off; the river confronted them -- the Kishon River. Step on the necks of the strong!

Verse ConceptsRivers And StreamsDeterminationRiver Kishon

He said to them, "Out of the one who eats came something to eat; out of the strong one came something sweet." They could not solve the riddle for three days.

Verse ConceptsStrength Of AnimalsAnimals Eating PeopleSweetness

The rulers of the Philistines went up to visit her and said to her, "Trick him! Find out what makes him so strong and how we can subdue him and humiliate him. Each one of us will give you eleven hundred silver pieces."

Verse ConceptsCoinageEnticementEnticingTying Up

So Delilah said to Samson, "Tell me what makes you so strong and how you can be subdued and humiliated."

Verse ConceptsTemptressesTying UpWomen's Strength

She said to him, "How can you say, 'I love you,' when you will not share your secret with me? Three times you have deceived me and have not told me what makes you so strong."

Verse ConceptsCommunicating Three TimesIndividuals Who LiedMen And Women Who Loved

The Danites went on their way; when Micah realized they were too strong to resist, he turned around and went home.

Verse ConceptsIndividuals going home

Be strong and act like men, you Philistines, or else you will wind up serving the Hebrews the way they have served you! Act like men and fight!"

Verse ConceptsStrength Of PeopleBe Courageous!Be Strong!

When Saul counted them at Bezek, the Israelites were 300,000 strong and the men of Judah numbered 30,000.

Verse ConceptsTribes Of IsraelCensusThirty Thousand And UpThree To Nine Hundred ThousandPeople Of Judah

Absalom instructed his servants, "Look! When Amnon is drunk and I say to you, 'Strike Amnon down,' kill him then and there. Don't fear! Is it not I who have given you these instructions? Be strong and courageous!"

Verse ConceptsFeastingAssassinations, CompletedWineBraveryDrunk IndividualsBe Courageous!

He rescued me from my strong enemy, from those who hate me, for they were too strong for me.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorGod Saving From EnemiesOvercoming Enemies

Now my father David had a strong desire to build a temple to honor the Lord God of Israel.

Verse ConceptsA Place For God's Name

The Lord told my father David, 'It is right for you to have a strong desire to build a temple to honor me.

Verse ConceptsMan's PurposesA Place For God's Name

Be strong! Let's fight bravely for the sake of our people and the cities of our God! The Lord will do what he decides is best!"

Verse ConceptsBraveryStrength Of PeopleCourage And Strength

Then you will succeed, if you carefully obey the rules and regulations which the Lord ordered Moses to give to Israel. Be strong and brave! Don't be afraid and don't panic!

Verse ConceptsVictory, As An Act Of GodBraveryResisting DiscouragementStrength Of People

Realize now that the Lord has chosen you to build a temple as his sanctuary. Be strong and do it!"

Verse Conceptselection, responsibilities ofStrength Of PeopleSolomon's Temple

David said to his son Solomon: "Be strong and brave! Do it! Don't be afraid and don't panic! For the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not leave you or abandon you before all the work for the service of the Lord's temple is finished.

Verse ConceptsFailture, God Will NeverBeing AfraiddiscouragementInexperienceBraveryGod's Help In DiscouragementStrength Of PeopleGod Not ForsakingCourageCourage And StrengthStaying Strong And Not Giving UpFinishing Strongfearlessfinishing

Now my father David had a strong desire to build a temple to honor the Lord God of Israel.

Verse ConceptsSolomon's TempleThe First Temple

The Lord told my father David, 'It is right for you to have a strong desire to build a temple to honor me.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of Possessions

He looked for Ahaziah, who was captured while hiding in Samaria. They brought him to Jehu and then executed him. They did give him a burial, for they reasoned, "He is the son of Jehoshaphat, who sought the Lord with his whole heart." There was no one in Ahaziah's family strong enough to rule in his place.

"Be strong and brave! Don't be afraid and don't panic because of the king of Assyria and this huge army that is with him! We have with us one who is stronger than those who are with him.

Verse ConceptsCourage, In Facing EnemiesdiscouragementBraveryResisting Discouragement

Therefore do not give your daughters in marriage to their sons, and do not take their daughters in marriage for your sons. Do not ever seek their peace or welfare, so that you may be strong and may eat the good of the land and may leave it as an inheritance for your children forever.'

Verse ConceptsTreatyIntermarriageNot ProsperingNo Peace

If it is a matter of strength, most certainly he is the strong one! And if it is a matter of justice, he will say, 'Who will summon me?'

Verse ConceptsStrength Of GodGod Is Strong

defiantly charging against him with a thick, strong shield!

Verse Conceptsreinforcement

"Is it to God that a strong man is of benefit? Is it to him that even a wise man is profitable?

Verse ConceptsUseful People

Their young grow strong, and grow up in the open; they go off, and do not return to them.

Verse ConceptsGrowing Up

He rescued me from my strong enemy, from those who hate me, for they were too strong for me.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorGod Saving From EnemiesOvercoming EnemiesProtection From Enemiescrusades

Like a bridegroom it emerges from its chamber; like a strong man it enjoys running its course.

Verse ConceptsAthletesWeddingsCompetitionsGoing OutsideSunRaceheroes

I will hurry off to a place that is safe from the strong wind and the gale."

Verse ConceptsStormsHurricanesshelterThe Storms Of Life

God has declared one principle; two principles I have heard: God is strong,

Verse ConceptsThe AlmightySpeaking AgainPowerLove And StrengthSmilingStrength And Love

He allowed the symbol of his strong presence to be captured; he gave the symbol of his splendor into the hand of the enemy.

Verse ConceptsNames And Titles For The Church

You crushed the Proud One and killed it; with your strong arm you scattered your enemies.

Verse ConceptsArmsRedemption, In OtStrength, DivineArm Of GodScattering The Peoples

The king is strong; he loves justice. You ensure that legal decisions will be made fairly; you promote justice and equity in Jacob.

Verse ConceptsGod, Justice OfGod, Righteousness OfJacob, The PatriarchJusticeGood KingsLove And Strengthfairness

There I will make David strong; I have determined that my chosen king's dynasty will continue.

Verse ConceptsHornsHorns VictoriousPowerful IndividualsGrowing

O sovereign Lord, my strong deliverer, you shield my head in the day of battle.

Verse ConceptsShieldsGod's Salvation Made KnownStrength In BattleWarBattle

For he makes the bars of your gates strong. He blesses your children within you.

Verse ConceptsGatesLocks And BarsBlessed By God

when he established the clouds above, when the fountains of the deep grew strong,

Verse ConceptsClouds, Natural UseCreation Of The SkyCreation Of The Seasempowerment

The wealth of a rich person is like a strong city, and it is like a high wall in his imagination.

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceMisersRich, TheWallsRiches, Dangers OfFigurative WallsSatisfied With Richesimagination

A toss of a coin ends disputes, and settles the issue between strong opponents.

Verse ConceptsCasting LotsResolving Conflict

A gift given in secret subdues anger, and a bribe given secretly subdues strong wrath.

Verse ConceptsBribery, Is SinActing In SecretEffect Of Bribeswrath

for their Protector is strong; he will plead their case against you.

Verse ConceptsGod, Titles And Names OfGod DefendingGod Suing

It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, or for rulers to crave strong drink,

Verse ConceptsAbstinenceAlcoholStrong DrinkAlcoholic BeveragesAlcoholicsDrunkennessroyaltybeeralcoholism

There was once a small city with a few men in it, and a mighty king attacked it, besieging it and building strong siege works against it.

Verse ConceptsFew People

The Beloved to Her Lover: Set me like a cylinder seal over your heart, like a signet on your arm. For love is as strong as death, passion is as unrelenting as Sheol. Its flames burst forth, it is a blazing flame.

Verse ConceptsLove Towards Christ, The Nature OfThe Fact Of DeathPassionrelentless

Your men will fall by the sword, your strong men will die in battle.

Verse ConceptsKilling Will Happenbranding

For he says: "By my strong hand I have accomplished this, by my strategy that I devised. I invaded the territory of nations, and looted their storehouses. Like a mighty conqueror, I brought down rulers.

Verse ConceptsPride, Examples OfWisdom, Human NatureFalse WisdomActing For Oneself

The Lord will divide the gulf of the Egyptian Sea; he will wave his hand over the Euphrates River and send a strong wind, he will turn it into seven dried-up streams, and enable them to walk across in their sandals.

Verse ConceptsdrynessRivers And StreamsWindThe Prophecy Towards EgyptSeven ThingsGod Drying Things UpOther References To The Red SeaRiver Euphrates

For you ignore the God who rescues you; you pay no attention to your strong protector. So this is what happens: You cultivate beautiful plants and plant exotic vines.

Verse ConceptsFortressesGod, The RockRocksMetaphorical Plantingmindfulness

Though these people make an uproar as loud as the roaring of powerful waves, when he shouts at them, they will flee to a distant land, driven before the wind like dead weeds on the hills, or like dead thistles before a strong gale.

Verse ConceptsChaffWindWhirlwindsLight As ChaffRoar Of NationsGod Requite Them!

Bible Theasaurus

Active (28 instances)
Acute (5 instances)
Energetic (1 instance)
Forcible (3 instances)
Impregnable (2 instances)
Intense (52 instances)
Mighty (576 instances)
Secure (159 instances)
Solid (36 instances)
Stiff (24 instances)
Strong (864 instances)
Substantial (1 instance)
Unassailable (2 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
מצדה מצוּדה מצוּד 
Usage: 22

גּבּר גּבּור 
Usage: 159

Usage: 23

Usage: 8

Usage: 20

Usage: 4

Usage: 17

Usage: 13

Usage: 114

אמּץ אמּיץ 
Usage: 6

Usage: 19

Usage: 1

Usage: 25

Usage: 5

Usage: 290

Usage: 57

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 243

Usage: 2

Usage: 10

מבצרה מבצר 
Usage: 37

מעז מעז מעוּז מעוז 
Usage: 36

מצדה מצד מצד 
Usage: 12

מצוּר מצור 
Usage: 26

מצרה מצוּרה 
Usage: 8

Usage: 11

Usage: 8

Usage: 59

Usage: 9

C@bal (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 60

Usage: 90

Usage: 22

עוז עז 
Usage: 55

Usage: 2

Usage: 12

Usage: 8

עצם עצוּם 
Usage: 31

Usage: 20

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 20

Usage: 2

צר צוּר 
Usage: 76

Usage: 44

שׁבית שׁבוּת 
Usage: 31

Usage: 49

Taqqiyph (Aramaic) 
Usage: 5

T@qeph (Aramaic) 
Usage: 5

Usage: 26

Usage: 8

Usage: 1

Usage: 4

Usage: 3

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