44 occurrences in 13 translations

'Run' in the Bible

Nor do they put new wine into old skins, and if not -- the skins burst, and the wine doth run out, and the skins are destroyed, but they put new wine into new skins, and both are preserved together.'

Verse ConceptsAlcoholBottles, Figurative UseNewnessWineParables Of ChristAlcohol ConsumptionPutting Off The Old ManBreaking ContainersOld ThingsUnusedFreshPeople KeepingWineskins And Vatstoughness

Peter told Him, “Even if everyone runs away because of You, I will never run away!”

Verse ConceptsComplacencyPeople StumblingNot StumblingCaused By Goddenial

and immediately, one of them having run, and having taken a spunge, having filled it with vinegar, and having put it on a reed, was giving him to drink,

Verse ConceptsMedicineWineIndividuals RunningVinegar

And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word.

Verse ConceptsecstasyRunning With NewsTelling Of Jesus

having run about through all that region round about, they began upon the couches to carry about those ill, where they were hearing that he is,

Verse ConceptsBedsGroups RunningPeople Carrying Live People

Jesus having seen that a multitude doth run together, rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, 'Spirit -- dumb and deaf -- I charge thee, come forth out of him, and no more thou mayest enter into him;'

Verse ConceptsDeafnessCrowdsExorcismsCommands, in NTDumbnessDemons, Christ's AuthorityRebukeRunningNatural DeafnessDemons EnteringJesus Casting Out DemonsDisadvantages Of CrowdsDumb

And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, 'Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

Verse ConceptseagernessBowingKneelingChrist, Names ForParticular JourneysIndividuals RunningSetting OutSeeking LifeGood PeopleActivity BegunDoing God's Works

Then Jesus said to them, “All of you will run away, because it is written:I will strike the shepherd,and the sheep will be scattered.

Verse ConceptsSheep, FigurativeUnfaithfulness, To PeopleInadequate ShepherdingThe Smiting Of JesusScattered Like SheepChrist Would Be KilledJesus Foretelling His Resurrection

and one having run, and having filled a spunge with vinegar, having put it also on a reed, was giving him to drink, saying, 'Let alone, let us see if Elijah doth come to take him down.'

Verse ConceptsWineIndividuals RunningLowering PeopleVinegarIndividual Prophets

They will say to you, ‘Look there!’ or ‘Look here!’ Don’t follow or run after them.

Verse ConceptsPeople Following Peoplefollowing

and having run forward before, he went up on a sycamore, that he may see him, because through that way he was about to pass by.

Verse ConceptsClimbingSycamoresIndividuals RunningOlive Trees

And Peter having risen, did run to the tomb, and having stooped down he seeth the linen clothes lying alone, and he went away to his own home, wondering at that which was come to pass.

Verse ConceptsLinenIndividuals RunningCrouchingJesus Tomb

They will never follow a stranger; instead they will run away from him, because they don’t recognize the voice of strangers.”

Verse ConceptsNot Knowing PeopleAvoiding ForeignersPeople Following Peoplefollowing

Thus the Pharisees said to one another, "You see that you can do nothing. Look, the world has run off after him!"

Verse ConceptsAll NationsUnable To Do Other Things

and the two were running together, and the other disciple did run forward more quickly than Peter, and came first to the tomb,

Verse ConceptsCeremoniesOutrunningFirst To Act

and Philip having run near, heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, 'Dost thou then know what thou dost read?'

Verse ConceptsReading The ScripturesDo You Understand?Named Prophets Of The LordReading The Bible

and having known the voice of Peter, from the joy she did not open the porch, but having run in, told of the standing of Peter before the porch,

Verse ConceptsVoicesExcitementThe Act Of OpeningOpening GatesRecognising People

So not only do we run a risk that our business may be discredited, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis may be despised and her magnificence come to the verge of ruin—the very one all of Asia and the world adore.”

Verse ConceptsCovetousness, Example OfAll NationsWorshipping Material ThingsDeposing

In fact, we run a risk of being charged with rioting for what happened today, since there is no justification that we can give as a reason for this disorderly gathering.”

Verse ConceptsTumultDisorder Among Peoplerisk

And it came to pass, at our sailing, having been parted from them, having run direct, we came to Coos, and the succeeding day to Rhodes, and thence to Patara,

Verse ConceptsIslandsStraight Pathssailinggoodbyes

and having run under a certain little isle, called Clauda, we were hardly able to become masters of the boat,

Verse ConceptsSmallnessBoats

After hoisting it up, they used ropes and tackle and girded the ship. Then, fearing they would run aground on the Syrtis, they lowered the drift-anchor, and in this way they were driven along.

Verse ConceptsRopesSandShipsPropellingPutting Things Down

However, we must run aground on a certain island.”

Then, fearing we might run aground in some rocky place, they dropped four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight to come.

Verse ConceptsDawnAnchorsShipsFour Other ThingsBack Of Things

When daylight came, they did not recognize the land but sighted a bay with a beach. They planned to run the ship ashore if they could.

Verse ConceptsSandSeashoresNot Knowing Where

For the words are the language of promise and run thus, "About this time next year I will come, and Sarah shall have a son."

Verse ConceptsGod, Faithfulness Of

And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In NtAthleticsThe Christian RaceHeraldPrivacyPrizesResponseRunningInformation In SecretUseless LabourRaceFutile Faith

and like a robe you will fold them up and like a garment they will be changed, but you are the same and your years will never run out."

Verse ConceptsendGod Is UnchangeablePermanenceRollingGod Is Unchanging

Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you:

Verse ConceptsAbuse, To God's PeopleInsultsSuffering, Of BelieversNot SharingPartyingAbusebehaviorpetersurprises

Woe to them! For they have gone the [defiant] way of Cain, and for profit they have run headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of [mutinous] Korah.

Verse ConceptsBalaams DonkeyAbel and CainNicolaitansRebellion of Satan and Angels

Bible Theasaurus

Campaign (11 instances)
Discharge (34 instances)
Ladder (1 instance)
Outpouring (5 instances)
Trial (73 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
run to , run , run thither to
Usage: 2

run , run together , run with
Usage: 3

Usage: 103

Usage: 6

ἐκχέω ἐκχύνω 
Usage: 20

Usage: 5

Usage: 18

flow , have an issue , gush out , pine away , hath , have , run
Usage: 42

Usage: 502

מרצה מרוּצה 
Usage: 4

running to and fro
Usage: 1

Usage: 16

go , march , run over , bring
Usage: 8

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

run to and fro , go to and fro , go about , gone , mariners , rowers , go through
Usage: 13

run in , spring in
Usage: 2

run in
Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 19

Usage: 0

Usage: 1

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

King James Version Public Domain

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible