205 occurrences

'Themselves' in the Bible

Abram and Nahor took wives for themselves. The name of Abram's wife was Sarai, and the name of Nahor's wife was Milcah. She was the daughter of Haran, who was the father of Milcah and Iscah.

Verse ConceptsNamed WivesFathers And Daughters

Then Jacob told Simeon and Levi, "You have certainly stirred up trouble for me! You've made me despised by the Canaanites and the Perizzites who live in this territory. Because I have only a few men with me, they're going to gather themselves together and attack me until I am totally destroyed, along with my entire household!"

Verse ConceptsTrouble, Causes OfNosesSmellsFew PeopleTroubling IndividualsNations Attacking IsraelFamily Problems

Joseph's staff served him by himself, his brothers separately, and the Egyptian staff members by themselves, because the Egyptians wouldn't take their meal with the Hebrews, since doing so was detestable for the Egyptians.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsAbominations, PracticesPeople PartingNo DealingsHating Peoples

Later, after Joseph's brothers faced the reality of their father's death, they asked themselves, "What happens if Joseph decides to hold a grudge against us? What if he pays us back in full for all the wrong things we did to him?"

Verse ConceptsGrudgesResentment, Against PeopleResponseRepaying Evil For EvilNamed People Angry With Others

The people believed and understood that the LORD had paid attention to the Israelis and had seen their affliction. They bowed their heads and prostrated themselves in worship.

Verse ConceptsBowingAttitudes, in prayerWorship, Reasons ForBowing Heads Before GodBelieving In GodGod Paid Attention To ThemOthers Believing In GodWorshipping God

"You're no longer to give the people straw for making bricks, as in the past. They must gather straw for themselves.

Verse ConceptsArts And Crafts, Types of

All these officials of yours will come down to me, prostrate themselves to me, and say, "Get out, you and all the people following you!' After that I'll go out." Then Moses angrily left Pharaoh.

Verse ConceptsBowingAnger, HumanHeatAnger, Justified ExamplesAnger Of Man, CauseLeaving EgyptNamed People Angry With Others

Tell the entire congregation of Israel, "On the tenth of this month they're each to take a lamb for themselves, according to their ancestors' households, one lamb for each household.

Verse ConceptsPassover lambLambsFamiliesFamily FirstProtecting Your Family

They baked the dough that they brought out of Egypt into thin cakes of unleavened bread. It had not been leavened because they were driven out of Egypt and could not wait, nor had they prepared provisions for themselves.

Verse ConceptsFeast Of Unleavened BreadBread, Kinds OfDoughBakingUnleavened BreadYeastBaking BreadHurrying Others On

Even the priests who approach the LORD must consecrate themselves. Otherwise, the LORD will attack them."

Verse ConceptsConsecrationBreaking ForthMaking People Holypriests

You are to join five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves, and you are to double over the sixth curtain at the front of the tent.

Verse ConceptsJoining ThingsFive ThingsSix ThingsFractions, One SixthDoubled OverSixth

They have been quick to turn aside from the way I commanded them, and they have made for themselves a molten calf. They have bowed down to it in worship, they have offered sacrifices to it, and they have said, "This, Israel, is your god who brought you out of the land of Egypt.'"

Verse ConceptsBowingRenunciationWhat Is Not GodBringing Israel Out Of EgyptOthers Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptWork Soon DoneWorshipping Material Things

Moses returned to the LORD and said, "Please, LORD, this people committed a great sin by making a god of gold for themselves.

Verse ConceptsGoldGod's People Sinning

When all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the doorway of the tent, all of them would get up and prostrate themselves in worship, each one at the doorway of his tent.

Verse ConceptsStandingTent Of MeetingWorship, Places OfWorship, Reasons ForObelisksGod Appearing At The DoorwayWorshipping God

Otherwise, you may make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and when they prostitute themselves with their gods and offer sacrifices to their gods, someone may invite you and then you may eat some of their sacrifices.

Verse ConceptsFood For Other godsFood Offered To IdolsWorshipping Material Things

"You are not to take any of their daughters for your sons. Otherwise, when their daughters prostitute themselves with their gods, they may cause your sons to prostitute themselves with their gods.

Verse ConceptsMarriage, Restrictions ConcerningWivesIntermarriagewhores

He joined five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves.

Verse ConceptsJoining ThingsFive ThingsSix Things

"You are not to defile yourselves by doing any of these things, since all of these nations that I'm casting out before you have defiled themselves this way.

Verse ConceptsPollutionsPollution ForbiddenThe Lord Will Drive Them OutDefilement

"Tell Aaron and his sons that they are to separate themselves for the sacred things of the Israelis and that they are not to defile my holy name. I am the LORD.

Verse ConceptsIrreverenceProfaning God's NameI Am The Lord

The fiftieth year is to be a year of jubilee for you. You are not to sow or harvest the spilled kernels that grow of themselves or pick grapes from the untrimmed vines

Verse ConceptsLaws About AgricultureReaping What You Sow

The descendants of Levi therefore purified themselves, washed their clothes, and then Aaron presented them as wave offerings to the LORD. Aaron provided atonement for them to purify them.

Verse ConceptsSwingingClean ClothesBeing Cleansed From SinPriests Atoning

So they got up early the next morning and traveled to the top of the mountain, telling themselves, "Look, we're here and we're going to go up to the place that the LORD had spoken about, even though we've sinned."

Verse ConceptsConviction, Not Leading To RepentanceRising EarlyThose Who Rose Early

Your little ones whom you said would be taken captive and your children who do not yet know right from wrong will enter the land. I will give it to them and they themselves will possess it.

Verse ConceptsLack Of DiscernmentImmaturityInexperienceAge Of AccountabilityKnowing Right And WrongRules About Young PeopleThose Who Were IgnorantBabies Going To Heaven

Then the LORD told Moses: "Look! Because your time to die is approaching, call Joshua, present yourselves at the Tent of Meeting, and then I will commission him." Moses and Joshua complied and presented themselves at the Tent of Meeting.

Verse ConceptsNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon HappenGod Appointing OthersDeathDeath Approaching

The Israelis have been unable to stand before their enemies. They're turning their backs and running from their enemies because they themselves have been turned over to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy these things that have been turned over to destruction.

Verse ConceptsPowerlessnessCursing IsraelUnder The Ban

Meanwhile, the five kings had fled and hidden themselves inside a cave at Makkedah.

Verse ConceptsCavesFive PeoplePeople In CavesPeoples Who Fledhiding

taking their daughters as wives for themselves, giving their own daughters to their sons, and serving their gods.

"When hair grows long in Israel, when the people give themselves willingly, bless the LORD!

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of OneselfPeople Going BeforePraise God For His BenefitsVolunteering

Midian's control predominated throughout Israel, and because of Midian the Israelis went out to find temporary hiding places for themselves in the mountains, caves, and fortified places.

Verse ConceptsCavesPower, HumanSelf DefenceStrength, HumanStrongholdsFortsDensEscaping To MountainsPeople In CavesCaves As Places Of Refuge

"Once upon a time the trees went out to consecrate a king for themselves. "So they told the olive tree, "Reign over us!'

Verse ConceptsAnointing KingsMetaphorical TreesOlive TreesMoralityJudging Others Actions

But there was a fortified tower in the center of the city, and all the men, women, and leaders of the city escaped to it, shut themselves in, and went up to the roof of the tower.

Verse ConceptsRooftopIsrael FleeingWomen's Roles

The people and Gilead's officials inquired among themselves, "Who will begin our attack against the Ammonites? He'll become head over everyone who lives in Gilead."

Verse ConceptsFirst To FightFighting EnemiesCompetition

So Jephthah escaped from his brothers and lived in the territory of Tob, where worthless men gathered themselves around him and went out on raiding parties with him.

Verse ConceptsHalf brothers

So he took him into his home and fed the donkeys while they refreshed themselves and had dinner.

Verse ConceptsFoot washingFeeding AnimalsClean Feet

While they were enjoying themselves, all of a sudden certain ungodly men who lived in the city surrounded the house, pounded on the door, and ordered the old man who owned the home, "Bring out the man who came to visit your home so we can have sex with him."

Verse ConceptsVulgarityCrude LanguageDecadenceHomosexualityKnockingSexual Union IntendedAbuse

But the army the men of Israel encouraged themselves and arrayed for battle again the next day in the same place where they had gathered the day before.

Verse ConceptsDoubt, Dealing WithEncouraging DoubtersDoing Repeatedlyreinforcement

The Israelis went out against the descendants of Benjamin on the third day, arraying themselves against Gibeah as they had done previously.

Verse ConceptsDoing Repeatedly

Then the descendants of Benjamin told themselves, "They're falling right in front of us, just like before!"

Verse ConceptsWarfare, Strategies InIsrael Fleeing

But the army of Israel told themselves, "Let's draw them away by escaping to the highways from the city." So the entire army of Israel moved from their location and arrayed themselves at Baal-tamer while that part of their army moved from their ambush positions from Maareh-geba.

The Israelis asked themselves, "Who didn't come up in our assembly in the LORD's presence from among all of the tribes of Israel?" They had taken a solemn oath concerning those who didn't come up to meet with the LORD at Mizpah that "They will certainly be executed."

Verse ConceptsPeople Bound By Oaths

Those who had an abundance of bread now hire themselves out, and those who were hungry hunger no more. While the barren woman gives birth to seven children, she who had many children languishes.

Verse ConceptsHiringSeven ChildrenPlenty For The Poor

Anyone who remains in your family will come and prostrate themselves before him for a small wage or a loaf of bread and will say, "Please put me in one of the priest's offices so I can eat a piece of bread."'"

Verse ConceptsBowing

The men of Beth-shemesh asked themselves, "Who can stand in the presence of the LORD, this holy God? And to whom will the Ark go from here?"

Verse ConceptsSelf JustificationSelf Righteousness, And The GospelAble To Stand

When the men of Israel saw that they were in distress (for the people were in difficult circumstances), the people hid themselves in caves, in thickets, in crags, in tombs, and in pits.

Verse ConceptsCavesRocksPeople In CavesHiding From PeopleCaves As Places Of Refuge

When the two of them showed themselves to the Philistine garrison, the Philistines said, "Look, the Hebrews are coming out of the holes where they have been hiding."

Verse ConceptsPeople Made Known

The priest answered David: "There is no ordinary bread available; only consecrated bread, provided that the young men have kept themselves from women."

Verse ConceptsAsceticism, TypesPriests, Function In Ot TimesPurity, Nature OfShowbread

Nothing of theirs was missing, whether small or large, sons or daughters, spoil, or anything that they had taken for themselves David brought back everything.

Verse ConceptsLackNo LossMissing SomeoneBeing Lost

The Ammonites went out in battle formation at the entrance to the city gate, while the Arameans from Zobah and Rehob, along with the army from Tob and Maacah, were out by themselves in the open fields.

Verse ConceptsAttacking

A week later, the child died, and David's staff was afraid to tell him that the child had died. They were telling themselves, "Look, when the child was still alive, we talked to him but he wouldn't listen to what we said. Now what kind of trouble will he bring on himself if we tell him that the child has died?"

Verse ConceptsRashnessServants, GoodThe Seventh Day Of The WeekHarming OneselfDay 7Death Of Unnamed IndividualsTelling Of People's SituationsFear Of IndividualsThe Death Of Babieslosing a loved oneDeath Of A ChildLosing SomeoneExamples Of Good Servants

The LORD continued giving Solomon wisdom, just as he had promised, and Hiram and Solomon entered into a peace treaty between themselves.

Verse ConceptsCovenant RelationshipsAgreements, LegalCovenant breakersAliancesWisdom, Human NatureAllegiancesTime Of Peace

Four supports stood at the four corners of each cart, built into the carts themselves.

Verse ConceptsFour Supportsstructure

They erected high places, sacred pillars, and Asherim for themselves on every high hill and under every green tree.

Verse ConceptsHillsSacred PlacesPolytheismObelisksServing Asherah

So let them provide two oxen. They can choose one ox for themselves. Cut it up, lay it on top of some wood, but don't set fire to it. I will prepare the other ox and lay it on top of some wood, and I won't set fire to it.

Verse ConceptsAnimals Cut In PiecesFirewoodChoosing ThingsTwo Animals

So the prophets of Baal cried even louder and slashed themselves with swords and lances until their blood gushed out all over them, as was their custom.

Verse ConceptsCustomKnivesMutilationSuperstitionDisfigurementCovered With BloodGroups ShoutingGashing Bodiescutting

so the king got up in the middle of the night and ordered his servants: "Let me explain what the Arameans have done to us. They know that we're hungry, so they've left their encampment to conceal themselves in the surrounding fields. They're telling themselves, "When they come out of the city, we'll capture them alive and enter the city!'"

Verse ConceptsHiding From PeopleDuring One Night

During Jehoram's lifetime, Edom rebelled from Judah's hegemony and appointed a king to rule over themselves.

Verse ConceptsTradeRevoltsRulers Of Edom

"Let the priests get support for themselves from their own donors, and let them repair the Temple wherever a leak in need of repair is discovered."

Verse ConceptsRepairing

They rejected the LORD's statutes, the covenant that he had made with their ancestors, and his warnings that he gave them. They pursued meaninglessness and became meaningless themselves as they followed the lifestyles of the nations that surrounded them, a practice that the LORD had warned them not to do.

Verse ConceptsFutilityFalse ReligionConformityPrayerlessnessRejection Of GodImitating Wicked PeopleForsaking God's ThingsUseless EndeavourBreaking The Covenant

They abandoned all of the commands given by the LORD their God, crafted for themselves cast images of two calves, constructed an Asherah, worshipped all of the stars in heaven, and served Baal.

Verse ConceptsPagan GodsAstrologyBowingCalvesHost Of HeavenSculptureStarsGolden CalvesForsaking God's ThingsTwo AnimalsServing Asherah

They passed their sons and daughters through fire, practiced divination, cast spells, and sold themselves to practice what the LORD considered to be evil, thereby provoking him.

Verse ConceptsFalse ReligionChild sacrificeProvoking GodConsultationsPagan PracticesCharacter Of WickedDivinationmagicwitches

Because they feared the LORD, they also appointed from among themselves priests for the high places who acted on their behalf in the temples on the high places.

Verse ConceptsIndividuals Fearing God

They kept this genealogical record for themselves: Meshobab, Jamlech, Amaziah's son Joshah,

But they were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors by prostituting themselves to the gods of the nations of the land, whom God had exterminated right in front of them.

Verse ConceptsProstitutionUnfaithfulness, To God

So David received them and assigned them to be officers over troops. Some of the descendants of Manasseh joined David when he was going to fight against Saul, accompanied by the Philistines. Even so, David was of no help to them, because the Philistine rulers were counseled to send him away. They told themselves, "He's going to go over to his master Saul at the cost of our heads."

Verse ConceptsRulers

So the priests and descendants of Levi set themselves apart to carry the ark of the LORD God of Israel.

Verse ConceptsHoliness, As Set Apart For God

The Ammonites went out in battle formation in front of the entrance to the city while the kings who had come stayed by themselves in the open fields.

Verse ConceptsAttacking

After this, the priests vacated the Holy Place. (Meanwhile, all the priests who were participating consecrated themselves, irrespective of their Levitical divisions.

In response, the princes of Israel and the king humbled themselves and declared, "The LORD is righteous."

When the LORD observed that they had humbled themselves, the LORD spoke to Shemaiah, "They have humbled themselves, so I won't destroy them. Instead, I'll grant them some deliverance by not pouring out my indignation on Jerusalem, using Shishak to do it.

Here are the names of the descendants of Levi who made themselves available to God: Amasai's son Mahath and Azariah's son Joel from the descendants of Kohath; Abdi's son Kish and Jehallelel's son Azariah from the descendants of Merari; Zimmah's son Joah and Joah's son Eden from the descendants of Gershon;

They also brought together their brothers, consecrated themselves, and proceeded to cleanse the LORD's Temple, just as the king had ordered in accordance with what the LORD had told him.

Verse ConceptsCeremonies

Because there weren't enough priests, they were unable to prepare all the burnt offerings until other priests came forward after having consecrated themselves, so their descendant of Levi relatives assisted them until the services were complete. (The descendants of Levi had been more conscientious in consecrating themselves than had been the priests.)

Verse ConceptsdiligenceSkinningFew Priests

but they had been unable to celebrate it then because not enough priests had consecrated themselves and the people had not yet been gathered together in Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsFew Priests

Nevertheless, a few men from Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun humbled themselves and traveled to Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsHumilityReligious Awakenings

The priests and descendants of Levi felt ashamed of themselves, so they consecrated themselves and brought burnt offerings to the LORD's Temple. Then they took their customary places, as the Law of Moses the man of God prescribes, and the priests sprinkled the blood that they were given by the descendants of Levi.

Verse ConceptsSprinkling

Because there were so many in the assembly that had not consecrated themselves, therefore the descendants of Levi supervised the slaughter of the Passover sacrifices on behalf of everyone who remained unclean, so they could be consecrated to the LORD.

Even though a large crowd of people from as far away as Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun had not completed consecrating themselves, they still ate the Passover in a manner not proscribed by the Law, because Hezekiah had prayed like this for them: "May the good LORD extend a pardon on behalf of

Verse ConceptsGod, Goodness Of

King Hezekiah of Judah gave the assembly 1,000 bulls and 7,000 sheep for offerings, and the princes contributed 1,000 bulls and 10,000 sheep, and a large number of priests consecrated themselves.

Verse ConceptsGoatsA Thousand AnimalsSeven Thousand

These genealogical enrollments also included all of their little children, their wives, and their sons and daughters for the entire assembly, because they were being faithful to consecrating themselves in holiness.

Many people gathered together and plugged up all the springs, along with the stream that flowed through the region. They were thinking to themselves, "Why should the Assyrian kings invade and discover an abundant water supply?"

Verse ConceptsAbundance, Materialreinforcement

After this, because the priests, who were descendants of Aaron, were busy offering the burnt offerings and fat portions until evening, the descendants of Levi prepared the Passover for themselves and their fellow-descendants of Aaron, the priests.

because the priests and descendants of Levi had purified themselves together all of them were pure and they killed the Passover lamb for every former exile, for their relatives the priests, and for themselves.

Verse ConceptsLambsPurificationPurifying OneselfKilling Sacrifices

So the Israelis who had returned from captivity ate the Passover with all who had consecrated themselves from the uncleanness of the nations of the land in order to seek the LORD God of Israel.

Verse ConceptsExclusivenessSeparationHeathenNations DescribedProselytesSeparation From Evil PeopleThose who returned from exileAdoption Should Lead To Holiness

After these things occurred, certain officials approached me and said "The people of Israel, the priests, and the descendants of Levi have not separated themselves from the people of the lands or from the detestable behavior of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites,

Verse ConceptsSeparationAbominations, Perverse Sexuality

because they and their sons have married foreign women. As a result, the holy people have mingled themselves among the nations of these lands. As a matter of fact, the senior officials and the rulers have been foremost in this sin."

Verse ConceptsMixing People

So those who had returned from exile did this. Ezra the priest and leaders of certain ancestral groups listed by name devoted themselves to examine the situation on the first day of the tenth month.

Verse ConceptsMonth 10

Then I told them how good my God had been to me, and about what the king had told me. They replied, "Let's get out there and build!" So they encouraged themselves to do good.

Verse ConceptsBeginningGod's HandGod's Hands On PeopleRebuilding Jerusalemconstructionrebuilding

He addressed his allies and the Samaritan officials, saying "What are these pathetic Jews doing? Are they intending to rebuild it by themselves? Do they intend to offer sacrifices? Will they finish in a single day? Can they make stones from this burned out rubble?"

Verse ConceptsJudaismCharacter Of WickedFeeblenessAnti semitismShort Time For Action

Then the people went out and found branches to make tents for themselves on the roofs of their houses, in their courtyards, and in the courts of God's Temple, in the plaza near the Water Gate, and in the plaza near the Gate of Ephraim.

Verse ConceptsCourtyardHousesRoofHousetopsNamed Gates

On the twenty-fourth day of this same month, the Israelis gathered together while fasting, wearing sackcloth, and covering themselves with dust.

Verse ConceptsClothAsceticism, TypesRepentance, Examples OfSackcloth And AshesFasting, Accompanied ByMonth 7FastingFasting And Prayer

The remnant of Israel separated themselves from all foreigners. Then they stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their ancestors.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Believer's Relation ToForeignersWorship, Elements OfSeparation From Evil PeopleAvoiding ForeignersSin Confessedconfessing

Moreover, after they had cast a golden calf for themselves, they said, "This is your god who brought you out of Egypt!" and committed terrible blasphemies.

Verse ConceptsGolden CalvesWhat Is Not GodBringing Israel Out Of EgyptOthers Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

They conquered fortified cities and fertile ground, possessing houses filled with all kinds of good things, wells already dug, with vineyards, olive orchards, and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate, were satiated, and were well nourished, delighting themselves in your great goodness.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsAbundance, MaterialDelighting, Right Kinds OfOlivesVineyardWellsTaking PossessionCapturing Cities

The rest of the people, the priests, the descendants of Levi, the gatekeepers, the singers, the Temple Servants, and everyone who had separated themselves from the nations of the surrounding lands for the Law of God their wives, their sons, their daughters, and all who had knowledge and understanding

Verse ConceptsSeparation From Evil PeopleSingersPeople With KnowledgeTemple Assistants

Bible Theasaurus

Themselves (1085 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 202

Usage: 9

המּה הם 
Usage: 517

Usage: 753

Usage: 1

Usage: 171

Usage: 85

Usage: 249

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.