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"Cry out, won't you! Is there anyone who will answer you? To whom will you turn among the holy ones?

If one were to seek to argue with him, he won't be able to answer him even once in a thousand times.

So how am I to answer him, choosing what I am to say to him?

Even if I'm in the right, I cannot answer him. I can only appeal for mercy.

"Were I to be summoned, and he were to answer me, I wouldn't even believe that he was listening to what I have to say.

He's not a man like me, so that I can answer him, or that we can enter into litigation with one another.

Then call and I'll answer, or let me speak and then you reply to me!"

You'll call and I'll answer you; you'll long for your creatures that your hands have made.

"Therefore my anxious thoughts cause me to answer because I'm agitated within me.

I know how he would answer me; I understand what he'll tell me.

I cry for help to you, but you won't answer me; I stand still, but you only look at me.

what will I do when God stands up to act? When he asks the questions, how will I answer him?

"Who will grant me a hearing? Here's my signature let the Almighty answer! Since my adversary indicted me,

Indeed, I paid close attention to you all, but none of you were able to refute Job or answer his arguments convincingly.

"I will contribute my arguments as an answer; I'll declare what I know,

Answer me, if you can! Present your case! Take your stand in my presence!

If you have anything to say, answer me; speak up, because I'd be happy to vindicate you.

"They cry out there, but he doesn't answer because of the arrogance of those who practice evil.

"Should the one who is fighting the Almighty find fault with him? Let God's accuser answer."

I spoke once, but I can't answer; I tried a second time, but I won't do so anymore."