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By the breath of God they shall perish, and from the spirit of his anger they shall be finished.

For to the foolish, and anger will slay, and the simple will jealousy kill.

I would weighing, my anger shall be weighed, and my falls shall be lifted up in the balances together.

For the arrows of the Almighty are with me, which their anger drank up my spirit: the terrors of God will be prepared for me.

God will not turn back his anger, the helpers of pride bowed down under him.

The tents to those oppressing will be secure, and confidence to those provoking God to anger: whom God will bring into his hand

Who will give thou wilt hide me in hades? wilt thou cover me till the turning away of thine anger? wilt thou set for me a limit, and wilt thou remember me?

He rent in his anger, and he will lie in wait for me, gnashing upon me with his teeth; mine enemy will sharpen his eyes against me.

He rent his soul in his anger: shall the earth be forsaken for thee? and shall the rock be removed from its place?

And he will kindle his anger against me, and he will reckon me to him as his enemy.

He will be for filling his belly, he will send upon him the burning of his anger, and will rain upon him in his eating.

The increase of his house shall be rolled off; they were poured out in the day of his anger.

How often the light of the unjust shall be extinguished, and their destruction will come upon them. He will distribute pains in his anger.

And now the younger than I laughed upon me, which I rejected their fathers to set with the dogs of my flock.

And the anger of Elihu will kindle, son of Barachel the Buzite, from the family of Ram: against Job was, his anger kindled, for his justifying his soul above God.

And against his three friends was his anger kindled, because they, found not an answer, and they will condemn Job.

And Elihu will see that not an Answer in the mouth of the three men, and his anger will kindle,

And now that it is not, he reviewed his anger, and he knew not in great transgression.

Scatter the overflowings of thine anger, and see every proud one and bring him low.

And it will be after Jehovah spake these words to Job, and Jehovah will say to Eliphaz the Temanite, Mine anger was kindled against thee, and against thy two friends: for ye spake not the right before me as my servant Job.