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And they filled thy houses and all the houses of thy servants, and the houses of all Egypt; which thy fathers saw not, and thy fathers' fathers, from the day they were upon the earth, even till this day. And he will turn away and go forth from Pharaoh.

And also our cattle shall go with us; a hoof shall not be left; for from us we shall take to serve Jehovah our God; and we shall not know what we shall serve Jehovah till we come there.

And it shall be to you for a preservation till the fourteenth day of this month; and they shall slaughter it, all the convocation of the assembly of Israel, between the two evenings.

Ye shall not leave from it till morning: and that remaining from it till morning, ye shall burn with fire.

In the first, in the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, ye shall eat unleavened till the one and twentieth day of the month in the evening.

And take ye a bundle of hyssop, and dip in the blood that is upon the threshhold, and touch upon the lintel, and upon the two door-posts from the blood which is upon the threshhold and ye shall not come forth each from the door of his house till morning.

Dread shall fall upon them and terror: by the greatness of thine arm they shall be dumb as a stone; till thy people pass over, O Jehovah: till this people pass over, thou didst buy.

And Moses will say to them, No man shall leave from it till morning.

And they heard not to Moses; and the men will leave from it till morning, and it will rot with worms, and it will stink: and Moses will be angry with them.

And he will say to them, This what Jehovah spake, To-morrow the Sabbath, a holy rest to Jehovah: what ye will cook, cook; and what ye will boil, boil; and all exceeding, leave for you for preservation till the morning.

And they left it till morning as Moses commanded: and it did not stink, and no worm was in it.

And the sons of Israel ate the manna forty years till they came to a land inhabited: they ate the portion till they came to the extremity of the land of Canaan.

And the hands of Moses were heavy; and they will take a stone and put under him, and he will sit upon it: and Aaron and Hur took hold upon his hands, one from here, and one from there; and his hands will be in firmness till the sun went forth.

Thou shalt not sacrifice upon leaven: the blood of my sacrifice, and the fat of my festival shall not remain over till morning.

By little and little I will drive them out from thy face, till when thou shalt be fruitful and thou didst inherit the land.

And he said to the old men, Abide for us here, till when we shall turn back to you: and behold, Aaron and Hur with you; whoever having words shall draw near to them.

And if there shall remain from the flesh of the completions, and from the bread, till the morning, burn the remainder with fire, for it shall not be eaten for it is holy.

And it was when Moses went forth to the tent, all the people will rise up, and they stood each at the door of his tent, and they looked after Moses till his going into the tent

And it was in the passing by of my glory, and I put thee in a cavern of the rock; and I hedged in with my hand upon thee till I passed by.

And in Moses' going in before Jehovah to speak with him, he will turn away the covering till his coming out And he will come forth and speak to the sons of Israel what will be commanded.

And the sons of Israel saw the face of Moses that the skin of Moses' face shone: and Moses turned back the vail upon his face till his going in to speak with him.

And if the cloud shall not go up, they will not remove till the day it went up.