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And their legs [were] straight legs, and the sole of their feet [was] like the sole of [the] foot of a calf, and [they] were sparkling like the outward appearance of polished bronze.

{their wings were touching one another}; {each of them went straight forward}, {without turning right or left}.

And each {went straight forward}; {wherever the spirit went} they went, [and] {they did not turn as they went}.

And under the expanse their wings [were stretched out] straight {one toward the other}; each had two [wings] covering them, and each had two [wings] covering their bodies.

And the likeness of their faces, they [were] the faces that I saw at the {Kebar River}; [thus was] their appearance, and they each went {straight ahead}.

At [the] head of every street you built your high place and you disgraced your beauty and you spread your feet for every passerby, and you increased your whoring.

{when you built} your mound at [the] head of every street and your high place you made on every street, yet you were not like a prostitute, [as you were] scorning [your] harlot's wages.