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and he shall slay the young bullock before Yahweh, - and the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall bring near the blood, and shall dash the blood against the altar round about, even the altar that is at the entrance of the tent of meeting.
And the sons of Aaron the priest shall place fire upon the altar, - and arrange wood, upon the fire.
And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall arrange the pieces, the head and the fat, - upon the wood, that is on the fire, that is on the altar.
And he shall slay it on the side of the altar northward, before Yahweh, - and the sons of Aaron the priests shall dash its blood against the altar round about.
so shall he bring it in unto the sons of Aaron, the priests, and he shall grasp therefrom a handful of the fine meal thereof and of the oil thereof, besides all the frankincense thereof, - and the priest shall make a perfume with the memorial thereof at the altar, an altar-flame of a satisfying odour unto Yahweh.
But, the remainder of the meal-offering, pertaineth unto Aaron and unto his sons, - most holy, from among the altar-flames of Yahweh.
But the remainder of the meal-offering pertaineth to Aaron and to his sons, - most holy from among the altar-flames of Yahweh.
Then shall he lean his hand upon the head of his oblation, and slay it at the entrance of the tent of meeting, - and the sons of Aaron the priests shall dash the blood against the altar round about,
Then shall the sons of Aaron make thereof a perfume at the altar, upon the ascending-sacrifice which is on the wood, which is on the fire, - an altar-flame of a satisfying odour unto Yahweh.
And he shall lean his hand upon the head of his oblation, and shall slay it before the tent of meeting, - and the sons of Aaron shall dash the blood thereof against the altar round about.
And he shall lean his hand upon its head, and shall slay it before the tent of meeting, - and the sons of Aaron shall dash its blood against the altar, round about.
or his sin wherein he hath sinned he made known unto him, then shall he bring in. as his oblation a he-goat a male without defect;
Or, any person, whensoever he shall swear, speaking unadvisedly with the lips, to harm or to help, as regardeth anything wherein the son of earth may speak unadvisedly by way of oath, and it be hidden from him, - and then, he himself, getting to know it, becometh aware of his guilt as regardeth any one of these things.
Then shall it be, when he becometh aware of his guilt, as regardeth any one of these things, that he shall confess that wherein he hath sinned;
Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is the law of the ascending-sacrifice, - the same, is the ascending-sacrifice, which is upon the hearth, upon the altar, nil the night until the morning, - and the fire of the altar, shall be kept burning therein.
And, this, is the law of the meal-offering, - the sons of Aaron shall bring it near before Yahweh, unto the front of the altar.
And the remainder thereof, shall Aaron and his sons eat, - as unleavened cakes, shall it be eaten, in a holy place, within the court of the tent of meeting, shall they eat it.
Any male among the sons of Aaron may eat it, an age-abiding statute to your generations from among the altar-flames of Yahweh, - every one that toucheth them shall be hallowed.
This, is the oblation of Aaron and his sons, which they shall bring near unto Yahweh in the day when he is anointed, The tenth of an ephah of fine meal, as a continual meal-offering, - half thereof in the morning, and half thereof in the evening;
Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, This, is the law of the sin-bearer. In the place where the ascending-sacrifice is slain, shall the sin-bearer be slain, before Yahweh, most holy, it is.
Every one who toucheth the flesh thereof, shall be hallowed; and when one sprinkleth some of the blood thereof upon a garment, that whereon it was sprinkled, shalt thou wash in a holy place.
But, the earthen vessel wherein it is boiled, shall be broken, - or, if, in a vessel of bronze, it hath been boiled, then shall the vessel be scoured and rinsed in water.
And, as for any meal-offering overflowed with oil or dry, - to all the sons of Aaron, shall it belong, to one as much as to another.
Then shall the priest make a perfume with the fat at the altar, - and the breast shall be for Aaron and for his sons.
he that bringeth near the blood of the peace-offerings and the fat from among the sons of Aaron, to him, shall belong the right shoulder for a portion.
For, the wave-breast and the heave-shoulder, have I taken of the sons of Israel, out of their peace-offerings, - and have given them unto Aaron the priest and unto his sons as an age-abiding statute, from the sons of Israel.
This, is what pertaineth to the anointing of Aaron and to the anointing of his sons out of the altar-flames of Yahweh, - granted in the day when he brought them near, to minister as priests unto Yahweh:
Take thou Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, - and the sin-bearing bullock, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened cakes;
So Moses brought near Aaron and his sons, - and bathed them with water,
and he poured of the anointing oil, upon the head of Aaron, - and anointed him, to hallow him.
And Moses brought near the sons of Aaron and clothed them with tunics and girded them with bands, and wrapped round for them turbans, - As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Then was led near the sin-bearing bullock, - and Aaron and his sons leaned their hands upon the head of the sin-bearing bullock,
Then was brought near the ram for the ascending-sacrifice, - and Aaron and his sons leaned their hands upon the head of the ram;
Then was brought near the second ram, the ram of installation, and Aaron and his sons leaned their hands upon the head of the ram;
and it was slain, and Moses took of the blood thereof, and put upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, - and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
Then were brought near the sons of Aaron, and Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right ear, and upon the thumb of their right hand, and upon the great toe of their right foot, - and Moses dashed the blood against the altar round about.
and placed the whole upon the opened palms of Aaron, and upon the opened palms of his sons, - and waved them as a wave-offering, before Yahweh.
And Moses took of the anointing oil and of the blood that was upon the altar, and sprinkled upon Aaron, upon his garments, and upon his sons and upon the garments of his sons with him, - and hallowed Aaron, his garments, and his sons and the garments of his sons with him.
And Moses said unto Aaron and unto his sons Boil ye the flesh, at the entrance of the tent of meeting, and there, shall ye eat it, and the bread which is in the basket of installation, - as I have been commanded, saying, Aaron and his sons, shall eat it.
And Aaron and his sons did all the things which Yahweh had commanded through the mediation of Moses.
And it came to pass on the eighth day, that Moses called for Aaron, and for his sons, - and for the elders of Israel;
and said unto Aaron - Take for thyself a choice calf, as a sin-bearer, and a ram for an ascending-sacrifice, each without defect, - and bring them near before Yahweh;
and Moses said unto Aaron - Draw near unto the altar, and offer thy sin-bearer and thine ascending-sacrifice, and put a propitiatory-covering about thyself and about the people, - and offer the oblation of the people and put a propitiatory-covering about them, As Yahweh hath commanded.
So Aaron drew near unto the altar, - and slew the sin-bearing calf which was for himself;
and the sons of Aaron brought the blood unto him, and he dipped his finger in the blood, and put thereof upon the horns of the altar, - and the remainder of the blood, poured he out at the base of the altar;
Then slew he the ascending-sacrifice, - and the sons of Aaron presented unto him the blood, and he dashed it against the altar round about.
Then slew he the ox, and the ram, as a peace-offering, which pertained unto the people, - and the sons of Aaron presented the blood unto him, and he dashed it against the altar, round about;
but the breasts and the right shoulder, did Aaron wave as a wave-offering, before Yahweh, - as Moses commanded,
Then Aaron lifted up his hands towards the people, and blessed them, - and he came down from offering the sin-bearer, and the ascending-sacrifice and the peace-offering.
And when Moses and Aaron had entered into the tent of meeting, - and had come forth, and blessed the people, then appeared the glory of Yahweh, unto all the people;
Then Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, took each man his censer and placed therein fire, and put thereon incense, - and brought near before Yahweh strange fire, which he had not commanded them.
Then said Moses unto Aaron - The very thing, that Yahweh spake, saying - In them that draw near to me, must I be hallowed, And before the faces of all the people, must I get myself honour, - And Aaron, was dumb.
Then called Moses unto Mishael, and unto Elzaphan, sons of Uzziel, uncle of Aaron, - and said unto them - Draw near bear away your brethren from before the sanctuary, unto the outside of the camp.
Then said Moses unto Aaron and to Eleazar and to Ithamar, his sons - Your heads, ye may not bare and your garments, ye shall not rend so shall ye not die, neither against all the assembly, will he be wroth, - but let, your brethren the whole house of Israel, bewail the consuming fire wherewith Yahweh hath consumed.
Then spake Moses unto Aaron and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar his sons that were left, Take ye the meal-offering that is left of the altar-flames of Yahweh, and eat it unleavened beside the altar, - for, most holy, it is;
Now, as for the sin-bearing goat, Moses diligently sought it but lo! it had been burnt up, - then was he wroth against Eleazar and against Ithamar, the sons of Aaron that were left, saying:
Then spake Aaron unto Moses - Lo! this very day, when they had brought near their own sin-bearer, and their own ascending-sacrifice, there befell me such things as these, - if, then, I had eaten of the sin-bearer this day, would it have been well-pleasing in the eyes of Yahweh?
and, everything whereon any of them shall fall when they are dead shall be unclean - of any articles of wood, or cloth, or skin, or sackcloth, any article wherewith any work is done, - shall be put in water and shall be unclean until the evening, and then be clean,
Of all the food that may be eaten, that whereon shall come water, shall be unclean, - and, all drink which might be drunk in any such vessel, shall he unclean.
And, everything whereon shall fall any part of the carcase of them shall be unclean, oven or fire-range, it shall be destroyed, unclean, they are, - and, unclean, Shall they remain to you.
Notwithstanding, a fountain or cistern wherein is a gathering of waters shall be clean, - but, he that toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean.
When, any man, shall have - in the skin of his flesh - a rising, or a scab, or a bright spot, and it shall become in the skin of his flesh the plague-spot of leprosy, then shall he be brought in unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests;
Then shall he burn up the garment whether it be m the warp or the weft in wool or in flax, or any utensil of skin, wherein shall be the plague-spot, - for, a fretting leprosy, it is, in fire, shall it be burnt up.
then shall the priest give command, and they shall wash that wherein is the spot, - and he shall shut it up seven days more;
and, if it appear still in the garment - either in the warp or in the weft, or in any utensil of skin, a breaking out, it is, - in the fire, shalt thou burn up that wherein is the plague.
then shall the priest give command, and they shall pull out the stones, wherein is the mark, - and cast them forth outside the city, into an unclean place;
All the bed whereon he that hath the flux lieth, shall be unclean, - and, every piece of furniture whereon he sitteth, shall be unclean.
And, he that sitteth on that whereon he that hath the flux hath sat, shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.
And, every saddle whereon he that hath the flux rideth, shall be unclean.
and, whosoever toucheth any thing whereon she sitteth shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening;
and, whether, on her bed, it is, or on any thing whereon she hath been sitting, when he toucheth it, he shall be unclean until the evening;
and if man shall even lie with her, and her cause for removal be upon him, then shall he be unclean seven days, - and, all the bed whereon he shall lie, shall be unclean.
All the bed whereon she lieth during all the days of her flow, like her bed in her removal, shall be to her, - and, every thing whereon she sitteth, shall be, unclean, like the uncleanness in her removal;
Thus shall ye warn the sons of Israel from their uncleanness, And they shall not die in their uncleanness, By reason of their making unclean my habitation which is in their midst.
And Yahweh spake unto Moses, after the death of the two sons of Aaron, - when they had offered strange fire before Yahweh and died.
And Yahweh said unto Moses - Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he do not come at all times into the holy place, within the veil, - into the presence of the propitiatory, which is upon the ark, so shall he not die, for, in the cloud, will I appear upon the propitiatory.
Herewith, shall Aaron come into the holy place, - With a bullock the choice of the herd as a sin-bearer, and a ram as an ascending-sacrifice.
Then shall Aaron bring near the sin-bearing bullock which is for himself, - and put a propitiatory-covering about himself, and about his household.
And Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, - one lot for Yahweh, and one lot for Azazel.
Then shall Aaron bring near the goat over which came up the lot for Yahweh, - and shall make of hint a sin-bearer;
So Aaron shall bring near the sin-bearing bullock which is for himself, and shall put a propitiatory-covering about himself, and about his household, - and shall slay the sin-bearing bullock which is for himself;
And Aaron shall lean his two hands upon the head of the living goat, and confess over him, all the iniquities of the sons of Israel, and all their transgressions, to the extent of all their sins, - and shall put them upon the head of the goat, and then send him away, by the hand of a man appointed towards the desert:
Then shall Aaron come into the tent of meeting, and put off the linen garments which he put on when he came into the holy place, - and shall leave them there;
Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons and unto all the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say unto them, - This, is the thing which Yahweh hath commanded, saying:
After the doings of the land of Egypt wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do, - And after the doings of the land of Canaan whither, I, am bringing you in, shall ye not do, And, in their statutes, shall ye not walk:
And Yahweh said unto Moses, Say unto the priests, the sons of Aaron, - yea thou shalt say unto them, For a dead person, shall no one make himself unclean among his people:
Speak unto Aaron, saying, - No man of thy seed, unto their generations in whom shall be any blemish, shall come near, to present the food of his God.
No, man in whom is a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest, shall approach, to bring near the altar-flames of Yahweh, - a blemish, is in him, the food of his God, shall he not approach to bring near:
And Moses spake these things unto Aaron, and unto his sons, - and unto all the sons of Israel.
Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, That they hold sacredly aloof from the holy things of the sons of Israel, so as not to profane my holy name, - in the things which they are hallowing unto me - I, am Yahweh.
No man soever of the seed of Aaron who is a leper, or hath a flux, shall eat of the holy things, until he be clean, - And as for him who toucheth anything that is unclean by the dead, or a man whose seed goeth from him;
Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, and unto all the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say unto them - What man, soever, of the house of Israel, or of the sojourners in Israel, may bring near his oblation, as regardeth any of their vows, or any of their freewill offerings which they may bring near unto Yahweh, as an ascending-sacrifice,
Outside the veil of the testimony, in the tent of meeting, shall Aaron order it, from evening until morning, before Yahweh continually, - a statute age-abiding, to your generations.
so shall it be for Aaron and for his sons, and they shall eat it in a holy place, - for most holy, shall it be unto him from among the altar-flames of Yahweh, a statute age-abiding.
So will I break your pomp of power, And will set your heavens as iron, and your land as bronze;
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