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After that time, Elisabeth, being certain that she was to become a mother, kept herself from men's eyes for five months, saying,

And all who had word of them kept them in their minds and said, What will this child be? For the hand of the Lord was with him.

But Mary kept all these words in her heart, and gave much thought to them.

And when it was day, he came out and went to a waste place; and great numbers of people came looking for him, and they came to him and would have kept him from going away.

For he gave an order to the evil spirit to come out of the man. For frequently it would take a grip of him: and he was kept under control, and prisoned with chains; but parting the chains in two, he would be sent by the driving of the evil spirit into waste places.

And after the voice was gone they saw that Jesus was by himself. And they kept quiet, and said nothing at that time to anyone of the things which they had seen.

But this saying was not clear to them and its sense was kept secret from them so that they were not able to see it: and they had fear of questioning him about it.

And there was a widow in that town, and she kept on coming to him and saying, Give me my right against the man who has done me wrong.

But they were not able to do anything, because the people all kept near him, being greatly interested in his words.

And they kept watch on him, and sent out secret representatives, who were acting the part of good men, in order that they might get something from his words, on account of which they might give him up to the government and into the power of the ruler.