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For this is he who was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet, saying, The voice of a man crying in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of Lord. Make his paths straight.

And straightaway having left the boat and their father, they followed him.

But others fell upon the rocky places, where they had not much soil, and straightaway they sprang up because they had no depth of soil.

And that which was sown upon the rocky places, this is he who hears the word, and straightaway receiving it with joy,

yet he has no root in himself, instead it is temporary. And when tribulation or persecution develops because of the word, straightaway he is caused to stumble.

And straightaway Jesus compelled the disciples to enter into the boat, and to go ahead of him to the other side, until he would dismiss the multitudes.

And straightaway having stretched forth his hand, Jesus took hold of him, and says to him, O thou of little faith, why did thou doubt?

saying to them, Go into the village opposite you, and straightaway ye will find a donkey tied, and a colt with it. Having loosed them, bring to me.

And if any man says anything to you, ye will say, The Lord has need of them, and straightaway he will send them.

And straightaway one of them, after running, and having taken a sponge, and having filled it with vinegar, put it on a reed, and gave him to drink.

The voice of a man crying out in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of Lord. Make his paths straight.

And straightaway he called them. And having left their father Zebedee in the boat with the workmen, they went behind him.

And they entered into Capernaum, and straightaway on the Sabbath day, having entered into the synagogue, he taught.

And his fame went forth straightaway into the entire region around Galilee.

And straightaway, when they came forth out of the synagogue they came into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.

But Simon's mother-in-law lay feverish, and straightaway they tell him about her.

And upon coming, having taken hold of her hand, he raised her up and the fever left her. And straightaway she served them.

And after he spoke, straightaway the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed.

And having strictly warned him, straightaway he sent him out.

And straightaway many were gathered together, so as to accommodate no more, not even near the door. And he spoke the word to them.

And straightaway Jesus, having perceived in his spirit that they so deliberated within themselves, said to them, Why do ye deliberate these things in your hearts?

And straightaway he arose, and having taken up the bed, he went forth before them all, so as for all to be amazed, and to glorify God, saying, We never saw it like this.

And others fell on the rocky ground where it had not much soil. And straightaway it sprang up, because it had no depth of soil.

And these are those by the path where the word is sown. And whenever they may hear, straightaway Satan comes, and takes away the word that has been sown in their hearts.

And these in like manner are those being sown upon the rocky places, who, whenever they may hear the word, straightaway receive it with joy.

And they have no root in themselves, but are temporary. Afterward, when tribulation or persecution develops because of the word, straightaway they are caused to stumble.

But when the fruit yields, straightaway he sends forth the sickle, because the harvest has come.

And when he came out of the boat, straightaway there met him out of the sepulchers a man with an unclean spirit who had his habitation among the sepulchers.

And straightaway, Jesus allowed them. And the unclean spirits having come out, entered into the swine. And the herd stampeded down the slope into the sea, and were drowned in the sea. And there were about two thousand.

And straightaway the flow of her blood was dried up, and she knew in the body that she was healed of her scourge.

And straightaway, Jesus, when he recognized in himself that power went forth from him, having turned around in the crowd, he said, Who touched my garments?

But straightaway, Jesus, having heard the word spoken, says to the ruler of the synagogue, Fear not, only believe.

And straightaway the little girl rose up and walked, for she was twelve years old. And they were amazed with a great amazement.

And having come in straightaway with haste to the king, she asked, saying, I want that thou may give me, of it on a platter, the head of John the immerser.

And straightaway having sent an executioner, the king commanded his head to be brought. And having departed, he beheaded him in the prison,

And straightaway he compelled his disciples to enter into the boat, and to go ahead to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he himself would send the crowd away.

For they all saw him, and were troubled. And straightaway he spoke with them, and says to them, Cheer up. It is I, fear not.

And when they came out of the boat, straightaway, having recognized him,

And straightaway his ears were opened, and the bond of his tongue was loosened, and he spoke plainly.

And straightaway having entered into the boat with his disciples, he came into the parts of Dalmanutha.

And straightaway all the multitude, having noticed him, were startled. And running near they greeted him.

And they brought him to him. And when he saw him, straightaway the spirit convulsed him. And having fallen on the ground, he wallowed, foaming.

And Jesus said to him, Go thou, thy faith has healed thee. And straightaway he received his sight, and followed him on the way.

and says to them, Go ye into the village opposite you, and straightaway as ye enter into it, ye will find a colt tied, on which none of men have ever sat. After untying it, bring it.

And if any man should say to you, Why are ye doing this? say ye, The Lord has need of it, and straightaway he sends it here.

And they departed, and found the colt tied by the door outside in the street, and they untied it.

And straightaway, while he still spoke, Judas, being one of the twelve, comes, and with him a great multitude with swords and clubs from the chief priests, and the scholars, and the elders.

And when he came, straightaway having approached him, he says, Rabbi, Rabbi, and kissed him much.

And straightaway in the morning the chief priests with the elders and scholars and the whole council, having made a plan, after binding Jesus, they took him away, and delivered him up to Pilate.

as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, which says, The voice of a man crying out in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of Lord. Make his paths straight.

Every valley will be filled, and every mountain and hill will be brought low. And the crooked things will be into straight and the rough into smooth ways.

And having stretched forth his hand, he touched him, having said, I will, be thou clean. And straightaway the leprosy departed from him.

And no man having drunk old straightaway desires new, for he says, The old is better.

But he who heard, and not having done, is like a man who built a house upon the soil without a foundation, on which the stream beat, and straightaway it fell. And the ruin of that house became great.

and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many other women who served them from the things they possessed.

And he also said to the multitudes, When ye see a cloud rising from the west, straightaway ye say, A shower is coming, and so it happens.

And having responded, he said to them, Of which of you will a son or an ox fall into a pit, and he will not straightaway lift him out on the day of the Sabbath?

But which of you having a bondman plowing or feeding livestock, who, when he comes in from the field, will straightaway say, After coming near, sit down?

And when ye may hear of wars and tumults, do not be alarmed, for these things must first happen, but the end is not straightaway.

He said, I am the voice of a man crying out in the wilderness: Make straight the way of Lord, just as the prophet Isaiah said.

And straightaway the man became well, and took up his bed and walked. Now it was Sabbath on that day.

They were willing therefore to receive him into the boat, and straightaway the boat came to be at the land to which they were going.

Therefore having received the morsel, straightaway that man went out, and it was night.

If God is glorify in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and he will glorify him straightaway.

But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and straightaway blood and water came out.

Simon Peter says to them, I am going to harvest fish. They say to him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and straightaway entered into the boat. And in that night they caught nothing.

There is no part nor lot for thee in this matter, for thy heart is not straight in the sight of God.

And the Lord said to him, After rising, go into the street called Straight, and seek in the house of Judas, a man named Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he is praying.

And straightaway there fell from his eyes, like scales, and he looked up. And immediately after rising up, he was immersed.

And straightaway he proclaimed the Christ in the synagogues, that this man is the Son of God.

And Peter said to him, Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals thee. Arise and make thy bed. And straightaway he arose.

And when they passed a first and a second watch, they came to the iron gate, the one leading to the city, which opened spontaneously to them. And after going out, they advanced one street. And straightaway the agent withdrew from h

said, O man full of all deceit and all recklessness, thou son of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, will thou not cease distorting the straight ways of Lord?

And after he saw the vision, straightaway we sought to go forth into Macedonia, concluding that the Lord called us to preach the good-news to them.

Therefore, having launched from Troas, we took a straight course to Samothrace, and the next day to Neapolis,

And the brothers straightaway sent both Paul and Silas away through the night to Berea, who, when they arrived, went into the synagogue of the Jews.

But then straightaway the brothers sent Paul away to go as far as to the sea, but both Silas and Timothy remained there.

And when it came to pass to launch us, after being drawn away from them, after going a straight course, we came to Cos, and the next day to Rhodes, and from there to Patara.

And the whole city was moved, and there developed a running together of the people. And having taken Paul they dragged him out of the temple, and straightaway the doors were shut.

Straightway therefore those who were about to examine him withdrew from him. And the chief captain was also afraid when he learned that he was a Roman, and because he was who bound him.

to reveal his Son in me, so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not straightaway confer with flesh and blood,

and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be turned away, but may be healed instead.