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And after bringing them outside [one] said, "Flee for your life; do not look behind you, and do not stand anywhere in the plain. Flee to the mountains lest you be destroyed."

And he said, "Come, O blessed [one] of Yahweh. Why do you stand outside? Now I have prepared the house and a place for the camels."

I myself will be surety for him. You may seek him from my hand. If I do not bring him back to you and present him before you, then I will stand guilty before you forever.

And Yahweh said to Moses, "Start early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh. Look, [he is] going out to the water, and you must say to him, 'Thus says Yahweh, "Release my people so that they may serve me."

And the magicians were not able to stand before Moses because of the skin sores, for the skin sores were on the magicians and on all [the] Egyptians.

And Yahweh said to Moses, "Start early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh. Look, [he is] going out to the water, and you must say to him, 'Thus says Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, "Release my people so that they may serve me.

But for the sake of this I have caused you to stand--for the sake of showing you my strength and in order to proclaim my name in all the earth.

And Moses said to the people, "You must not be afraid. Stand [still] and see the salvation of Yahweh, which he will accomplish for you today, because [the] Egyptians whom you see today you will see never again.

And Moses brought the people out from the camp to meet God, and they took their stand at the foot of the mountain.

"And you will make a basin of bronze and its bronze stand for washing, and you will put it between the tent of assembly and the altar, and you will put water there.

and the altar of burnt offering and all its equipment and the basin and its stand.

and the altar of burnt offering and all its equipment, and the basin and its stand,

{And} at the going out of Moses to the tent, all the people would rise and stand, each at the opening of his tent, and gaze after Moses until his entering the tent.

{And} at the entering of Moses [into] the tent the column of cloud would descend and stand [at] the opening of the tent, and he would speak with Moses.

And Yahweh said, "There is a place with me, and you will stand on the rock.

the altar of the burnt offering and the bronze grating that [is] for it, its poles and all its equipment; the basin and its stand;

And he made the basin of bronze and its stand of bronze from the mirrors of the serving women who served [at] the entrance of the tent of assembly.

the bronze altar, and the bronze grating that [is] for it, its poles, and all its equipment, the basin and its stand,

And you will anoint the basin and its stand, and you will consecrate it.

And he spattered {part of} it on the altar seven times--thus he anointed the altar and all of its utensils, and the basin and its stand, to consecrate them.

And you shall not {have sexual relations} with any animal, becoming unclean with it; and a woman shall not stand {before} an animal to copulate with it--that [is] a perversion.

If he consecrates his field from the Year of Jubilee, it shall stand as your proper value.

And if he indeed redeems the field that is consecrated, then he shall add a fifth of your proper value's money onto it, and it shall stand for him.

And the stand of the camp of the descendants of Ephraim set out according to their divisions; Elishama son of Ammihud [was] over its division.

And Yahweh said to Moses, "Gather for me seventy men from the elders of Israel whom you know [are] elders of the people and their officials; take them to the tent of assembly, and they will stand there with you.

So Moses went out, and he spoke the words of Yahweh to the people, and he gathered [together] seventy men from the elders of the people, and he {made them stand} all around the tent.

[Is it] too little for you that the God of Israel set you apart from the community of Israel {to allow you to approach him} to do the work of the tabernacle of Yahweh, to stand {before} the community to serve them?

Then {he uttered} his oracle, and said, "Stand up, Balak, and hear; listen to me, son of Zippor!

Have him stand before Eleazar the priest and before the entire community, and {commission him} {in their sight}.

He will stand before Eleazar the priest, who will ask for him by the decision of the Urim before Yahweh. On {his command} they will go out, and at {his command} they will come in, [both] he and all of the {Israelites} with him, the entire community."

but if her father hears her vow or her pledge that she bound on herself and says nothing to her, then all her vows will stand, and every pledge that she binds on her life will stand.

If her father forbids her on the day he hears [of it], all her vows or her pledges that she bound on herself will not stand, and Yahweh will forgive her because her father has forgiven her.

and her husband hears [of it] and is silent on the day he hears [it], her vows will stand, and her pledge that she bound upon herself will stand.

"But the vow of a widow or a woman who is divorced, all that she binds on herself will stand on her.

and her husband heard [it] but was silent to her, and he did not forbid her, all her vows will stand and every pledge that she bound on herself will stand.

But if her husband nullified them on the day he hears [them], all her vows going out of her lips concerning her vows or the pledge on herself will not stand; her husband has nullified them, and Yahweh will forgive her.

Behold, you stand in the place of your fathers, a brood of sinful men, to increase still more {Yahweh's fierce anger} against Israel.

But you stand here with me, and let me tell you all [of] the commandments and the rules and the regulations that you shall teach them, so that they may do [them] in the land that I [am] giving to them to take possession of it.'

And he will give their kings into your hand, and you shall blot out their names from under the heaven; anyone will not [be able to] stand {against you} {until you destroy them}.

a great and tall people, the sons of [the] Anakites, whom you know and [of whom you] have heard [it said], 'Who could stand before the sons of Anak?'

At that time Yahweh set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the ark of the covenant of Yahweh to stand {before} Yahweh, to serve him and to bless [the people] in his name until this day.

No one can take a stand {against you}; your dread and your fear Yahweh your God will put on the {surface} of all the land {where you tread}, [just] as he {promised} to you.

For Yahweh your God has chosen him from [among] all your tribes to stand to minister in the name of Yahweh, he and his sons {forever}.

and he may minister in the name of Yahweh his God, [just] like all his brothers, {the Levites who stand there} {before} Yahweh.

then the two men {to whom the legal dispute pertains} shall stand {before} Yahweh, {before} the priests and the judges who are [in office] in those days.

"These [tribes] shall stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people {when you cross} the Jordan: Simeon and Levi and Judah and Issachar and Joseph and Benjamin.

And these shall stand on Mount Ebal for [delivering] the curse: Reuben, Gad and Asher and Zebulun, Dan and Naphtali.

No one will stand before you all the days of your life. [Just] as I was with Moses, [so] will I be with you; I will not fail you, and I will not forsake you.

You will command the priests carrying the ark of the covenant, saying, 'At the moment that you come to the edge of the waters of the Jordan, you will stand [still] in the Jordan.'"

When the soles of the feet of the priests carrying the ark of Yahweh, Lord of all the earth, rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan will be cut off {upstream}, and they will stand [still in] one heap.

And Yahweh said to Joshua, "Stand up! {Why} [have] you fallen on your face?

The {Israelites} were unable to stand before their enemies; {they fled from their enemies} because they have become a thing devoted for destruction. {I will be with you no more} unless you destroy the devoted things from among you.

Get up, sanctify the people, and say, 'Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow. Thus says Yahweh the God of Israel: "[There are] devoted things in your midst, O Israel. You will be unable to stand before you enemies until you remove the devoted things from your midst."

Then Joshua spoke to Yahweh, on the day Yahweh gave the Amorites over to the {Israelites}, and he said in the sight of Israel, "Sun in Gibeon, stand still, and moon, in the valley of Aijalon."

The killer will flee to one of these cities, stand [at] the entrance of the gate of the city, and {state his case to the elders of that city}; and they will take him into the city and give him a place, and he will dwell among them.

And he said to her, "Stand [at] the doorway of the tent, and if anyone comes and asks you, and says, 'Is there anyone here?' You must answer, 'No.'"

After awhile, when their hearts were merry, they said, "Call Samson and let him entertain us." And they called Samson {from the prison}, and {he entertained them}. And they made him stand between the pillars.

Then the men of Beth Shemesh asked, "Who [is] able to stand before Yahweh, this holy God? And to whom shall it go up from us?"

As they were going down to the outskirts of the town, Samuel said to Saul, "Tell the servant to pass on before us. When he has passed, you stand here {a while}, so that I can make known to you [the] word of God."

So they ran and took him from there, and when he took his stand among the people, he was taller than all the people from his shoulders and up.

So then take your stand, so that I may judge you before Yahweh with [regard to] all the [deeds of] justice of Yahweh that he performed with both you and your ancestors.

So then take your stand again and see this great thing that Yahweh [is going to] do before your eyes.

If they say to us: 'Wait until we reach you,' {then we will stand as we are} and not go up to them.

Then Saul sent [word] to Jesse, saying, "Please let David stand before me, because he has found favor {in my sight}."

Now the Philistine came forward early and late, and he took his stand [for] forty days.

I will go out and stand {at my father's side} in the field where you are, and I will speak about you to my father; {if I find out anything} I will tell [it] to you."

He said to me, 'Please stand over me and kill me, for convulsions have seized me, even though my life [is still] in me.'

But he took a stand in the middle of the plot of land and defended it. He killed [the] Philistines, and Yahweh brought about a great victory.

His servants said to him, "Let them search for a young virgin for my lord the king, and let her stand before the king. Let her be of use for him, and let her lie in your lap that my lord the king may be warm."

He made the ten stands of bronze; each stand [was] four cubits long, four cubits wide, and three cubits in height.

The four supports [were] the four corners of each stand, with the stand supporting it.

On top of the stand [was] half a cubit deep, circular all around, and on the top of the stand [were] its supports and its frames.

The priests [were] not able to stand to minister {because of the presence of} the cloud, for the glory of Yahweh filled the house of Yahweh.

Happy [are] your men and happy [are] these your servants who stand before you continually hearing your wisdom.

Elijah the Tishbite from Tishbe of Gilead said to Ahab, "{As Yahweh lives}, the God of Israel before whom I stand, there shall surely not be dew nor rain these years {except by my command}."

Elijah said, "{As Yahweh of hosts lives}, before whom I stand, I will certainly show myself to him today."

He said, "Go out and stand on the mountain before Yahweh." Suddenly Yahweh was passing by, with a great and strong wind ripping the mountains and crushing rocks before Yahweh; [but] Yahweh [was] not in the wind. After the wind, [there was] an earthquake; [but] Yahweh was not in the earthquake.

Then Elisha said, "{As Yahweh of hosts lives}, before whom I stand, surely if I was not {regarding the face} of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would have not looked at you nor even glanced at you.

But Naaman became angry and he went and said, "Look, I said to myself, 'Surely he will come out, stand, call upon the name of Yahweh his God, and wave his hands over the spot; then he would take away the skin disease.'

And he said, "{As Yahweh lives}, before whom I stand, I surely will not take [it]." [Still] he urged him to take [it], but he refused.

But they were very afraid, and they said, "Look, two kings could not stand before him; how can we stand?"

But they took their stand in the middle of the plot and defended it. And they killed the Philistines. And Yahweh saved [them] [with] a great victory.

And [they were] to stand {every morning}, thanking and praising Yahweh, and likewise in the evening,

And the priests were not able to stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of Yahweh filled the house of God.

Blessed [are] your men, and blessed [are] these your servants who stand before you regularly and hear your wisdom!

Now the priests and the Levites who [were] throughout all Israel took their stand with him from all their territories.

and worthless men, {sons of wickedness}, were gathered about him and became hostile against Rehoboam the son of Solomon, when Rehoboam was a boy and gentle of heart and was not strong enough [to stand] before them.

'If disaster, a sword, punishment, disease, or famine come upon us, we shall stand before this house and before you--for your name [is] in this house--and cry out to you out of our trouble, then you will hear and save [us].'

[There will be] no [need] for you to fight in this [battle]. Take your stand! Stand and see the deliverance of Yahweh among you, O Judah and Jerusalem! Do not fear and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out before them and Yahweh [will be] with you.'"

Now, my sons, do not be negligent, for Yahweh has chosen you to stand before him to serve him and to be his servants and incense burners."

So they let the decree stand, {to make a proclamation} throughout all Israel, from Beersheba to Dan, to come to make a Passover feast to Yahweh the God of Israel.

And stand in the sanctuary according to the clans of {your families} for your brothers, the {lay people}, and a part of the {family} of the Levites.

Yahweh, God of Israel, you are righteous, for we have been left this day as a remnant. Here we are before you in our guilt, for none can stand before you because of this."

But the people are many, and it is the time of rain; we are unable to stand outside. The task is not for one day or two, for we greatly rebelled in this matter.

Please let our leaders stand for the whole assembly, and let all that are in our cities who have married foreign women come at set times, and with them the elders of and judges of each city, until the fierce wrath of our God because of this matter is averted from us."

Then the Levites, Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah said, "Stand up, bless Yahweh your God from everlasting until everlasting. Blessed be your glorious name that is being exalted above all blessing and praise!

He will lean himself against his house, but it will not stand; he will take hold of it, but it will not endure.

I cry to you for help, but you do not answer me; I stand, and you [merely] look at me.

I go [about] in mourning garb, [but] not in sunlight; I stand up in the assembly, [and] I cry for help.