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Therefore say thou to the sons of Israel-I, am Yahweh, Therefore will I bring you forth from under the burdens of Egypt, And will deliver you out of their service, And will redeem you with a stretched-out arm, and with great judgments;

Or did a god ever make trial of entering in to take unto him a nation out of the midst of a nation, by provings, by signs and by wonders and by fighting, and by a firm hand and by a stretched-out arm, and by great terrors, - according to all that Yahweh your God did for you in Egypt, before your eyes?

So shalt thou remember that a servant, wast thou in the land of Egypt, and that Yahweh thy God brought thee forth from thence, with a firm hand, and with a stretched-out arm, - for this cause, hath Yahweh thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day:

the great provings which thine own eyes saw, and the signs and the wonders and the firm hand and the stretched-out arm, wherewith Yahweh thy God brought thee forth, - so, will Yahweh thy God do unto all the peoples, before whom thou art afraid.

Yet, they, are thy people and thine inheritance, - whom thou hast brought forth with thy great strength, and with thy stretched-out arm.

And ye must know to-day, (for not with your sons do I speak who know not, neither have they seen) the discipline of Yahweh your God, - his greatness, his firm hand, and his stretched-out arm;

and Yahweh, brought us forth, out of Egypt, with a firm hand and with a stretched-out arm, and with great terror, - and with signs and with wonders;

Then said Yahweh unto Joshua - Stretch out with the javelin which is in thy hand, towards Ai, for, into thy hand, will I deliver it. So Joshua stretched out with the javelin which was in his hand, towards the city.

And, the ambush, rose up quickly, out of their place, and ran, when he stretched out his hand, and entered the city, and captured it, - and hasted, and set the city on fire.

Now, Joshua, drew not back his hand which he had stretched out with the javelin, - until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.

So they brought in the ark of Yahweh, and set it in its place, in the midst of the tent which David had stretched out for it, - and David caused to go up ascending-sacrifices before Yahweh, and peace-offerings.

And they stretched out for Absolom a tent, upon the house-top, - and Absolom went in unto his father's concubines, in the sight of all Israel.

Then he stretched out the heavens, and came down, - and, thick gloom, was under his feet;

But, when the messenger stretched out his hand towards Jerusalem, to destroy it, then relented Yahweh as to the evil, and he said to the messenger who was destroying the people - Enough! now, stay thy hand. And, the messenger of Yahweh, was by the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite.

(for they will certainly hear of thy great Name, and of thy strong hand, and of thy stretched-out arm, - and so will come in and pray towards this house),

And, when David lifted up his eyes, and saw the messenger of Yahweh, standing, between the earth and the heavens, and his sword drawn, in his hand, stretched out over Jerusalem, then fell David and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, upon their faces.

Because he had stretched out - against GOD - his hand, and, against the Almighty, had been wont to behave himself proudly;

Who set the measurements thereof, if thou knowest? Or who stretched out over it a line?

Then he stretched out the heaven, and came down, - and, thick gloom, was under his feet;

To him that stretched out the earth above the waters, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.

With a firm hand, and a stretched-out arm, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.

For this cause, did the anger of Yahweh kindle upon his own people, And he stretched out his hand against them and smote them - So that the mountains, trembled, And, their dead bodies, served, for fuel in the midst of the streets. For all this, hath his anger, not turned back, But still, is his hand outstretched,

and roll on throughout Judah - overflow and pass along, till unto the neck, he shall reach, - and it shall be, that, the stretching out of his wings, shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel!

And the sucking child shall caress over the hole of the asp, Yea over the vipers den, hath the weaned child stretched out his hand:

His hand, hath he stretched out over the sea, He hath shaken kingdoms, - Yahweh, hath given command against she Phoenician coast, To destroy her fortresses.

As for the carpenter, - He hath stretched out a line hath drawn it with a pencil, Hath made it with carving tools, With compasses, hath rounded it, - And so hath made it after the figure of a great man, After the beauty of a son of earth, that it may remain in a house!

Thus, saith Yahweh Who hath redeemed thee, Who hath fashioned thee from birth, - I - Yahweh, am the maker of all things, Stretching out the heavens, alone, Spreading forth the earth, of myself;

Surely, mine own hand, founded the earth, And, my right hand, stretched out the heavens, - While I was calling unto them, they stood forth, at once

That thou hast forgotten Yahweh thy maker, Who stretched out the heavens And founded the earth? That thou hast dreaded continually, all the day, by reason of the fury of the oppressor, in that he was ready to destroy? Where then is the fury of the oppressor?

He that made the earth by his power, That established the world by his wisdom, - And by his understanding stretched out the heavens,

He that Made the earth in his might, Established the world in his wisdom, - And in his understanding, stretched out the heavens

Yahweh hath devised to lay in ruins, the wall of the daughter of Zion, he hath stretched out a line, he hath not turned back his hand from swallowing up, - Thus hath he caused to mourn - rampart and wall, together, have they languished!

To Egypt, have we stretched out our hand, to Assyria, to be satisfied with bread.

Lo! therefore, I have stretched out my hand against thee, And diminished thine allotted portion, - And have delivered thee up unto the desire of them who hate thee The daughters of the Philistines, who are ashamed of thy lewd way.

Therefore behold me! I have stretched out my hand over thee And will deliver thee for a prey to the nations, And will cut thee off from among the peoples, And will cause thee to perish from among the lands, - I will destroy thee, So shalt thou know that IJ am Yahweh.

The oracle of the word of Yahweh, on Israel, - Declareth Yahweh - Stretching out the heavens, and founding the earth, and fashioning the spirit of man within him:

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And the Egyptians shall know that I, am Yahweh, when I have stretched forth my hand over Egypt, - and brought forth the sons of Israel out of their midst.

And he stretched himself out upon the boy, three times, and cried unto Yahweh, and said, - O Yahweh, my God! Let the life of this boy, I pray thee, come again within him.

Thus, saith GOD himself - Yahweh, - Creator of the heavens that stretched them forth, Out-spreader of earth, and the products thereof, - Giver of breath to the people thereon, And of spirit to them who walk therein,

And it came to pass that there was another great eagle, with large wings, and abundant plumage,- And lo! this vine, stretched its roots hungry towards him. And its branches, sent it forth unto him, That he might cause it to drink out of the beds where it was planted: