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And unto the herd, ran Abraham, - and took a calf tender and good and gave unto the young man, and he hastened to make it ready.

And he took butter and milk and the calf that he had made ready, and set before them, - while, he, was standing near them under the tree, they did eat.

So Abraham rose early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took his two young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the pieces of wood for an ascending-sacrifice, and mounted and went his way unto the place which God had named to him.

And his soul clave unto Dinah, daughter of Jacob, - and he loved the young woman, and spake to the heart of the young woman.

And he received the gold at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, and made it a molten calf, and they said - These, are thy gods, O Israel, who brought thee up, out of the land of Egypt.

They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them, they have made for themselves - a molten calf, and have bowed themselves down thereto mad have sacrificed thereto, and have said. These, are thy gods, O Israel, who have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

Then took he the calf which they had made and burned it in the fire, and ground it till it became powder, and strewed it on the face of the waters, and made the sons of Israel drink.

And I said to them - Whosoever hath gold let them break it off, So they gave it to me, - and I cast it into the fire, and there came out - this calf.

and said unto Aaron - Take for thyself a choice calf, as a sin-bearer, and a ram for an ascending-sacrifice, each without defect, - and bring them near before Yahweh;

and unto the sons of Israel, shalt thou speak, saying, - Take ye a he-goat, as a sin-bearer, and a calf and a young sheep, each a year old, without defect for an ascending-sacrifice;

So Aaron drew near unto the altar, - and slew the sin-bearing calf which was for himself;

And it came to pass as he made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground which was under them, clave asunder;

Take the staff and gather together the assembly, thou, and Aaron thy brother, then shall ye speak unto the cliff before their eyes and it shall give forth it waters, - so shalt thou bring forth unto them water, out of the cliff, and shalt cause the assembly, and their cattle to drink.

And Moses and Aaron gathered together the convocation before the cliff, - and he said unto them: Hear I pray you ye rebels! Out of this cliff, must we bring forth for you water?

And Moses lifted high his hand and smote the cliff with his staff, twice, - and there came forth water in abundance, and the assembly and their cattle, did drink.

Then looked I, and lo! ye had sinned against Yahweh your God, ye had made you a molten calf, - ye had turned aside quickly, out of the way which Yahweh had commanded you.

And your sin which ye had made even the calf, took I and burned it up with fire, and pounded it very small, until it was fine as dust, - then cast I the dust thereof into the torrent that descended out of the mountain.

He made him ride on the high places of the land, Caused him to eat the increase of the fields, - And gave him to suck honey out of the cliff, And oil out of the rock of flint:

So then God clave open the hollow that is in Lehi, and there came therefrom water, and he drank, and his spirit came back, and he revived, - for this cause, called he the name thereof - Ain-hakkore, which is in Lehi, until this day.

And, when they turned and fled towards the desert unto the cliff Rimmon, then gleaned they of them, in the highways, five thousand men, - and they followed hard after them as far as Gidom, and smote of them, two thousand men.

But there turned and fled, towards the desert, unto the cliff Rimmon, six hundred men, - who abode in the cliff Rimmon, four months.

Then the whole assembly sent, and spake unto the sons of Benjamin, who were in the cliff Rimmon, - and proclaimed to them, peace.

And they lifted up their voice and wept, yet more. Then Orpah kissed her mother-in- law, but, Ruth, clave unto her.

And, the waggon, entered into the field of Joshua, a man of Beth-shemesh, and stood still, there, where also, was a great stone, - so they clave into pieces the planks of the waggon, and, the kine, offered they up as an ascending-sacrifice, unto Yahweh.

Then Saul and his men departed, to seek him ; but it had been told David, and he had gone down the cliff, and taken up his abode in the wilderness of Maon, - and when Saul had, heard it, he pursued David in the wilderness of Maon.

Then returned Saul from pursuing David, and departed to meet the Philistines, - for which cause, they called that place Sela-hammahlekoth "the Cliff of Separation".

Now, the woman, had a calf fattening, in the shed. So she hastened, and sacrificed it, - and took meal, and kneaded, and baked thereof, unleavened cakes;

Then went up all the men of Israel from following David, to follow Sheba son of Bichri, - but, the men of Judah, clave unto their king, from the Jordan, even as far as Jerusalem.

he, however, arose and smote among the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto his sword, so Yahweh wrought a great victory on that day, - the people, coming back after him, only to strip the slain.

And, bread out of the heavens, didst thou give them, for their hunger, and, waters out of the cliff, didst thou bring them, for their thirst, - and badest them go in to take possession of the land, which thou hadst lifted thy hand to give them.

Yea, although they made them a molten calf, and said, This, is thy God, that brought thee up out of Egypt, - and wrought great insults,

His archers came round against me, He clave asunder my reins, and spared not, He poured out, on the earth, my gall:

And hath made them leap like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion, like the bull-calf of wild-oxen;

He clave the sea, and caused them to pass through, And reared up the waters like a mound;

And he brought forth streams out of the cliff, And caused waters to flow down, like rivers.

They made a calf in Horeb, - and bowed down to a molten image;

And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, And, the leopard, with the kid, shall lie down, - And the calf and the young lion and the fatling - together, With, a little child, leading them;

And Yahweh, will devote to destruction, the gulf of the Egyptian sea, And will brandish his hand against the River, in the full force of his spirit, - And will smite it in the seven streams And cause a marching through in sandals,

What doest thou here? And whom hast thou here? That thou hast hewn for thyself here a sepulchre, - As one hewing on high his sepulchre, Cutting out in the cliff a habitation for himself?

For the fortified city, is solitary, The dwelling forsaken and left as a wilderness, - There, shall the calf feed, And, there, lie down And shall consume the branches thereof:

And his own Cliff, through terror, shall he pass by, And his princes shall be dismayed at an ensign, - Declareth Yahweh. Who hath a flame in Zion, And hath a furnace in Jerusalem.

So shall each one become As a hiding-place from the wind And a covert from the storm, - As channels of water ill a dry place, As the shadow of a massive cliff in a weary land.

O Yahweh! thine own eyes, are they not directed to fidelity? Thou hast smitten them Yet have they not grieved, Thou hast consumed them - They have refused to receive correction, - They have made their faces bolder than a cliff, They have refused to return.

Take the girdle which thou hast bought which is upon thy loins, - and arise go to the Euphrates, and hide it there in a hole of the cliff.

Is not my word, like this, Like fire? Demandeth Yahweh, - And like a hammer, that breaketh in pieces a cliff?

and will give the men who are transgressing my covenant, in that they have not confirmed the words of the covenant, which they solemnised, before me, when they cut the calf, in twain, and passed between the parts thereof;

even the princes of Judah, and the princes of Jerusalem, the eunuchs and the priests, and all the people of the land, - who passed between the parts of the calf,

A calf of great beauty, is Egypt: The gad-fly, out of the North, cometh - cometh.

Leave ye the cities and dwell in the cliff, Ye inhabitants of Moab; And become ye as a dove, that maketh her nest in the further-side of the fissure mouth.

Thy monstrous thing, hath deceived thee, The insolence of thy heart, O thou that inhabitest the hidden recesses of the cliff, That boldest fast the height of the hill, - Though thou set high as an eagle, thy nest, From thence, will I bring thee down, Declareth Yahweh;

and their feet were straight feet, - and the sole of their feet was like the sole of the foot of a calf, but sparkling, as shining bronze to look upon;

For, her own blood, hath come to be in her midst, Upon the smooth face of the cliff, hath she set it,- She hath not poured it out on the earth, that she might cover it with dust.

To bring up indignation to execute an avenging, have I set her blood upon the smooth face of the cliff, - that it may not be covered.

And they shall destroy the walls of Tyre. And break down her towers, And I will scrape clean her dust from off her, - And make of her the glaring face of a cliff:

And I will make of thee the glaring face of a cliff. A place for the spreading of nets, shalt thou become, Thou shalt not be but any more, For I. Yahweh have spoken it, Declareth My Lord Yahweh.

He hath cast away thy calf, O Samaria, kindled is mine anger upon them, - How long shall they not endure to be innocent?

For, of Israel, is even that thing! A craftsman, made it, and, a No-god, it is! For, into fragments, shall the Calf of Samaria be broken.

Now, therefore they go on to sin, and have made them a Molten Thing out of their silver, after the notion of idols, the workmanship of craftsmen, all of it! Of them, are they saying - Ye sacrificers of men! The Great Calf, shall ye surely kiss!

And he said unto them, Withdraw! So, they, going out, departed into the swine, - and lo! all the herd rushed down the cliff, into the sea, and died in the waters.

and he suffered them. And the impure spirits, going out, entered into the swine, and the herd rushed down the cliff into the sea, about two thousand, and were choked in the sea.

And the demons, going forth from the man entered into the swine; and the herd rushed down the cliff, into the lake, and were choked.

And, he, said unto him, - Thy brother, hath come, and thy father hath sacrificed the fatted calf, because, safe and sound, hath he received him back.

But, when, this thy son, who had devoured thy living with harlots, came, thou didst sacrifice, for him, the fatted calf;

And so they fell to calf-making in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their hands.

and, the first living creature, is like unto a lion, and, the second living creature, like unto a calf, and, the third living creature, hath the face as of a man, and, the fourth living creature, is like unto an eagle flying;