'Decrees' in the Bible
and said, "'I solemnly swear by my own name,' decrees the Lord, 'that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son,
When they have a dispute, it comes to me and I decide between a man and his neighbor, and I make known the decrees of God and his laws."
You shall teach them the decrees and laws. You shall show them the way they are to live and the work they are to do.
on the fourteenth day of this month. You are to observe it at this appointed time between the evenings. You are to observe it according to all its decrees and laws."
These [are] the decrees that Yahweh commanded Moses, as between a husband and his wife, and between a father and his daughter, [while] her childhood [is in] her father's house.
Observe them carefully, because this will show your wisdom and discernment in the eyes of people who'll listen to all these decrees. Then they'll say: "Surely this great nation is a wise and discerning people.'
And what great nation has all the decrees and righteous ordinances like all this teaching that I'm giving you today?
These are the decrees, statutes, and ordinances Moses proclaimed to them after they came out of Egypt,
but you stand here with me and I'll speak to you all the commands, decrees, and laws that you must teach them to observe in the land that I'm giving you to possess.
"Now these are the commands, decrees, and ordinances that the LORD commanded me to teach you. Obey them in the land you are entering to possess,
so that you, your children, and your grandchildren may fear the LORD your God. Keep all his decrees and commandments that I'm giving you every day of your life, so you may live a long time.
Carefully observe the commands of the Lord your God, the decrees and statutes He has commanded you.
“When your son asks you in the future, ‘What is the meaning of the decrees, statutes, and ordinances, which the Lord our God has commanded you?’
Then the LORD commanded us to observe all these decrees and to fear the LORD our God for our own good, so that he may keep us alive as we are today.
Therefore keep the commands, decrees, and the ordinances that I am instructing you to obey today."
And princes in Issachar are with Deborah, Yea, Issachar is right with Barak, Into the valley he was sent on his feet. In the divisions of Reuben, Great are the decrees of heart!
and because all of his decrees remain in my thoughts, I have not turned aside from his statutes,
Next, the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant in the presence of the Lord to follow the Lord and to keep His commands, His decrees, and His statutes with all his mind and with all his heart, and to carry out the words of this covenant that were written in this book; all the people agreed to the covenant.
Give my son Solomon a whole heart to keep and to carry out all Your commands, Your decrees, and Your statutes, and to build the temple for which I have made provision.
Then the king stood at his post and made a covenant in the Lord’s presence to follow the Lord and to keep His commands, His decrees, and His statutes with all his heart and with all his soul in order to carry out the words of the covenant written in this book.
So the Jewish elders continued successfully with the building under the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah son of Iddo. They finished the building according to the command of the God of Israel and the decrees of Cyrus, Darius, and King Artaxerxes of Persia.
Then they presented the decrees of the king to the king's satraps and to the governors of Trans-Euphrates, who gave help to the people and to the temple of God.
You came down on Mount Sinai,and spoke to them from heaven.You gave them impartial ordinances, reliable instructions,and good statutes and commands.
“For He performs what is appointed for me,And many such decrees are with Him.
All the Lord’s ways show faithful love and truthto those who keep His covenant and decrees.
For the Lord's decrees are just, and everything he does is fair.
By day the Lord decrees his loyal love, and by night he gives me a song, a prayer to the living God.
But they rebelliously tested the Most High God,for they did not keep His decrees.
Your decrees are very trustworthy, and holiness always befits your house, LORD.
He spoke to them in a pillar of cloud;they kept His decrees and the statutes He gave them.
Praise the Lord, you angels of his, you powerful warriors who carry out his decrees and obey his orders!
The works of His hands are truth and [absolute] justice;All His precepts are sure (established, reliable, trustworthy).
Happy are those who keep His decreesand seek Him with all their heart.
I will praise you with an upright heart, as I learn your righteous decrees.
I have spoken with my lips about all your decrees that you have announced.
I rejoice in the way revealed by Your decreesas much as in all riches.
My soul is consumed with longing for your decrees at all times.
Take insult and contempt away from me,for I have kept Your decrees.
I cling to Your decrees;Lord, do not put me to shame.
Turn my heart to Your decreesand not to material gain.
I will speak of Your decrees before kingsand not be ashamed.
I thought about my waysand turned my steps back to Your decrees.
I know, LORD, that your decrees are just, and that you have rightfully humbled me.
Let those who fear You,those who know Your decrees, turn to me.
Let my heart be blameless toward your decrees, that I may not be disappointed. KAF
Revive me according to your gracious love; and I will keep the decrees that you have proclaimed. Lamed
Today they stand firm by your decrees, for all things are your servants.
The wicked hope to destroy me,but I contemplate Your decrees.
I have more insight than all my teachersbecause Your decrees are my meditation.
I have Your decrees as a heritage forever;indeed, they are the joy of my heart.
You remove all the wicked on earthas if they were dross;therefore, I love Your decrees.
I am Your servant; give me understandingso that I may know Your decrees.
פ PeYour decrees are wonderful;therefore I obey them.
The decrees You issue are righteousand altogether trustworthy.
Your decrees are righteous forever.Give me understanding, and I will live.
I call to You; save me,and I will keep Your decrees.
Hear my voice according to Your [steadfast] lovingkindness;O Lord, renew and refresh me according to Your ordinances.
Long ago I learned from Your decreesthat You have established them forever.
My persecutors and foes are many.I have not turned from Your decrees.
The sum of Your word is truth [the full meaning of all Your precepts],And every one of Your righteous ordinances endures forever.
Seven times a day I praise You,Because of Your righteous ordinances.
I obey Your precepts and decrees,for all my ways are before You.
Let my soul live that it may praise You,And let Your ordinances help me.
If your sons keep My covenantand My decrees that I will teach them,their sons will also sit on your throne forever.”
He declares his words to Jacob, his statutes and decrees to Israel.
He has not dealt with any other nation like this; they never knew his decrees. Hallelujah!
Otherwise they drink and forget the law and its decrees,And pervert the rights and justice of all the afflicted.
Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;
The earth is polluted by its inhabitants,for they have transgressed teachings,overstepped decrees,and broken the everlasting covenant.
O sovereign master, your decrees can give men life; may years of life be restored to me. Restore my health and preserve my life.'
Who acts and carries out decrees? Who summons the successive generations from the beginning? I, the Lord, am present at the very beginning, and at the very end -- I am the one.
"Here is my servant whom I support, my chosen one in whom I take pleasure. I have placed my spirit on him; he will make just decrees for the nations.
A crushed reed he will not break, a dim wick he will not extinguish; he will faithfully make just decrees.
He will not grow dim or be crushed before establishing justice on the earth; the coastlands will wait in anticipation for his decrees."
"I announced events beforehand, I issued the decrees and made the predictions; suddenly I acted and they came to pass.
“My hand founded and established the earth,And My right hand spread out the heavens;When I call to them, they stand together [in obedience to carry out My decrees].
They seek me day after day; they want to know my requirements, like a nation that does what is right and does not reject the law of their God. They ask me for just decrees; they want to be near God.
You have sacrificed to other gods! You have sinned against the Lord! You have not obeyed the Lord! You have not followed his laws, his statutes, and his decrees! That is why this disaster that is evident to this day has happened to you."
I also gave them decrees which were not good and regulations by which they could not live.
I'll place my spirit within you, empowering you to live according to my regulations and to keep my just decrees.
"""My servant King David will be there for them, and one shepherd will be appointed for them. They will live according to my decrees, keep my regulations, and practice them.
But my words and my decrees, which I commanded my servants the prophets, didn't they overtake your fathers? "Then they repented and said, 'Just as Yahweh of Armies determined to do to us, according to our ways, and according to our practices, so he has dealt with us.'"
"Ever since the time of your ancestors, you have turned away from my decrees and haven't kept them. Return to me and I'll return to you," says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies. "But you ask, "How will we return?'
"Remember the Law of Moses my servant that I gave him at Horeb for all Israel both the decrees and laws.
You received the law by decrees given by angels, but you did not obey it."
But that he has raised him from the dead, no more going to return to decay, he has spoken in this way: 'I will give you the reliable divine decrees of David.'
And as they went through the cities, they delivered them the decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem.
Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.
Oh, how inexhaustible are God's resources and God's wisdom and God's knowledge! How impossible it is to search into His decrees or trace His footsteps!
when he nullified in his flesh the law of commandments in decrees. He did this to create in himself one new man out of two, thus making peace,
having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.
If you have died with the Messiah to the basic principles of the world, why are you submitting to its decrees as though you still lived in the world?
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