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Be careful lest you entertain the wicked thought that the seventh year, the year of cancellation of debts, has almost arrived, and your attitude be wrong toward your impoverished fellow Israelite and you do not lend him anything; he will cry out to the Lord against you and you will be regarded as having sinned.

After awhile, when their hearts were merry, they said, "Call Samson and let him entertain us." And they called Samson {from the prison}, and {he entertained them}. And they made him stand between the pillars.

The temple was full of men and women; all the leaders of the Philistines were there, and about 3,000 men and women were on the roof watching Samson entertain them.

Whilst he thus entertain'd them, the ruler of the synagogue came and made his address to him, saying, my daughter is upon the point of death: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.

But Jesus addressing them, said, Verily I tell you, if ye have faith, and entertain no doubt, not only shall ye do what is done to the fig-tree, but if ye should even say to this mountain, Be lifted up, and be cast into the sea, it be done.

I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me [with help and ministering care].’

they who receive seed as on good ground, are such as hear the word and entertain it, and bring forth fruit, some in one degree, and some in another.

wherever they shall refuse to entertain you, or to hear you, at your departure shake off the dust of your feet, as a testimonial against them. I assure you, the people of Sodom and Gomorrha shall be treated with less severity in the day of judgment, than that city.

the company that were entertain'd being about five thousand men.

but they would not entertain him, because he appear'd to them, as if he was going to Jerusalem.

but when you enter into any city, and they refuse to entertain you, go through the streets,

Another time, as they were on a journey, Jesus enter'd into a village, where a woman, named Martha, entertain'd him at her house.

for a friend of mine, a traveller, is come to my house, and I have nothing to entertain him with.

yet some shall come from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south, and shall be entertain'd in the kingdom of God.

One of the company hearing that, said to him, happy is he that shall be entertain'd in the kingdom of God.

And he said to his father, 'Here I have served you all these years, and have never disobeyed an order of yours, and you have never given me a kid, so that I could entertain my friends.

I know what I will do, that, when I am removed from the stewardship, they may entertain me at their houses.

he was a burning and a shining light: and you were willing to be entertain'd for a while with his light.

thus he entertain'd them: and after that, he said to them, our friend Lazarus is asleep; but I am going to awake him.

repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray to God, to forgive, if it be possible, this suggestion you have entertain'd.

When Paul and Barnabas were gone out of the Jewish synagogue, the Gentiles desired them to entertain them on the same subject, the following sabbath.

but not finding them, they dragg'd Jason and some of the brethren to the magistrates, crying out, these that have been every where the disturbers of the publick peace, are come hither also, and have been entertain'd by Jason.

The chief of the island, one Publius, had his estate in that quarter: he entertain'd us with diet and lodging for three days with great civility.

that there might be no disunion in the body, but that all the members might entertain the same anxious care for one another's welfare.

We do not exceed our due limits, and take credit for other men's labours; but we entertain the hope that, as your faith grows, we shall gain promotion among you--still keeping within our own sphere--promotion to a larger field of labour,

Let as many of us therefore as are perfect, be thus minded: and if ye entertain any other sentiment, God also will unveil this unto you.

And get ready to entertain me too, for I hope that I shall be restored to you, in answer to your prayers.

was it not likewise for her actions, that Rahab, formerly a loose liver, was accounted as just, for having entertain'd the messengers of Joshuah, and dismiss'd them the securest way?

Therefore we ought to entertain such, so that we might be co-workers in the truth.