Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

every man's work will be made known, for the day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will prove what sort every man's work is.

I have fought the good fight! I have finished the course! I have kept the faith! The crown of righteousness is laid up for me. The Lord, the righteous judge, will give it to me at that day; and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved his appearing (manifestation).

Jehovah of armies will then become a crown of glory and beauty to the remnant of his people.

As you know, those who have endured are called blessed. You have heard of the patience (perseverance) (endurance) of Job, and have seen the outcome Jehovah provided, how he was very tender with his affection and mercy. (Psalm 103:8)

For this is to your credit to suffer wrongfully and endure grief because of your conscience toward God.

When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand, the evil one takes away that which was sown in his heart. This is what was sown by the roadside. Anyone sown among the rocky places hears the word and immediately with joy receives it. There is no root in him. He endures for a while. When he has tribulation or persecution because of the word, he falls away. read more.
He that was sown among thorns hears the word. The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.

I well know, O my God, that you test everyone's heart and are pleased with people of integrity. In honesty and sincerity I have willingly given all this to you. I have seen how your people who are gathered here have been happy to bring offerings to you.

You called in trouble and I rescued you. I answered you in the secret place of thunder. I tested you at the waters of Meribah..

There will be great tribulation. It will be greater than any has ever been from the beginning of the world until now. Unless those days are shortened, no flesh will be saved. For the sake of the chosen ones (selected individuals), those days will be shortened. If someone says, 'Here is the Christ,' or, 'Over there is the Christ,' do not believe it. read more.
There will be false Christs and false prophets. They will show great signs and wonders so that many will be misled. This includes some of the chosen ones. Remember, I told you before it happens.

Those on the rock are those who receive the word with joy. These have no root. They believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away. The seeds that fell among the thorns are people who hear the word and go their own way. They are choked with the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and do not produce fruit.

Our friends, we should thank God at all times for you. It is right for us to do so, because your faith is growing so much and the love each of you has for the other abounds toward each other. That is why we boast (rejoice) (have glory) about you in the congregations of God. We boast (rejoice) (have glory) about the way you continue to endure and believe through all the persecutions and sufferings you experience. All of this proves that God's judgment is just, and as a result, you will become worthy of his Kingdom, for which you are suffering.

When God made a promise to Abraham, he could swear by no one greater then himself, so he swore by himself. He said: I will surely bless you and give you many descendants. After waiting patiently, Abraham received the promise.

As you know, those who have endured are called blessed. You have heard of the patience (perseverance) (endurance) of Job, and have seen the outcome Jehovah provided, how he was very tender with his affection and mercy. (Psalm 103:8)

For this is to your credit to suffer wrongfully and endure grief because of your conscience toward God.

As you know, those who have endured are called blessed. You have heard of the patience (perseverance) (endurance) of Job, and have seen the outcome Jehovah provided, how he was very tender with his affection and mercy. (Psalm 103:8)

For this is to your credit to suffer wrongfully and endure grief because of your conscience toward God.

I will bring the third part into the fire. I will refine them, as silver is refined, and I will test them as gold is tested. They will call on my name, and I will hear them. I will say: 'It is my people!' They will say: 'Jehovah is my God!'

When the leaders of Babylon sent ambassadors to ask him about the miraculous sign that had happened in the land, God left him. God did this to test him, to find out everything that was in Hezekiah's heart.

God tested Abraham. He said to him: Abraham! Abraham replied: Here I am. Take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah. Offer him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you. Early the next morning Abraham saddled his donkey. He took two of his servants and his son Isaac with him. He had cut the wood for the burnt offering. Then he set out for the place that God had told him about. read more.
Two days later Abraham saw the place in the distance. He said to the servants: Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go over there and worship. Then we will come back to you. Abraham made Isaac carry the wood for the sacrifice. Abraham carried a knife and live coals for starting the fire. As they walked along together, Isaac spoke up: Father! He answered: Yes, my son? Isaac asked: I see that you have the coals and the wood, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice? Abraham answered: God will provide one. And the two of them walked on together. They came to the place God had told him about. Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood on it. He tied up his son and placed him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he picked up the knife to kill him. Jehovah's angel shouted from heaven: Abraham! Abraham! Here I am! he answered. Do not hurt the boy or harm him in any way! The angel said. Now I know that you truly obey God, because you were willing to offer him your only son. Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in the bushes. So he took the ram and sacrificed it in place of his son. Abraham named that place Jehovah Will Provide. It is still said today: It will be provided on the mountain of Jehovah.

If a prophet or an interpreter of dreams appears among you and gives you a sign or a wonder (portent) (omen) (forecast of the future), in order to lead you to worship and serve gods that you have not worshiped before, and even if what they promise comes true, do not listen to them. Jehovah your God is allowing them to test you. He will then know that you love Jehovah with all your heart.

You greatly rejoice in this, though you have been grieved with various trials for a little while. The proof of your faith is more precious than gold that perishes. Though it is tested by fire, it may be found in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials. Know that the testing of your faith produces patience (endurance).

Did you notice my servant Job? Jehovah asked. There is no one on earth as faithful and good as he is. He respects me and is careful not to do anything evil. Satan replied: Would Job respect you if he got nothing out of it? You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything he does. You have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country. read more.
Now suppose you take away everything he has. He will curse you to your face! All right, Jehovah said to Satan, everything he has is in your power, but you must not hurt Job! So Satan left. One day when Job's children were having a feast at the home of their oldest brother, a messenger came running to Job. We were plowing the fields with the cattle, he said, and the donkeys were in a nearby pasture. Suddenly the Sabeans attacked and stole them all. They killed every one of your servants except me. I am the only one who escaped to tell you. Before he finished speaking, another servant came and said: Lightning struck the sheep and the shepherds and killed them all. I am the only one who escaped to tell you. Before he finished speaking, another servant came and said: Three bands of Chaldean raiders attacked us. They took away the camels and killed all your servants except me. I am the only one who escaped to tell you. No sooner had he finished speaking, then another servant came and said: Your children were having a feast at the home of your oldest son, when a storm swept in from the desert. It blew the house down and killed them all. I am the only one who escaped to tell you. Then Job got up and tore his clothes in grief. He shaved his head and threw himself face down on the ground. He said: I was born with nothing (naked), and I will die with nothing. Jehovah gave, and now he has taken away. Blessed be the name of Jehovah! In spite of everything that had happened, Job did not sin by blaming God.

Jehovah asked Satan: Have you thought about my servant Job? No one in the world is like him! He is a man of integrity! He is decent and he respects God. He stays away from evil. And he still holds on to his principles. You are trying to provoke me into ruining him for no reason. Satan answered Jehovah: Skin for skin! Certainly, a man will give everything he has for his life. But stretch out your hand, and strike his flesh and bones and he will curse you to your face! read more.
Jehovah told Satan: He is in your power, but you must spare his life! Satan left Jehovah's presence and struck Job with painful boils from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. Job took a piece of broken pottery to scratch his sores as he sat in the ashes. His wife asked him: Are you still holding on to your principles? Curse God and die! He said to her: You are talking like a godless fool. We accept the good that God gives us. Should we not also accept the bad? Through all this Job did not speak sinful words.

You have tested us, O God. You have refined us in the same way silver is refined. You have trapped us in a net. You have laid burdens on our backs. You let people ride over our heads. We went through fire and water, but then you brought us out and refreshed us. read more.
I will come into your temple with burnt offerings. I will keep my vows to you,

Many will purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined. The wicked will do wickedly and none of the wicked will understand. Those who are wise will understand!

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials. Know that the testing of your faith produces patience (endurance).

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials. Know that the testing of your faith produces patience (endurance). Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be mature, complete, and lacking in nothing.

every man's work will be made known, for the day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will prove what sort every man's work is.