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"'But thou hast put confidence in thine own beauty, and played the harlot, when thou hadst gotten thee a name. Thou hast committed whoredom with all that went by thee, and hast fulfilled their desires:

But I would not do it, for my name's sake: that it should not be unhallowed before the Heathen, among whom they dwelt, and among whom I showed myself unto them, that I would bring them out of the land of Egypt.

Yet I would not do it, for my name's sake: lest it should be dishonored before the Heathen, from the which I had carried them away.

Nevertheless, I withdrew my hand for my name's sake, lest it should be unhallowed among the Heathen, before whom I had brought them forth.

Go now then, sayeth the LORD God: ye house of Israel, cast away, and destroy every man his Idols. Then shall ye hear me, and no more blaspheme my holy name with your offerings and Idols.

And ye shall know that I am the LORD: when I entreat you after my name, not after your wicked ways, nor according to your corrupt works: O ye house of Israel, sayeth the LORD.'"

Whether they be nigh or far from thee, they shall laugh thee to scorn; thou that hast gotten thee so foul a name, and art full of mischief.

These discovered her shame, took her sons and daughters, and slew her with the sword: An evil name gat she of all people, and they punished her.

"O thou son of man, write up the name of this day; yea, even the hour of this present day when the king of Babylon set himself against Jerusalem.

prophesy therefore, and speak: thus sayeth the LORD God: Seeing ye be wasted and trod down on every side, and become a possession unto the residue of the Gentiles, which have brought you into men's mouths and unto an evil name among the people:

Now when they were gone unto the Heathen, and come in among them they dishonoured my holy name: so that it was said of them, 'Are these the people of God, and must go out of their own land?'

Then spared I my holy name, which the house of Israel had dishonoured among the Gentiles, to whom they came. Therefore tell the house of Israel:

'Thus saith the LORD: I will sanctify my name that is defiled among the heathen. Which ye have defiled among them:

I will make also the name of my holiness to be known among my people of Israel: and I will not let my holy name be evil spoken of any more: but the very Heathen also shall know that I am the LORD, the holy one of Israel.

And the name of the city shall be called, Hamonah. Thus shall they make the land clean.'

Therefore thus sayeth the LORD God: Now will I bring again the captives of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and be jealous for my holy name's sake.

that said unto me, "O thou son of man, this room is my seat, and the place of my footsteps: whereas I will dwell among the children of Israel for evermore - so that the house of Israel shall no more defile my holy name, neither they, nor their kings, through their whoredom; through their high places; and through the dead bodies of their kings,

which have builded their thresholds in manner hard upon my thresholds, and their posts almost at my posts: so that there is but a bare wall betwixt me and them. Thus have they defiled my holy name with their abominations, that they have committed. Wherefore I have destroyed them in my wrath:

Thus shall it have eighteen thousand measures round about. And from that time forth, the name of the city shall be, 'The LORD is there.'"