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[Then] on the next day He [i.e., Jesus, but some think it refers to Peter or Andrew] decided to travel into Galilee, [and there] He found Philip. Jesus said to Philip, "Become my follower."

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to Jesus ChristChristlikenessdiscipleship, nature ofInstructions About Following

Then He said to them, "Now pour [some of it] out and take it to the banquet host." So, they took some to him,

Verse ConceptsBanquets, CharaceristicsDinnerDrawing Water

so that whoever believes in Him would have never ending life." [Note: Some translations extend Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus through verse 21].

Verse ConceptsOrigins Of Spiritual LifeLife Through FaithSaved By FaithOnly Son Of GodEternal lifeEverlastingeternity

(Now Jesus' disciples had gone away to town to buy some food).

Verse ConceptsLeavingDisciples' Movements

The woman [then] said to Him, "Sir, [please] give me [some of] that water, so that I do not get thirsty [again], or have to come all the way here to draw [water]."

Verse ConceptsMisunderstood TruthDrawing Water

(However, meanwhile, some other [small] boats had come from Tiberias [i.e., a small town on the west side of the lake] near where they had eaten bread after the Lord had given thanks).

Verse ConceptsShipsBoatsPeople EatingThanking God For Food

But there are some of you who do not believe [in me]." For Jesus knew from the beginning which ones would not believe [in Him] and which one would turn Him over [i.e., to the Jewish authorities].

Verse ConceptsForeknowledgeForeknowledge Of ChristSkepticismJudas Betraying ChristNot Believing In JesusChrist Knowing About PeopleWho Is The Doer?Believing In Christa new beginning

And there was much whispering about Him among the crowds. Some were saying, "He is a good man," [but] others said, "No [he is not], he is [just] deceiving the crowd."

Verse ConceptsCrowdsPersecution, Forms OfPublic OpinionDissensionBeing MisleadGrumbling At People

Some of the people of Jerusalem said [about Jesus], "Is not this person the one they are trying to kill?

Verse ConceptsChrist Would Be Killed

The Pharisees [i.e., a strict sect of the Jewish religion] heard the crowd whispering these things about Him, so the leading priests and Pharisees sent some Temple guards to arrest Him.

Verse ConceptsChief priestsArresting ChristPharisees Concerned About ChristThe Chief Priests Condemning Christ

When they heard these words some people in the crowd said, "Truly, this man is the prophet." [See note on 1:21].

Verse ConceptsMediationMessianic Titles, The ProphetJesus The Prophet

Some of them wanted to arrest Him, but no one [attempted to] lay a hand on Him.

Verse ConceptsLaying On Hands For EvilArresting Christ

Some experts in the law of Moses and Pharisees brought [to Him] a woman who had been caught committing an immoral sexual act and stood her in the middle of the group.

Verse ConceptsAdulterersAdultery, Examples OfLonelinessWomen Doing WrongPharisees Concerned About ChristThose Who Committed AdulteryBringing Men To Jesusadultry

He answered, "That man called Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes; then He said to me, 'Go to Siloam and wash [yourself].' So, I went and washed and my sight was [miraculously] restored."

Verse ConceptsEyes Cared For

Some of the Pharisees then said, "The man who did this is not from God, because he does not observe the Sabbath day. But other people said, "How could a man who is a sinner do such [miraculous] signs?" And the people were divided among themselves [over the issue].

Verse ConceptsFaultsHumiliationLegalismPublic OpinionSigns Of The TimesDissensionSchismsDivisions Of OpinionSigns Performed By ChristChrist's OriginPharisees Concerned About ChristThe Sabbath And ChristThey Do Not Keep CommandsFinding Fault With JesusJesus Healing On Sabbathdivisionpharisees

Some Pharisees, who were with Jesus, heard [Him say] these things, and replied, "Are we blind, too?"

Verse Conceptspharisees

Some Jewish [authorities] gathered around Him and asked, "How long will you hold us in suspense? If you [really] are the Christ, tell us plainly."

Verse ConceptsPeople WaitingPlainnessBefore God ActsWho Is Jesus?

[Some of] the Jewish friends then said, "Look how [much] he loved him!" [See verse 3].

Verse ConceptsLove Of Jesus, Examples OfDivine FriendshipDivine SympathyChrist's Lovelazarus

But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done.

Verse ConceptsPharisees Concerned About ChristTelling Of Jesuspharisees

Then Mary took about a pint of expensive, aromatic perfume; [it was] genuine nard [Note: This was a sweet-smelling herb] and poured [some of] it on Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair. The [whole] house was filled with the fragrant scent of the perfume.

Verse ConceptsSweet OdoursFeetAnointing, Social CustomAnointing With OilGuestsHairsPerfumeSmellsAdoration, Of ChristAdmirationAnointed By PeopleExpensiveOther References To HairPure ThingsWeights Of Other ThingsHair

For some of them thought, since Judas was in charge of the [money] bag, that Jesus was telling him, "Buy whatever we need for the [Passover] meal," or that he was [being told] to give [money] to poor people [from it].

Verse ConceptsAccountancyJudas IscariotBuying and sellingMoney, Stewardship OfPoverty, Attitudes TowardsThoughts Of The RighteousGiving To The Poor

Then some of Jesus' disciples said to one another, "What is this He is telling us: 'After a little while [longer] you will not see me. Then, a little while [later] you will see me again,' and 'Because I am going [back] to the Father'?" [See verse 10].

Verse ConceptsJesus Returning To The FatherSeeing The Risen ChristNot Seeing ChristThe Disciples WordsChrist's Short LifeShort Time Till The EndThe Father

So, Judas took a detachment of [Roman] soldiers and some [Temple] guards sent from the leading priests and Pharisees, and carrying lanterns, torches and weapons, they went to the orchard.

Verse ConceptsChief priestsSoldiersWeaponsSoldiers Treatment Of ChristThe Chief Priests Condemning Christ

Now when Jesus had said to them, "I am [He]," they [all] moved backward and fell to the ground. [Note: This appears to have been done by some miraculous power].

Verse ConceptsAn Overpowering PresenceThe Existence Of ChristThis Is MeBowing Before MessiahFalling Backwards

Simon Peter followed along with another disciple. [Note: Some think this refers to the apostle John himself, but there is no strong evidence in favor of that conclusion]. Now that disciple was [well-] known to the head priest, so was able to enter his courtyard with Jesus

Verse ConceptsFollowing Jesus ChristCourtyardKnowing People

Then He said to them, "Throw your net over the right side of the boat and you will catch some [fish]. So, they threw [the net out] but they were not able to pull it in because of so many fish.

Verse ConceptsNetsMiracles Of ChristRight SidesCatch Of FishFish

So, when they got to shore, they saw a charcoal fire burning there with fish [cooking] on it and [some] bread.

Verse ConceptsBakingCoal, Uses OfCharcoalFishcooking

Jesus said to them, "Bring [me] some of the fish you just caught."

Verse ConceptsFish

So, after they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you really love me more than these [other disciples do]?" Peter answered Him, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." [Note: Since two different Greek words for "love" are used in this conversation, some scholars see a distinction in their meaning. See Butler, Vol. II, pp. 453-457 for a discussion of these views]. Jesus replied to him, "[Then] feed my lambs."

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to GodLambsLove, Nature OfShepherds, As Church LeaderNames And Titles For The ChristianBreakfastFeeding AnimalsChrist Knowing About PeopleThe Need To Love Christvulnerability

Now Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death Peter would experience in honoring God. [Note: Some see the "stretching out your hands," verse 18, as a reference to crucifixion]. And after saying this, Jesus said to him, "Be my follower."

Verse ConceptsFollowing Jesus ChristCommitment, to Jesus ChristChristlikenessdiscipleship, nature ofHow Disciples Are CalledGlorifying GodKilling DisciplesDeath Of God's PeopleInstructions About FollowingMartyrdomJesus Deathcrucifixion