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And His name, by the faith of His name, gave strength to this man, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is through Him gave him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Origins OfFaith, And Blessings Of GodChrist's Authority Over SicknessGod Strengthening PeopleIn The Name Of ChristHealth Achievedfaith and strengthFaith And HealingStrength And FaithIn His Namewholeness

And, having set them in the midst, they were inquiring, "In what power or in what name, did ye do this?"

Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In NtPower, HumanIn The Name Of Christmagic

be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, Whom ye crucified, Whom God raised from the dead, in Him does this man stand here before you well!

Verse ConceptsCuresGod, Power OfPeter, Preacher And TeacherAtonement, By Christ AloneIn The Name Of ChristGod Raising ChristChrist Was KilledHow Healing Came

but, that it spread no further among the people, let us threaten them, that they speak no more to any man in This Name."

Verse ConceptsSpreadingPersecution, Forms OfWitnessing, And Holy SpiritSpeaking In Christ's NameSpreading The Gospel

And, having called them they charged them not to speak at all, nor teach, in the name of Jesus.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersSpeaking In Christ's NameMen's OrdersTeaching The Way Of Godpreaching

But a certain man, Ananias by name, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,

Verse ConceptsProperty

saying, "We strictly charged you not to teach in This Name; and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your teaching! and intend to bring upon us the blood of This Man!"

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersBlood, as symbol of guiltBlood, of Jesus ChristCommands, in NTFilling PlacesSpeaking In Christ's NameTeaching The Way Of God

But a certain one, having risen up in the council?? Pharisee, by name Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, honored by all the people??rdered to put the men without a little while.

Verse ConceptsIntelligenceStatusTeachers Of The LawJewish SectsScholarsSchools

But a certain man, Simon by name, was in the city before, using sorcery, and astonishing the nation of Samaria, affirming himself to be some great one;

Verse ConceptsClaimsPride, Examples OfSelf ConfidenceSuperiorityBoastersGreat IndividualsSorcerymagic

for as yet He had fallen upon no one of them, but they had only been immersed in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Verse ConceptsBaptism, practice ofBaptised In Christ's NameChristian BaptismBaptism

And there was a certain disciple in Damascus, Ananias by name; and the Lord said to him in a vision, "Ananias?" And he said, "Behold, I am here, Lord!"

Verse ConceptsecstasyGod, Revelation OfThose Who Saw VisionsThe Spirit SpeakingThis Is Medamascus

and in a vision he saw a man, Ananias by name, coming in, and laying his hands on him, that he might receive sight."

Verse ConceptsLaying On Hands To HealThose Who Saw Visions

and here he has authority from the high priests to bind all those calling on Thy name."

Verse ConceptsHuman Authority, Nature OfChief priestsSanhedrinAuthority Delegated To PeopleTying Up

And all who heard were astonished, and said, "Is not this he who destroyed, in Jerusalem, those calling upon this name, and had come here for this purpose, that he might bring them bound to the high priests?"

Verse ConceptsPrisonersKilling DisciplesCalling In Christ's NameIs It Really?Tying Up

But Barnabas, taking him, brought him to the apostles, and narrated to them how he saw the Lord in the way, and that He spake to him; and how, in Damascus, he spake boldly in the name of Jesus.

Verse ConceptsBarnabasConfidence In God, Produces BoldnessImportunity, Towards PeopleAcceptance, Of One AnotherBoldness Examples OfSeeing The Risen ChristThe Gospel PreachedSpeaking In Christ's NameThe Apostles In ActionBoldnessdamascus

preaching boldly in the name of the Lord; and he was speaking and disputing with the Helenists; but they were attempting to kill him;

Verse Conceptsevangelists, ministry ofGreeksHatredSuffering, Of BelieversDisputesPersecution Of The Apostle PaulReasoned ArgumentAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleBoldness

And he found there a certain man, Aeneas by name, for eight years lying prostrate on a couch, who was paralyzed.

Verse ConceptsParalyticsEight Or Nine YearsBeds

Now there was in Joppa a certain disciple, Tabitha by name, (which being translated means Dorcas): this woman was full of good works and alms which she was accustomed to do.

Verse ConceptsActs of KindnessExploitationsAttitudes, to other peopleGood WorksPoverty, Attitudes TowardsPoverty, Remedies ForAlmsgivingAltruismCharityMeaningDeer Etc.Helping OthersHelping The PoorDeerHelping Others In Needmakeup

New a certain man in Caesarea, Cornelius by name, a centurion of a band, called the Italian band??2 devout, and fearing God with all his house, giving many alms to the people, and praying to God continually??3 saw in a vision manifestly, about the ninth hour of the day, an angel of God coming in to him, and saying to him, "Cornelius!"

Verse ConceptsMilitaryArmies, RomanVolunteering

And He commanded that they should be immersed in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to remain some days.

Verse ConceptsBaptism, practice ofCommands, in NTHospitality, Examples OfChristian Baptism

and one of them??gabus by name??tanding up, signified through the Spirit that there was about to be a great famine over all the inhabited earth; which, indeed, happened under Claudius.

Verse ConceptsFamine, Examples OfCaesarRoman EmperorsPredicting The Future

And, when he knocked at the door of the gate, a maid came near to answer, Rhoda by name.

Verse ConceptsKnockinganswers

And, having gone through the whole island as far as Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-Jesus,

Verse ConceptsExamples Of FaithDivination, Practiced ByTravelFalse Teachers, Examples OfFalse Apostles, Prophets And TeachersSorcery

but Elymas, the sorcerer (for so his name is interpreted) withstood them, seeking to turn aside the proconsul from the faith.

Verse ConceptsConfrontationFaith, As A Body Of BeliefsGospel, Responses ToCausing People To TurnMeaningSorcery

Simeon declared how God first visited the gentiles, to take out of them a people for His name.

Verse ConceptsFirst Among The GentilesOther References To God's Name

that the residue of men may seek after the Lord, even all the gentiles upon whom My name has been called,'

Verse ConceptsSpiritual AdoptionResidueCalled By God's Name

men who have given up their souls in behalf of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse ConceptsRiskingrisk

And he came down also to Derbe and to Lystra. And, behold, a certain disciple was there, Timothy by name, son of a believing Jewish woman, but of a Grecian father;

Verse ConceptsBelieversGrandmothers

And a certain woman, Lydia by name, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, who worshipped God, was listening, whose heart the Lord opened to attend to the things spoken by Paul.

Verse ConceptsHearingListeningColors, PurpleReceptivenessResponseProselytesThe Act Of OpeningOpening To OthersPurple ClothMissionariesevangelising

And this she was doing for many days. But Paul, having been troubled, and turning, said to the spirit, "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out from her." And it came out that very hour!

Verse ConceptsExorcismsCommands, in NTDemons, Christ's AuthoritySpiritual DiscernmentMiracles, Nature OfSatan, Resistance ToMiracles Of PaulPeople Casting Out DemonsIn The Name Of ChristNamed People Angry With OthersnaggingDemonic Influence

But certain men, joining themselves to him, believed; among whom also were Dionysius??he Areopagite??nd a woman, Damaris by name, and others with them.

Verse ConceptsConverts To ChristianityThose Who Believed In Christ

And, finding a certain Jew, Aquila by name, a native of Pontus, having recently come from Italy, and Priscilla his wife (because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart out of Rome), he came to them;

Verse Conceptsevangelism, motivation forempiresCaesarCommands, in NTPunishment, Legal Aspects OfRefugeesGood Wives ExamplesAquilaRoman EmperorsGroups Sent Away

And, departing thence, he entered into the house of a certain man, Titus Justus by name, a worshipper of God, whose house was adjoining the synagogue.

Verse ConceptsProselytes

Now a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a learned man, came down to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

Verse ConceptsAlexandria The CityEloquenceMissionaries, Call OfApollosMissionary ExamplesUse Of The ScripturesRace

And, having heard this, they were immersed into the name of the Lord Jesus;

Verse ConceptsBaptism, practice ofBaptised In Christ's NameChristian BaptismBaptism

But some also of the wandering Jews, exorcists, attempted to name over those having evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, "I adjure you by the Jesus Whom Paul preaches."

Verse ConceptsMagical Arts, Practice Ofdriving outSuperstitionAdjurationWanderersPeople Casting Out DemonsIn The Name Of ChristThose DemonisedDemonsCasting Out Demons

And this became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, who were dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was being magnified.

Verse ConceptsHonorMiracles, Responses ToFear, Of UnknownShowing Forth His PraiseThe Gospel To Jew And GentileThings Manifest

For a certain one, Demetrius by name, a silver-smith, making silver shrines of Diana, was bringing to the artisans no small business;

Verse ConceptsArts And Crafts, Types ofCraftsmenSculptureShrinesSilverSkill

And a certain young man, Eutychus by name, seated in a window, being borne down with deep sleep, as Paul was long discoursing, overpowered by the sleep, fell from the third story, and was taken up dead.

Verse ConceptsDeath, Means OfSleep, PhysicalPeople Falling From A HeightThree Parts Of ConstructionsBad LuckteenagerFalling Backwards

And, as we tarried there several days, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, Agabus by name.

Verse ConceptsNamed Prophets Of The Lord

I, verily, therefore, imagined to myself that it was proper that I should do many things contrary to the name of Jesus, the Nazarene;

And, when it was decided that we should sail to Italy, they delivered Paul and some other prisoners to a centurion, Julius by name, of the Augustan band.

Verse ConceptsCenturionRoman Emperorssailing

Now, in the districts round about that place, were lands belonging to the chief man of the island, by name Publius; who, receiving us, entertained us hospitably three days.

Verse ConceptsGuestsHospitality, Examples OfCourtesyHospitalityTravellersWelcoming Other Peoplefriendliness