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For it is clear that He does not reach out to help angels, but to help Abraham’s offspring.

So that as it is clear that some have to go in, and that the first hearers of the good news were not able to go in because they went against God's orders,

Concerning Him we have much to say, and much that it would be difficult to make clear to you, since you have become so dull of apprehension.

For it is clear that our Lord has sprung out of Juda, as to which tribe Moses spake nothing as to priests.

And it is still more clear, if another priest according to the likeness of Melchizedek arises,

This illustration for today indicates that the gifts and sacrifices being offered could not clear the conscience of a worshiper,

Otherwise, would not the offering of these sacrifices have been abandoned, as the worshipers, having been once purified, would have had their consciences clear from sins?

And, every priest, indeed, standeth daily publicly ministering, and the same sacrifices ofttimes offering, the which never can clear away sins;

For those who say such [things] make clear that they are seeking a homeland.

clear the way for your feet, lest that which is lame should be quite out of joint, instead of being redress'd."

And the words, Still one more, make it clear that there will be a taking away of those things which are shaking, as of things which are made, so that there may be only those things of which no shaking is possible.

Keep praying for us, for we are convinced that we have a good conscience, seeking to conduct ourselves honorably [that is, with moral courage and personal integrity] in all things.