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Their dwelling place was from Mesha all the way to Sephar in the eastern hills.

He must bring them to the priest and present first the one that is for a sin offering. The priest must pinch its head at the nape of its neck, but must not sever the head from the body.

Verse ConceptsAnimals Torn To Pieces

and your children will wander in the wilderness forty years and suffer for your unfaithfulness, until your dead bodies lie finished in the wilderness.

Verse ConceptsMonotonyUnfaithfulness, To GodParents SinDying In The WildernessDeath As PunishmentThose Who Kept Stock

According to the number of the days you have investigated this land, forty days -- one day for a year -- you will suffer for your iniquities, forty years, and you will know what it means to thwart me.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Punishment ForKnowledge, Of GodThe Number FortyOne DayMore Than One Month40 To 50 YearsGod OpposingAccording To TimeComplainingexploringconsequenceswanderingland

From there he attacked the people of Debir. (Debir used to be called Kiriath Sepher.)

Caleb said, "To the man who attacks and captures Kiriath Sepher I will give my daughter Acsah as a wife."

Verse ConceptsThe Nations Attacked

From there they attacked the people of Debir. (Debir used to be called Kiriath Sepher.)

Caleb said, "To the man who attacks and captures Kiriath Sepher I will give my daughter Acsah as a wife."

Verse ConceptsThe Nations Attacked

They threw away the foreign gods they owned and worshiped the Lord. Finally the Lord grew tired of seeing Israel suffer so much.

Verse ConceptsGod, Suffering OfAbandoning ThingsPutting Away Other GodsCompetition

I left here full, but the Lord has caused me to return empty-handed. Why do you call me 'Naomi,' seeing that the Lord has opposed me, and the Sovereign One has caused me to suffer?"

Verse ConceptsemptinessLossPessimismEmpty PeopleFilling PeopleTragedy

My God is my rocky summit where I take shelter, my shield, the horn that saves me, my stronghold, my refuge, my savior. You save me from violence!

Verse ConceptsDanger, PhysicalGod, The RockGod, Titles And Names OfRefugeesShieldsViolenceStrongholdsYou Are Our GodProtection And Safetysheltercrusades

The prophet then said to him, "This is what the Lord says, 'Because you released a man I had determined should die, you will pay with your life and your people will suffer instead of his people.'"

Verse ConceptsProphets, Role OfSubstitutionPredestination, Of PersonsAnnihilationEquality Of PunishmentPeople Set Free By People

Let the king also be aware that if this city is built and its walls are completed, no more tax, custom, or toll will be paid, and the royal treasury will suffer loss.

Verse ConceptsTaxationTributes

When Job's three friends heard about all this calamity that had happened to him, each of them came from his own country -- Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. They met together to come to show sympathy for him and to console him.

Verse ConceptsBad FriendsGood FriendsLove, For One AnotherSympathyVisitingComfort, Of FriendsCondolenceVisiting Of The SickVisitationThree MenMeeting PeopleBest FriendsLosing A FriendLosing FriendsTrue Friends

Then Zophar the Naamathite spoke up and said:

Then Zophar the Naamathite answered:

So they went, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite, and did just as the Lord had told them; and the Lord had respect for Job.

How long must I worry, and suffer in broad daylight? How long will my enemy gloat over me?

Verse ConceptsUnhappiness

You answer our prayers by performing awesome acts of deliverance, O God, our savior. All the ends of the earth trust in you, as well as those living across the wide seas.

Verse ConceptsConversion, God's demands forGod, Righteousness OfGod AnsweredGod Doing RightDoing RightBelief In GodGod My Salvation

They are immune to the trouble common to men; they do not suffer as other men do.

Verse ConceptsImmunityNo TroubleLife StrugglesHardshipproblems

Be assured that the evil person will certainly be punished, but the descendants of the righteous will not suffer unjust judgment.

Verse ConceptsBad ParentsSin, God's Judgment OnEscaping EvilPunishmentPunishmentsPunishment of the The WickedBreakupswickedness

A shrewd person sees danger and hides himself, but the naive keep right on going and suffer for it.

Verse ConceptsBeing In DebtWisdom, Human ImportanceHiding From Peopleconsequences

Everyone will suffer -- the priest as well as the people, the master as well as the servant, the elegant lady as well as the female attendant, the seller as well as the buyer, the borrower as well as the lender, the creditor as well as the debtor.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Institution In Ot TimesServants Of PeopleLike People In CharacterLending And Borrowingservanthoodmistresspriests

Just as a thief has to suffer dishonor when he is caught, so the people of Israel will suffer dishonor for what they have done. So will their kings and officials, their priests and their prophets.

Verse ConceptsBeing AshamedStealingthieves

Then I said, "Oh, Lord God, look! The prophets are telling them that you said, 'You will not experience war or suffer famine. I will give you lasting peace and prosperity in this land.'"

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceNo More FamineNo Peace

The mother who had seven children will grow faint. All the breath will go out of her. Her pride and joy will be taken from her in the prime of their life. It will seem as if the sun had set while it was still day. She will suffer shame and humiliation. I will cause any of them who are still left alive to be killed in war by the onslaughts of their enemies," says the Lord.

Verse ConceptsHumiliationThe SunSeven ChildrenLife Cut ShortGod Will Cause Defeat

I said, "Lord, you know how I suffer. Take thought of me and care for me. Pay back for me those who have been persecuting me. Do not be so patient with them that you allow them to kill me. Be mindful of how I have put up with their insults for your sake.

Verse ConceptsMemoriesGod, Patience OfInjuryRevenge, Examples OfUnderstandingPersecution, Nature OfDivine RemembrancePeople VisitingBeing ReprovedRevenge

Why must I continually suffer such painful anguish? Why must I endure the sting of their insults like an incurable wound? Will you let me down when I need you like a brook one goes to for water, but that cannot be relied on?"

Verse ConceptsAgony, SicknessDisappointmentsPainResentment, Against GodRivers And StreamsSelf PityCessationUnceasingContinual HardshipFailing RiversI Am SufferingNo HealingThings StoppingHealing SicknessHope And Healinguncertainty

You are the one in whom Israel may find hope. All who leave you will suffer shame. Those who turn away from you will be consigned to the nether world. For they have rejected you, the Lord, the fountain of life.

Verse ConceptsAbandonmentForsaking GodHope, As ConfidenceShameSpring Of WaterWellsMetaphorical SpringsJudgements WrittenConsequences Of Forsaking GodLiving WaterWells, Figurative Useisraeldust

The Lord God of Israel who rules over all spoke about Moab. "Sure to be judged is Nebo! Indeed, it will be destroyed! Kiriathaim will suffer disgrace. It will be captured! Its fortress will suffer disgrace. It will be torn down!

Verse ConceptsFortressesRuinsWoe To The WickedCapturing Cities

My eye will not pity you; I will not spare you. For I will hold you responsible for your behavior, and you will suffer the consequences of your abominable practices. Then you will know that I am the Lord!

Verse ConceptsKnowledge, Of GodReward, DivineThe Recompense Of The WickedGod Without MercyNot Sparingpity

My eye will not pity you; I will not spare you. For your behavior I will hold you accountable, and you will suffer the consequences of your abominable practices. Then you will know that it is I, the Lord, who is striking you.

Verse ConceptsGod Beating PeopleGod Without MercyNot SparingRepaying Evil For Evilpity

"Yet you say, 'Why should the son not suffer for his father's iniquity?' When the son does what is just and right, and observes all my statutes and carries them out, he will surely live.

Verse ConceptsIncurring GuiltSins Of The FathersResults Of Keeping The CommandmentsFathers Responsibilities

The person who sins is the one who will die. A son will not suffer for his father's iniquity, and a father will not suffer for his son's iniquity; the righteous person will be judged according to his righteousness, and the wicked person according to his wickedness.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadFathers, Sin Of TheBeing Born In SinCreditResponsibility, To GodPersonal ResponsibilitySins Of The FathersPeople In RighteousnessSin Clings To The SinnerParents SinPunishmentPunishmentsPunishment of the The WickedDadsResponsibilityParents Being Wrong

"'No longer will Israel suffer from the sharp briers or painful thorns of all who surround and scorn them. Then they will know that I am the sovereign Lord.

Verse ConceptsBriersThorns

I will multiply the fruit of the trees and the produce of the fields, so that you will never again suffer the disgrace of famine among the nations.

Verse ConceptsCropsIncreasing FruitNo More FamineEliminating ShameRebirth Of IsraelValley Of Dry Bones

But I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt. Therefore, you must not acknowledge any God but me; except me there is no Savior.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorGod, As RedeemerFreedom, Acts Of In OtNo Other Is GodNo Other Acts Like GodI Will Be Their God

The speaker went on to say, "This is a curse traveling across the whole earth. For example, according to the curse whoever steals will be removed from the community; or on the other hand (according to the curse) whoever swears falsely will suffer the same fate."

Verse ConceptsPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSwearing Oaths FalselyThe Curse Of The LawSwearing