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And he led them forth without -- unto Bethany, and having lifted up his hands he did bless them,

These things took place in Bethany, across the Jordan, where John was baptising.

He it is of whom I said, A man comes after me who takes a place before me, because he was before me;

And on the third day a marriage took place in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.

and to those who were selling the doves He said, “Take these things away; stop making My Father’s house a place of business.”

Jesus said to him, "Truly, truly, I tell you, a person cannot see the kingdom of God [i.e., enter it. See verse 5], unless he is born from above [Note: The words "from above" are also used in verse 31, but in this place they could also mean "again," or "anew" and refer to the source of a person's second birth].

and baptized, while John was likewise baptizing in Enon, near Salim, it being a place abounding with water: so that people came to be baptized there.

He cometh, therefore, to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near to the place that Jacob gave to Joseph his son;

While this was taking place, the disciples were saying to Jesus, Master, take some food.

And after the two days he went from that place into Galilee.

For Jesus Himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own native-place.

After this, a Jewish festival took place, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

And there is in Jerusalem, at the sheep place a pool, in Hebrew called Bethesda, having five porches.

Do not be surprised at this: for the time is coming when his voice will come to all who are in the place of the dead,

Do not suppose that I shall accuse you to my Father: there is one who is accusing you, even Moses, on whom ye place your hope.

Then Jesus went up to a high plateau [Note: This place, northeast of Lake Galilee, is called "The Golan Heights," today] and sat down there with His disciples.

ON the next day, the multitude standing on the other side of the lake seeing that there was no other boat there except one, and that Jesus entered not into the ship with his disciples but his disciples had gone away alone,??23 but other boats came from Tiberias near the place where they had eaten bread after the Lord gave thanks,??24 when, therefore, the multitude saw that Jesus was not there, neither his disciples, they went into the ships and came to Capernaum, seeking Jesus.

What then [will you think] if you see the Son of Man ascending to [the realm] where He was before?

After this, Jesus walked [from place to place] in Galilee, for He would not walk in Judea because the Jews were seeking to kill Him.

So His brothers said to Him, “Leave here and go to Judea, so that Your disciples [there] may also see the works that You do.

But we know where this Man is from; whenever the Christ comes, no one will know where He is from.”

So the Jews said among themselves, To what place is he going where we will not see him? will he go to the Jews living among the Greeks and become the teacher of the Greeks?

They answered him, "Are you from Galilee, too? Search [the Scriptures], and you will see that no prophet will come from Galilee." [Note: They were probably referring to "the prophet" predicted to come by Moses. Deut. 18:15]. {{Most ancient manuscripts do not contain the section from 7:53 through 8:11, or else place it elsewhere in the book.

but they who heard that, being convicted by their own conscience, they all went old and young one after another, so that Jesus was left alone with the woman, who still kept her place.

Jesus said these words in the place where the offerings were stored, while he was teaching in the Temple: but no man took him because his time was still to come.

They said therefore to him, Who art thou? Jesus said to them, In the first place, I am just that which I speak to you.

"Truly, truly I say to you, the one who does not enter through the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up at some other place--that one is a thief and a robber.

When Jesus reached the place, he found that Lazarus had been four days in the tomb already.

Then the Jews who were with her in the house, comforting her, when they saw Mary get up quickly and go out, went after her in the belief that she was going to the place of the dead and would be weeping there.

When Mary came [to the place] where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet, saying to Him, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”

So Jesus, deeply troubled in heart, came to the place of the dead. It was a hole in the rock, and a stone was over the opening.

Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.

Now the people who were with him when his voice came to Lazarus in the place of the dead, and gave him life again, had been talking about it.

therefore they could not believe, according to what Esaias said in another place, "he hath blinded their eyes,

And [as] a dinner was taking place, [when] the devil had already put into the heart of Judas [son] of Simon Iscariot that he should betray him,

Rose from his place, and, taking off his upper garments, tied a towel round his waist.

So when Jesus had washed their feet and put his outer clothing back on, he took his place at the table again and said to them, "Do you understand what I have done for you?

From now on I am telling you [what will happen] before it occurs, so that when it does take place you may believe that I am He [who I say I am—the Christ, the Anointed, the Messiah].

And [to the place] where I am going, you know the way.”

I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does take place, you may believe and have faith [in Me].

On the contrary, I am going away so that the world may know that I love the Father. Just as the Father commanded Me, so I do.

“Get up; let’s leave this place.

Behold, the time is coming, yes, and has now come, that you will be scattered, everyone to his own place, and you will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.

After offering this prayer Jesus went out with His disciples to a place on the further side of the Ravine of the Cedars, where there was a garden which He entered--Himself and His disciples.

and the soldiers having plaited a crown of thorns, did place it on his head, and a purple garment they put around him,

When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.

So the soldiers said to one another, "Let's not tear it, but throw dice to see who will get it." This took place to fulfill the scripture that says, "They divided my garments among them, and for my clothing they threw dice." So the soldiers did these things.

Then says he to the disciple, Behold, thy mother. And from that hour the disciple took her to his own place.

Moreover, it says in another place, "They shall look at the man whom they pierced."

So they put Jesus there, because it was the Jews' day of getting ready for the Passover, and the place was near.

Now on the first day of the week, very early, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the place and saw that the stone had been taken away from it.

Then she went running to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple who was loved by Jesus, and said to them, They have taken away the Lord out of the place of the dead and we have no knowledge where they have put him.

So Peter and the other disciple went out to the place of the dead.

She saw two angels in white clothes who were sitting down, one at the head and the other at the foot of the place where Jesus' body had been lying.

On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the disciples had gathered together and locked the doors of the place because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you."

So the other disciples were saying to him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the imprint of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”

And after eight days, his disciples were again in the house and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were shut, Jesus came, and taking his place in the middle of them, he said, May peace be with you!

Then He said to Thomas, “Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and put out your hand and place it in My side. Do not be unbelieving, but [stop doubting and] believe.”

And there are also many other things -- as many as Jesus did -- which, if they may be written one by one, not even the world itself I think to have place for the books written. Amen.

Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the place called "Mount of Olives," which was about three-fourths of a mile from Jerusalem.

They entered the city, and they went up to the upper room which was now their fixed place for meeting. Their names were Peter and John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the brother of James.

And in these days, Peter having risen up in the midst of the disciples, said, (the multitude also of the names at the same place was, as it were, an hundred and twenty,)

Truly this therefore purchased a place from the wages of iniquity; and being bent forward, he brake in pieces in the midst, and all his entrails were poured out.

and it became known to all those dwelling in Jerusalem, insomuch that that place is called, in their proper dialect, Aceldama, that is, field of blood,

for it hath been written in the book of Psalms: Let his lodging-place become desolate, and let no one be dwelling in it, and his oversight let another take.

and they prayed, saying. "Thou, O Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men, show clearly which of these two men thou hast chosen to fill the place

Then they drew lots between them. The lot fell on Matthias, and a place among the eleven Apostles was voted to him.

And when this sound took place, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because every one heard them speaking in his own language.

because you [i.e., God] will not allow my soul [i.e., this is a reference to Jesus] to remain in Hades [i.e., the unseen place of the departed spirits], neither will you allow [the body of] your Holy One to decay.

My brothers, I may say to you openly that David came to his death, and was put in the earth, and his resting-place is with us today.

But being a prophet, and having in mind the oath which God had given to him, that of the fruit of his body one would take his place as a king,