Search: 4806 results
Exact Match
- 1.Gen 1:27-Gen 24:33
- 2.Gen 24:35-Gen 37:20
- 3.Gen 37:21-Gen 50:7
- 4.Gen 50:9-Exo 29:21
- 5.Exo 29:29-Lev 14:25
- 6.Lev 14:28-Num 15:33
- 7.Num 15:34-Deut 10:8
- 8.Deut 10:9-Josh 5:13
- 9.Josh 5:14-Judg 8:8
- 10.Judg 8:14-Rth 2:10
- 11.Rth 3:13-1 Sam 17:25
- 12.1 Sam 17:26-1 Sam 27:4
- 13.1 Sam 27:6-2 Sam 11:25
- 14.2 Sam 11:27-2 Sam 20:17
- 15.2 Sam 20:21-1 Kgs 12:20
- 16.1 Kgs 13:4-1 Kgs 22:22
- 17.1 Kgs 22:26-2 Kgs 9:36
- 18.2 Kgs 10:4-1 Chron 11:10
- 19.1 Chron 11:12-2 Chron 15:1
- 20.2 Chron 15:2-2 Chron 33:19
- 21.2 Chron 33:20-Esth 5:9
- 22.Esth 5:11-Job 22:29
- 23.Job 23:3-Psa 22:24
- 24.Psa 22:25-Psa 89:23
- 25.Psa 89:24-Prov 17:25
- 26.Prov 18:13-Isa 14:29
- 27.Isa 15:4-Jer 19:14
- 28.Jer 20:2-Jer 50:16
- 29.Jer 50:17-Dan 5:17
- 30.Dan 5:19-Jnh 1:8
- 31.Jnh 1:9-Matt 8:4
- 32.Matt 8:5-Matt 18:21
- 33.Matt 18:22-Matt 26:67
- 34.Matt 26:69-Mrk 5:18
- 35.Mrk 5:19-Mrk 11:27
- 36.Mrk 11:28-Luk 2:25
- 37.Luk 2:26-Luk 9:11
- 38.Luk 9:12-Luk 16:14
- 39.Luk 16:27-Luk 23:14
- 40.Luk 23:15-John 5:6
- 41.John 5:7-John 9:34
- 42.John 9:35-John 18:25
- 43.John 18:26-Act 8:32
- 44.Act 8:35-Act 20:37
- 45.Act 20:38-Rom 14:3
- 46.Rom 14:4-Col 2:7
- 47.Col 2:9-2 Pet 3:15
- 48.1 John 1:5-Rev 20:11
- 49.Rev 21:6-Rev 22:18
and it had been intimated to him by the Holy Spirit, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Christ of the Lord.
And his father and mother were marvelling over the things which were being spoken concerning him.
and, in that very hour, coming near, she began to give thanks unto God, and to speak concerning him unto all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.
but, supposing him to be in the company, went a day's journey, and then began to seek for him among their kinsfolk and acquaintances,
and, not finding him, returned unto Jerusalem, seeking him.
And it came to pass, that, after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting amidst the teachers, - both hearkening unto them, and questioning them.
Now all who heard him were beside themselves, because of his understanding and his answers.
And, when they behold him, they were astounded, and his mother said unto him - Child! why, hast thou dealt with us, thus? Lo! thy father and I, in anguish, were seeking thee.
He was saying, therefore, unto the multitudes who were going forth to be immersed by him - Broods of vipers! who suggested to you, to flee from the coming wrath?
And the multitude began to question him saying - What, then, shall we do?
And, answering, he said unto them - He that hath two tunics, let him share with him that hath none, and, he that hath food, in like manner, let him be doing.
And there came, even tax-collectors, to be immersed; and they said unto him - Teacher! what, shall we, do?
Then were questioning him, soldiers also, saying - What shall, even we, do? And he said unto them - Molest ye, no one, neither accuse falsely; and be content with your supplies.
But, Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him concerning Herodias, the wife of his brother, and concerning all the wicked things Herod had done,
and the Holy Spirit descended, in bodily appearance, as a dove, upon him, - and, a voice out of heaven, came - Thou, art my Son, the Beloved, in thee, I delight.
And the adversary said to him - If thou art God's, Son, speak unto this stone; that it become bread.
And Jesus made answer unto him - It is written: Not, on bread alone, shall, man, live.
And, leading him up, he shewed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth, in a moment of time.
And the adversary said to him - Unto thee, will I give this authority, all together, and their glory; because, unto me, hath it been delivered up, and, to whomsoever I please, I give it:
And, answering, Jesus said to him - It is written: The Lord thy God, shalt thou worship, and, unto him alone, render divine service.
And he led him into Jerusalem, and set him upon the pinnacle of the temple, - and said to him- If thou art God's, Son, cast thyself, from hence, down;
And Jesus, answering, said to him - It is said: Thou shalt not put to the test the Lord thy God.
And, having concluded every temptation, the adversary departed from him until a fitting season.
And Jesus returned, in the power of the Spirit, into Galilee; and, a report, went out along the whole of the region, concerning him;
And there was handed to him a scroll of the prophet Isaiah; and unfolding the scroll, he found the place where it was written:
And, folding up the scroll, he handed it to the attendant, and sat down; and, the eyes of all, in the synagogue, were intently fixed upon him;
And, all, were bearing witness to him, and marvelling at the words of favour which were proceeding out of his mouth; and they were saying - Is not, this, the, son of Joseph?
And, rising up, they thrust him forth outside the city, and led him as far as a brow of the hill on which their city was built, - so that they might throw him down headlong.
And Jesus rebuked it, saying - Hold thy peace! and go forth from him. And the demon, throwing him into the midst, went forth from him, doing him no hurt.
And a noise concerning him began to go out into every place of the country around.
And, rising up, from the synagogue, he went into the house of Simon. Now, the mother-in-law of Simon, was in distress with a great fever; and they made request to him concerning her.
But, as the sun was going in, they one and all, as many as had any sick with divers diseases, brought them unto him; and, he, upon each one of them laying, his hands, was curing them.
And demons also were going forth from many; crying aloud, and saying - Thou, art the Son of God. And, rebuking them, he suffered them not be talking; because they knew him to be, The Christ.
And, when it was day, going forth, he journeyed into a desert place; and, the multitudes, were seeking after him, and they came unto him, and would have detained him, that he might not depart from them.
And it came to pass, while the multitude was pressing upon him, and was hearing the word of God, that, he, was standing near the lake of Gennesaret;
And, entering into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he requested him, to put off from the land, a little; and, taking a seat, out of the boat, began he teaching the multitudes.
For, amazement, overcame him, and all them who were with him, on account of the draught of the fishes which they had taken;
And, bringing the boats down on to the land, they left all, and followed him.
And it came to pass, while he was in one of the cities, that lo! there was a man full of leprosy; and, seeing Jesus, he fell on his face, and entreated him, saying - Lord! if thou be willing, thou canst cleanse me.
And, stretching forth the hand, he touched him, saying - I am willing: Be cleansed! And, straightway, the leprosy departed from him.
And, he, charged him to tell, no one, - but, departing, Show thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing, according as Moses enjoined, for a witness unto them.
But the report concerning him the more went abroad, and many multitudes were coming together, to hear, and be getting cured from their infirmities;
And lo! men bearing, upon a couch, one who was paralyzed, and they were seeking to bring him in, and lay him before him.
And, not finding by what means they might bring him in, because of the multitude, going up on the house-top, through the tiling, let they him down, with the little-couch, into the midst before Jesus.
And, after these things, he went forth, and looked upon a tax-collector, by name Levi, - presiding over the tax-office; and he said to him - Be following me!
And Levi made a great reception for him, in his house, and there was a great multitude of tax-collectors, and others, - who were with them reclining.
But, they, said unto him - The disciples of John, do fast much, and, supplications, do make, - likewise also the disciples of the Pharisees; but, thine, do eat and drink!
And, making answer unto them, Jesus said - Have ye never read, even this, what David did when he hungered, he, and they who were with him -
How he entered into the house of God, and, the presence-bread, receiving, did eat, and gave to them who were with him, which it is not allowable to eat, save alone, to the priests?
Now the Scribes and the Pharisees were narrowly watching him, whether, on the Sabbath, he healeth, - that they might find whereof to accuse him.
And, looking round upon them all, he said unto him - Stretch forth thy hand! and, he, did so, and his hand was restored.
and, coming down with them, he stood upon a level place, also a great multitude of his disciples, - and a great throng of the people, from all Judaea and Jerusalem and the sea-coast of Tyre and Zidon, who had come to hearken unto him and to be healed from their diseases;
and, all the multitude, were seeking to touch him, because, power, from him, was coming forth, and healing all.
To him who is smiting thee upon the one cheek, be offering, the other also; and, from him who is taking away thy mantle, thy tunic also, do not forbid:
To every one asking thee, give, and, from him that taketh away thy possessions, ask them not back.
And, a certain centurion's servant, being sick, was on the point of dying, - who was, by him, highly prized.
But, hearing about Jesus, he sent forth unto him elders of the Jews, requesting him that he would come and bring his servant safely through.
And, they, coming near unto Jesus, began beseeching him earnestly, saying - Worthy, is he for whom thou mayest do this,
And, Jesus, was journeying with them. But, he, by this time, being not far from the house, the centurion sent friends, saying unto him - Lord! do not trouble thyself, for I am of no consideration, that, under my roof, thou shouldst enter.
And, hearing these things, Jesus marvelled at him; and, turning to the multitude following him, said - I tell you, Not even in Israel, such faith as this, have I found!
And it came to pass thereafter, that he journeyed unto a city called Nain, and there were journeying with him, his disciples and a great multitude.
And the dead man sat up, and began to speak; and he gave him to his mother.
And John's disciples carried tidings unto him concerning all these things.
And, calling unto him certain two of his disciples, John sent unto the Lord, saying - Art, thou, the Coming One, or, a different one, are we to expect?
And, coming near unto him, the men said - John the Immerser, hath sent us unto thee, saying, Art, thou, the Coming One, or, another, are we to expect?
but, the Pharisees and the lawyers, had set aside, the counsel of God against themselves, not being immersed by him.
And a certain one of the Pharisees was requesting him, that he would eat with him; and, entering into the house of the Pharisee, he reclined.
But the Pharisee who had invited him, seeing it, spake within himself, saying, This one, if he were the prophet, would have been taking note, who and of what sort, is the woman, who is even touching him, that she is, a sinner.
And, making answer, Jesus said unto him - Simon! I have, unto thee, something to say. He, then - Teacher, speak! - saith he.
they not having wherewith to pay, he forgave, both. Which of them, therefore, will love him, more?
Making answer, Simon said - I suppose, that he to whom, the more, he forgave. And, he, said unto him - Rightly, hast thou judged.
And it came to pass, in due course, that he was passing through, city by city and village by village, proclaiming, and delivering the glad-message of the kingdom of God, - and, the twelve, were with him;
And, seeing that a great multitude were coming together, and they who from every city were journeying forth unto him, he spake through means of a parable: -
And, other, fell into good ground; and, growing, brought forth fruit, a hundredfold. These things, saying, he went on to cry aloud - He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
But his disciples began to question him - What might, this very, parable be?
Be taking heed therefore how ye hear; for, whosoever shall have, it shall be given unto him; and, whosoever shall not have, even what he seemeth to have, shall be taken from him.
And his mother and brethren came near unto him, and were unable to reach him, because of the multitude.
And it was reported to him - Thy mother and thy brethren, are standing outside, desiring, to see, thee.
And, coming near, they roused him up, saying - Master! Master! we perish! And, he, roused up, rebuked the wind, and the surging of the water; and they ceased, and it became a calm.
And he said unto them - Where was your faith? But, struck with fear, they marvelled, saying one to another - Who then is, this, - that, even unto the winds, he giveth orders, and unto the water, and they hearken unto him.
And, when he went forth upon the land, there met him a certain man, out of the city, having demons; and, for a considerable time, he had put on no garment, and, in a house, would not abide, but among the tombs.
But, seeing Jesus, he cried out aloud, and fell down before him, and, with a loud voice, said - What have I in common with thee, O Jesus, Son of Godthe Most High? I beg of thee - Do not torment me! -
for he was about to charge the impure spirit to come out from the man. For, many times, had it snatched him away; and he used to be bound with chains and fetters, for a safe-guard, and was wont to break in pieces the bonds, and to be driven by the demon into the deserts.
And Jesus questioned him - What name hast thou? And, he, said - Legion! because many demons had entered into him.
And they were beseeching him that he would not order them, into the abyss, to depart.
Now there was there, a herd of a good many swine, feeding in the mountain; and they besought him, that he would suffer them, into those, to enter; and he suffered them.
And one and all of the throng of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes, requested him, to depart from them; because, with a great fear, were they oppressed. And, he, entering into a boat, returned.
And the man from whom the demons had gone forth, began to beg of him, that he might be with him; but he dismissed him, saying -
Be returning unto thy house, and telling forth what great things, God, for thee, hath done. And he departed, through all the city, proclaiming what great things, Jesus, had done for him.
Now, when Jesus returned, the multitude welcomed him back, for they were all expecting him.
And lo! there came a man, whose name was Jairus, and, the same, was, a ruler of the synagogue, - and, falling down near the feet of Jesus, he began beseeching him to enter into his house;
because he had, an only-begotten daughter, about twelve years old, and, she, was dying. Now, as he withdrew, the multitudes, were hemming him in.
And, the woman seeing that she had not escaped notice, trembling, came, and, falling down before him, reported before all the people, for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed instantly!
But, Jesus, hearing, answered him - Do not fear! Only believe, and she shall be saved.
And, when he came into the house, he suffered no one to enter with him, save Peter and John and James, and the father of the girl, and the mother.
But Herod said - John, I myself, beheaded; but, who is this, concerning whom I am hearing such things as these? And he was seeking to see him.
And the Apostles, returning, related to him what great things they had done. And, taking them aside, he retired privately, into a city called Bethsaida.
But, the multitudes, getting to know, followed him; and, giving them welcome, he began speaking unto them concerning the kingdom of God, - and, them that had need of cure, he healed,
Extract Match Search Results...
- 1.Gen 1:27-Gen 24:33
- 2.Gen 24:35-Gen 37:20
- 3.Gen 37:21-Gen 50:7
- 4.Gen 50:9-Exo 29:21
- 5.Exo 29:29-Lev 14:25
- 6.Lev 14:28-Num 15:33
- 7.Num 15:34-Deut 10:8
- 8.Deut 10:9-Josh 5:13
- 9.Josh 5:14-Judg 8:8
- 10.Judg 8:14-Rth 2:10
- 11.Rth 3:13-1 Sam 17:25
- 12.1 Sam 17:26-1 Sam 27:4
- 13.1 Sam 27:6-2 Sam 11:25
- 14.2 Sam 11:27-2 Sam 20:17
- 15.2 Sam 20:21-1 Kgs 12:20
- 16.1 Kgs 13:4-1 Kgs 22:22
- 17.1 Kgs 22:26-2 Kgs 9:36
- 18.2 Kgs 10:4-1 Chron 11:10
- 19.1 Chron 11:12-2 Chron 15:1
- 20.2 Chron 15:2-2 Chron 33:19
- 21.2 Chron 33:20-Esth 5:9
- 22.Esth 5:11-Job 22:29
- 23.Job 23:3-Psa 22:24
- 24.Psa 22:25-Psa 89:23
- 25.Psa 89:24-Prov 17:25
- 26.Prov 18:13-Isa 14:29
- 27.Isa 15:4-Jer 19:14
- 28.Jer 20:2-Jer 50:16
- 29.Jer 50:17-Dan 5:17
- 30.Dan 5:19-Jnh 1:8
- 31.Jnh 1:9-Matt 8:4
- 32.Matt 8:5-Matt 18:21
- 33.Matt 18:22-Matt 26:67
- 34.Matt 26:69-Mrk 5:18
- 35.Mrk 5:19-Mrk 11:27
- 36.Mrk 11:28-Luk 2:25
- 37.Luk 2:26-Luk 9:11
- 38.Luk 9:12-Luk 16:14
- 39.Luk 16:27-Luk 23:14
- 40.Luk 23:15-John 5:6
- 41.John 5:7-John 9:34
- 42.John 9:35-John 18:25
- 43.John 18:26-Act 8:32
- 44.Act 8:35-Act 20:37
- 45.Act 20:38-Rom 14:3
- 46.Rom 14:4-Col 2:7
- 47.Col 2:9-2 Pet 3:15
- 48.1 John 1:5-Rev 20:11
- 49.Rev 21:6-Rev 22:18
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