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Then answered Isaac his father and said unto him, - Lo! of the fat parts of the earth, shall be thy dwelling, And of the dew of the heavens, above;

And on thy sword, shalt thou live, And thy brother, shalt thou serve: But it shall come to pass when thou shalt rove at large, Then shalt thou break his yoke from off thy neck.

Then were told to Rebekah, the words of Esau her elder son, so she sent and called for Jacob, her younger son, and said unto him - Lo! Esau, thy brother, is consoling himself as touching thee, to slay thee.

Now, therefore, my son, hearken to my voice, - and rise flee thou to Laban my brother to Haran;

And thou shalt dwell with him a few days, - until that the wrath of thy brother turn away:

until the turning away of the anger of thy brother from thee, and he forget what thou hast done to him, and I send and fetch thee from thence. Wherefore should I lose, you both, in one day?

So then Rebekah said unto Isaac, I am disgusted with my life because of the daughters of Heth, - Should Jacob be taking a wife of the daughters of Heth, like these, of the daughters of the land, wherefore could I wish for life?

Then Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, - and commanded him and said to him, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.

Rise, go thy way to Padan-aram to the house of Bethuel, thy mothers father, - and take thee from thence a wife, of the daughters of Laban, thy mothers brother.

And, GOD Almighty, bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, so shalt thou become a multitude of peoples.

And may he give thee the blessing of Abraham, to thee, and to thy seed with thee, - that thou mayest possess the land of thy sojournings, which God gave to Abraham.

So Isaac sent away Jacob, and he took his journey to Padan-aram, - unto Laban son of Bethuel, the Syrian, brother of Rebekah, mother of Jacob and Esau.

And Esau beheld that Isaac, when he blessed Jacob, and sent him to Padan-aram, to take to himself from thence a wife, that in blessing him, he laid command upon him, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan;

And that Jacob hearkened unto his father and unto his mother, - and took his journey to Padan-aram.

Esau therefore went unto Ishmael, - and took Mahalath daughter of Ishmael son of Abraham sister of Nebaioth, to himself to wife, in addition to the wives that he had.

So Jacob went forth from Beer-sheba, and journeyed towards Haran.

And he lighted on a place, and tarried the night there, because the sun had gone in, - and he took of the stones of the place, and put for his pillow, and lay down in that place,

and lo! Yahweh, standing by him, - and he said, I, am Yahweh, God of Abraham thy father and God of Isaac, - The land whereon, thou, art lying, to thee, will I give it and to thy seed;

And thy seed shall become as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt break forth westward and eastward, and northward and southward, - And all the families of the ground shall be blessed in thee and in thy seed.

And Jacob awoke from his sleep, and said. Surely, Yahweh was in this place, And I, knew it not.

And he feared and said, How fearful is this place! None other this, than the house of God! Nor this than the gate of the heavens

So Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone which he halt lint for his pillow, and put it for a pillar, - and poured out oil upon the top thereof;

and called the name of that place - Beth-el, - nevertheless, Luz, was the name of the city, aforetime.

And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, - If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way whereon, I, am going, and give me bread to eat and raiment to put on;

and I come back in prosperity unto the house of my father, Then will Yahweh prove to be my God, -

And, this stone which I have put for a pillar, shall be the house of God, - And, of all which thou shalt give me, a tenth, will I tithe unto thee.

Then Jacob lifted up his feet, - and went his way towards the land of the sons of the East.

And he looked, and lo! a well, in the field and lo! there, three flocks of sheep, lying down near it, for out of that well, do they water the flocks, but, the stone, is great, on the mouth of the well:

so they gather together thither all the flocks, and roll away the stone from off the mouth of the well, and water the sheep, - and put hack the stone upon the mouth of the well, to its place.

And Jacob said to them, My brethren, whence are ye? And they said: From haran, are we.

And he said to them, Know ye Laban, son of Nahor? And they said, We know him.

And he said to them, Is it well with him. And they said, Well, but lo! Rachel his daughter, coming in with the sheep.

And he said Lo! the day is yet high, it is not time for gathering together the cattle, - water the sheep, and go feed.

And they said, We cannot, until that all the flocks are gathered together, and they roll away the stone, from off the mouth of the well, - and then can we water the sheep.

And it came to pass when Jacob saw Rachel daughter of Laban, his mothers brother, and the sheep of Laban, his mothers brother, that Jacob went near, and rolled away the stone from off the mouth of the well, and watered the sheep of Laban his mother's brother,

And Jacob kissed Rachel, - and lifted up his voice, and wept.

And when Jacob told Rachel that he was her father's brother, and that he was Rebekah's son, then ran she, and told her father.

And it came to pass when Laban heard the tidings of Jacob his sisters son, that he ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fondly kissed him, and brought him into his house, - when he recounted to Laban all these things.

And Laban said to him, Surely, my bone and my flesh, art thou. So he abode with him a month of days.

Now, Laban, had two daughters, - the name of the elder, Leah, and the name of the younger, Rachel,

And Laban said, Better that I give her to thee, than that I should give her to another man, - Abide with me!

And it came to pass in the evening, that he took Leah his daughter and brought her in unto him, - and he went in unto her.

And Laban gave her Zilpah, his handmaid, unto Leah his daughter. as handmaid.

And it came to pass in the morning, that lo! it was Leah, - and he said unto Laban, What is this thou hast done to me? Was it not, for Rachel, I served with thee? Wherefore then hast thou deceived me?

And Laban said, It must not be done so in our place, - to give the later-born before the firstborn.

And Jacob did so, and fulfilled the week of this one, - and he gave him Rachel his daughter - to him to wife.

And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid, - to be hers as a handmaid.

So Leah conceived, and hare a son, and called his name Reuben, - for she said, Because, Yahweh hath looked upon my humiliation, For, now, will my husband love me.

And she conceived again, and bare a son, and said. Because Yahweh heard that, I, was I hated, he gave me, this one also. So she called his name Simeon.

And she conceived again and bare a son, and said, Now - this time, will my husband he bound unto me, For I have borne him three sons, - For this cause, called she his name Levi.

And she conceived again and bare a son, and said This time, will I praise Yahweh, For which cause, she called his name Judah. And she left off bearing.

And Rachel saw she had borne no children unto Jacob, so Rachel became envious of her sister, - and said unto Jacob, Come! give me children, or else, I die.

Then kindled the anger of Jacob with Rachel, - and he said, Am I, in the place of God, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?

And she said, Lo! my handmaid, Bilhah. Go in unto her, - that she may hear upon my knees, so that, I also, may be builded up by her!

And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid, to wife, - and Jacob went in unto her;

and Bilhah conceived, and bare unto Jacob a son;

and Rachel said God hath vindicated me. Moreover also he hath hearkened unto my voice, and hath given me a son. For this cause, called she his name Dan.

And Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid conceived again, and bare a second son to Jacob.

Then saw Leah, that she had left off bearing, - so she took Zilpah, her handmaid, and gave her to Jacob to wife.

And Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, bare to Jacob a son:

and Leah said, Victory hath come! So she called his name Gad.

And Zilpah, Leah's handmaid bare a second son to Jacob;

and Leah said, For my happiness, surely happy have daughters pronounced me. So she called his name, Asher.

Then went Reuben, in the days of the wheat harvest, and found mandrakes, in the field, and brought them in unto Leah his mother, and Rachel said unto Leah, Pray give me, stone of the mandrakes of thy son

And she said to her, Is it, a small thing, that thou hast taken away my husband? And wouldst thou take away, even the mandrakes of my son? Then said Rachel, Therefore, shall he lie with thee to-night, for the mandrakes of thy son.

And Jacob came in from the field, in the evening, so Leah went out to meet him and said: Unto me, shall thou come in, for I have hired, thee, even with the mandrakes of my son. And he lay with her that night,

And God hearkened unto Leah, - and she conceived and bare to Jacob a fifth son.

And Leah conceived again and bare a sixth son to Jacob.

And afterwards she bare a daughter, - so she called her name, Dinah.

So she conceived and bare a son, - and said, God hath taken away my reproach;

So she called his name Joseph, saying, Yahweh is adding unto me another son.

And it came to pass, when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban, Let me go that I may take my journey, unto my place, and to my land.

Come, give me my wives and my children for whom I have served thee and let me take my journey, - for, thou, knowest my service wherewith I have served thee.

And Laban said unto him, If, I pray thee, I have found favour in thine eyes, -- I have divined that Yahweh hath blessed me for thy sake.

And he said, - Come, fix thy wages for me, that I may give it!

And he said unto him, Thou, knowest how I have served thee, - and how thy cattle have fared, with me.

For it was, little I that thou hadst - before I came and then it brake forth into multitude, and Yahweh blessed thee at my every step. Now, therefore, when am, I, also to do something for my own house?

And he said, What shall I give thee? And Jacob said: Thou shall give me, nothing at all, If thou wilt do for me this thing, I will return, I will shepherd thy flock I will keep it:

Let me pass through all thy flock to-day, removing from thence every young one that is speckled and spotted and every young one that is dark-coloured among the young sheep, and spotted and speckled among the goats, and they shall he my wages.

And my righteousness shall answer for me on a future day, when thou shall come in respecting my hire that is before thee, Every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and dark-coloured among the young sheep, stolen, shall it be accounted, if found with me.

So he removed, on that day, the he-goats that were striped and spotted and all the she-goats that were speckled and spotted, every one that had white in it, and every dark-coloured one among the young sheep, - and delivered then into the hand of his sons;

then put he a journey of three days between himself and Jacob, - but, Jacob himself, continued tending the flocks of Laban that were left.

So then Jacob took him rods of young storax, and hazel and maple, - and peeled in them white stripes, laying bare the white which was on the rods.

And he set the reds which he had peeled, in the channels in the troughs of water, - where the flocks came in to drink straight before the flocks, and the females of the flock used to be in heat when they came in to drink;

and the males of the flock were in heat before the rods, - so the flocks brought forth ring-straked, speckled, and spotted.

The rams also, did Jacob separate, and then set the faces of the flocks towards the ring-straked and all the dark-coloured, among the flocks of Laban, - and he put his own droves by themselves, and put them not with the flocks of Laban.

but, when the flocks were late in bearing, he did not set them, - and so the late-born were Laban's, out the strong ones Jacob's.

Thus did the man break forth, exceedingly, - thus came he to have flocks in abundance, and maid-servants, and men-servants and camels and asses.

And Jacob looked upon the face of Laban, - and lo! it was not with him as afore-time.