8 Bible Verses about The Sabbath
Most Relevant Verses
And he said to them, "The Sabbath was established for people, and not people for the Sabbath.
Consequently a sabbath rest remains for the people of God. For the one who has entered into his rest has also himself rested from his works, just as God [did] from his own [works].

But [when] the Pharisees saw [it], they said to him, "Behold, your disciples are doing what it is not permitted to do on the Sabbath!"
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From Thematic Bible
Pharisees » Traditions of, in regard to » The sabbath
But [when] the Pharisees saw [it], they said to him, "Behold, your disciples are doing what it is not permitted to do on the Sabbath!" So he said to them, "Have you not read what David did when he was hungry, and those with him, how he entered into the house of God and ate the bread of the presentation, which it was not permitted for him or for those with him to eat, but only for the priests? read more.
Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple violate the sanctity of the Sabbath and are guiltless? But I tell you that [something] greater than the temple is here! And if you had known what {it means}, 'I want mercy and not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the guiltless. For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath."
The sabbath » Called » The sabbath of the lord
But the seventh day [is] a Sabbath for Yahweh your God; you will not do any work--you or your son or your daughter, your male slave or your female slave, or your animal, or your alien who [is] in your gates--
but the seventh day [is] Sabbath unto Yahweh your God; you shall not do any work, or your son, or your daughter, or your slave, or your slave woman, or your ox, or your donkey, or any of your domestic animals, or your [resident] alien who [is] in your {towns}, so that your slave and your slave woman may rest as you [rest].
" '[For] six days work is to be done, and on the seventh day [shall be] {a Sabbath of complete rest}, a holy assembly; you shall not do any work; it [shall be] a Sabbath for Yahweh in all your dwellings.
The sabbath » The wicked » Pollute
"But in the desert the house of Israel rebelled against me; {they did not walk in my statutes}, and they rejected my regulations, which, if a person does them, he will live by them, and they greatly profaned my Sabbaths, and I decided to pour out my rage on them in the desert to destroy them,
because they despised my judgments, and {they did not walk in my statutes}, and my Sabbaths they profaned, for their heart was going after their idols.
Happy [is the] man [who] does this, and [the] son of humankind [who] keeps hold of it, who keeps [the] Sabbath {so as not to profane} it, and who keeps his hand from doing any evil."
The sabbath » First day of the week kept as, by primitive church
And after eight days his disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. [Although] the doors had been shut, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said, "Peace to you."
On the first [day] of the week, each one of you {put aside} [something], saving up {to whatever extent he has prospered}, in order that whenever I come, at that time collections do not take place.
And on the first [day] of the week, [when] we had assembled to break bread, Paul began conversing with them, [because he] was going to leave on the next day, and he extended [his] message until midnight.
The sabbath » Works connected with religious service lawful on
If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses would not be broken, are you angry with me because I made a whole man well on the Sabbath?
" 'On the day of the Sabbath, two male lambs without defect {in their first year}, and two-tenths of finely milled flour mixed with oil [for] a grain offering and its libation.
Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple violate the sanctity of the Sabbath and are guiltless?
The sabbath » Works of mercy lawful on
And this woman, who is a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan bound {eighteen} long years--is it not necessary that she be released from this bond on the day of the Sabbath?"
Then to what degree [is] a man worth more than a sheep? So then, it is permitted to do good on the Sabbath."
(Now the day on which Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes was the Sabbath.)
The sabbath » Necessary wants may be supplied on
But the Lord answered and said to him, "Hypocrites! Does not each one of you untie his ox or [his] donkey from the feeding trough on the Sabbath and lead [it] away to water [it]?
And it happened that when he came to the house of a certain one of the leaders of the Pharisees on a Sabbath to eat {a meal}, they were watching him closely.
At that time Jesus went through the grain fields on the Sabbath. And his disciples were hungry, and they began to pluck off heads of grain and eat [them].
The sabbath » The word of God to be preached on
And he argued in the synagogue every Sabbath, attempting to persuade both Jews and Greeks.
{And as was his custom}, Paul went in to them and on three Sabbath [days] he discussed with them from the scriptures,
And they went on from Perga [and] arrived at Pisidian Antioch. And they entered into the synagogue on the day of the Sabbath [and] sat down. So after the reading from the law and the prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent [word] to them, saying, "Men [and] brothers, if there is any message of exhortation by you for the people, say [it]."
The sabbath » The wicked » Traffic on
And the peoples of the land who bring merchandise and any grain on the Sabbath day to sell, we will not accept it from them on the Sabbath or on a holy day. We will forego [the crops of] the seventh year and [cancel] every debt.
In those days I saw in Judah [people] treading the wine press on the Sabbath, bringing in heaps [of grain] and loading them on donkeys along with wine, grapes and figs, and every kind of burden and bringing [it all] to Jerusalem on the day of the Sabbath. And I warned them at that time against selling food. Tyrian men who lived in [Jerusalem] brought fish and every kind of merchandise and sold [it] on the Sabbath to the descendants of Judah and in Jerusalem.
The sabbath » Saints » Testify against those who desecrate
In those days I saw in Judah [people] treading the wine press on the Sabbath, bringing in heaps [of grain] and loading them on donkeys along with wine, grapes and figs, and every kind of burden and bringing [it all] to Jerusalem on the day of the Sabbath. And I warned them at that time against selling food.
So the merchants and the sellers of merchandise spent the night outside of Jerusalem once or twice. But I warned them and said to them, "Why are you spending the night opposite the wall? If you do [it again], I will lay hands against you." From that time on they did not come on the Sabbath.
The sabbath » No purchases to be made on
And the peoples of the land who bring merchandise and any grain on the Sabbath day to sell, we will not accept it from them on the Sabbath or on a holy day. We will forego [the crops of] the seventh year and [cancel] every debt.
In those days I saw in Judah [people] treading the wine press on the Sabbath, bringing in heaps [of grain] and loading them on donkeys along with wine, grapes and figs, and every kind of burden and bringing [it all] to Jerusalem on the day of the Sabbath. And I warned them at that time against selling food. Tyrian men who lived in [Jerusalem] brought fish and every kind of merchandise and sold [it] on the Sabbath to the descendants of Judah and in Jerusalem. So I quarreled with the nobles of Judah and said to them, "What is this evil thing that you are doing, profaning the day of the Sabbath?
The sabbath » God » Commanded, to be kept
You shall keep my Sabbaths, and you shall revere my sanctuary; I [am] Yahweh.
Each [of you] must revere your mother and your father, and you must keep my Sabbaths; I [am] Yahweh your God.
The sabbath » Servants and cattle should be allowed to rest upon
But the seventh day [is] a Sabbath for Yahweh your God; you will not do any work--you or your son or your daughter, your male slave or your female slave, or your animal, or your alien who [is] in your gates--
but the seventh day [is] Sabbath unto Yahweh your God; you shall not do any work, or your son, or your daughter, or your slave, or your slave woman, or your ox, or your donkey, or any of your domestic animals, or your [resident] alien who [is] in your {towns}, so that your slave and your slave woman may rest as you [rest].
The sabbath » Denunciations against those who profane
But if you do not listen to me, to declare holy the day of the Sabbath, and to not carry a burden and enter through the gates of Jerusalem on the day of the Sabbath, then I will kindle a fire in its gates, and it will devour the palaces of Jerusalem, and it will not be quenched." '"
Did not your ancestors do this also, and our God brought on us all of this disaster and on this city [too]? Now you are adding fierce wrath on Israel by profaning the Sabbath!"
The sabbath » No burdens to be carried on
So when it became dark at the gates of Jerusalem before the Sabbath, I commanded that the doors be shut and said that they should not be opened until after the Sabbath. And I appointed some of my young men over the gates [to prevent] any {goods} being brought in on the day of the Sabbath.
Thus says Yahweh, "Be on your guard for the sake of yourselves, that you must not carry a burden on the day of the Sabbath, and you must [not] bring [it] through the gates of Jerusalem.
The sabbath » The wicked » May be judicially deprived of
And I will put an end to all her mirth, her festivals, her new moons, and her Sabbaths, and all her appointed festivals;
He has broken down {his dwelling} place like the garden; he has ruined his appointed feasts; Yahweh has made [them] forget in Zion {festival} and Sabbath, and he has despised in his anger king and priest.
The sabbath » The wicked » Profane
So I quarreled with the nobles of Judah and said to them, "What is this evil thing that you are doing, profaning the day of the Sabbath?
The sabbath » No manner of work to be done on
But the seventh day [is] a Sabbath for Yahweh your God; you will not do any work--you or your son or your daughter, your male slave or your female slave, or your animal, or your alien who [is] in your gates--
" '[For] six days work is to be done, and on the seventh day [shall be] {a Sabbath of complete rest}, a holy assembly; you shall not do any work; it [shall be] a Sabbath for Yahweh in all your dwellings.
The sabbath » Saints » Rejoice in
If you hold your foot back from [the] Sabbath, [from] doing your affairs on {my holy day}, if you call the Sabbath a pleasure, the holy [day] of Yahweh honorable, if you honor him {more than} doing your ways, than finding your affairs and speaking a word,
The sabbath » A sign of the covenant
It [is] a sign between me and the {Israelites} forever, because [in] six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh he ceased and recovered."
"And you, speak to the {Israelites}, saying, 'Surely you must keep my Sabbaths, because it [is] a sign between me and you throughout your generations, [in order] to know that I [am] Yahweh, who consecrates you.
The sabbath » God » Sanctified
And God blessed the seventh day, and he sanctified it, because on it he rested from all his work {of creating that [there was] to do}.
[On] six days work can be done, and on the seventh {is a Sabbath of complete rest}, {a holy day} for Yahweh; anyone doing work on the Sabbath day will surely be put to death.
The sabbath » God » Blessed
because [in] six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that [is] in them, and on the seventh day he rested. Therefore Yahweh blessed the seventh day and consecrated it.
And God blessed the seventh day, and he sanctified it, because on it he rested from all his work {of creating that [there was] to do}.
The sabbath » Divine worship to be celebrated on
And on the day of the Sabbath, we went outside the [city] gate beside the river, where we thought there was a place of prayer, and we sat down [and] spoke to the women assembled [there].
And the people of the land will bow down [at] the doorway of that gate on the Sabbaths and on the new moons {before} Yahweh.
The sabbath » A type of the heavenly rest
For he has spoken somewhere about the seventh [day] in this way: "And God rested on the seventh day from all his works,"
The sabbath » Blessedness of keeping
And the {foreigners} [who] join themselves to Yahweh to serve him and to love the name of Yahweh, to become his servants, every one who keeps [the] Sabbath, {so as not to profane} it, and those who keep hold of my covenant,
Happy [is the] man [who] does this, and [the] son of humankind [who] keeps hold of it, who keeps [the] Sabbath {so as not to profane} it, and who keeps his hand from doing any evil."
The sabbath » The scriptures to be read on
For those who live in Jerusalem and their rulers, [because they] did not recognize this one, and the voices of the prophets that are read on every Sabbath, fulfilled [them] [by] condemning [him].
For Moses has those who proclaim him in every city from ancient generations, [because he] is read aloud in the synagogues on every Sabbath."
The sabbath » The wicked » Sometimes pretend to be zealous for
So some of the Pharisees were saying, "This man is not from God, because he does not observe the Sabbath!" Others were saying, "How can a man [who is] a sinner perform such signs?" And there was a division among them.
But the ruler of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, answered [and] said to the crowd, "There are six days on which it is necessary to work. Therefore come [and] be healed on them, and not on the day of the Sabbath!"
The sabbath » Christ » Taught on
And he came down to Capernaum, a town of Galilee, and was teaching them on the Sabbath.
Now it happened that on another Sabbath he entered into the synagogue and was teaching, and a man was there, and his right hand was withered.
The sabbath » The wicked » Dishonoring of--exemplified
When the {Israelites} were in the desert, they found a man who was gathering wood on the day of the Sabbath.
Thus says Yahweh, "Be on your guard for the sake of yourselves, that you must not carry a burden on the day of the Sabbath, and you must [not] bring [it] through the gates of Jerusalem. And you must not carry a burden from your houses on the day of the Sabbath, and you must not do any work. But you must declare holy the day of Sabbath, just as I commanded your ancestors. Yet they did not listen, and they did not incline their ear, and they hardened their neck [so as] to not hear, nor to receive discipline.
And on the seventh day [some] of the people went out to gather, and they did not find [any].
The sabbath » The wicked » Mock at
Jerusalem remembers the days of her misery and wanderings, all her treasures that were from the days of long ago. When her people fell into [the] hand of the enemy, there was no one helping her; the enemies saw her, they mocked at her destruction.
The sabbath » The wicked » Honoring of--exemplified
And they went on from Perga [and] arrived at Pisidian Antioch. And they entered into the synagogue on the day of the Sabbath [and] sat down.
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a great sound like a trumpet
When the {Israelites} were in the desert, they found a man who was gathering wood on the day of the Sabbath. The ones who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses, Aaron, and to all the community. And they put him under watch because it was not made clear what should be done to him.
The sabbath » God » Will have his goodness commemorated in the observance of
And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and Yahweh your God brought you out with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm; therefore, Yahweh your God commanded you to keep {the Sabbath}.
The sabbath » Called » The lord's day
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a great sound like a trumpet
The sabbath » Punishment of those who profane
And you must keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you; defilers of it will surely be put to death, because anyone who does work on it--that person will be cut off from among his people. [On] six days work can be done, and on the seventh {is a Sabbath of complete rest}, {a holy day} for Yahweh; anyone doing work on the Sabbath day will surely be put to death.
The sabbath » Observance of, to be perpetual
The {Israelites} will pay attention to the Sabbath [in order] to fulfill the Sabbath throughout their generations [as] a lasting covenant. It [is] a sign between me and the {Israelites} forever, because [in] six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh he ceased and recovered."
The sabbath » Blessedness of honoring
If you hold your foot back from [the] Sabbath, [from] doing your affairs on {my holy day}, if you call the Sabbath a pleasure, the holy [day] of Yahweh honorable, if you honor him {more than} doing your ways, than finding your affairs and speaking a word, then you shall take your pleasure in Yahweh, and I will make you ride upon [the] heights of [the] earth, and I will feed you the heritage of Jacob your ancestor, for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken."
The sabbath » The wicked » Bear burdens on
In those days I saw in Judah [people] treading the wine press on the Sabbath, bringing in heaps [of grain] and loading them on donkeys along with wine, grapes and figs, and every kind of burden and bringing [it all] to Jerusalem on the day of the Sabbath. And I warned them at that time against selling food.
The sabbath » The wicked » Work on
In those days I saw in Judah [people] treading the wine press on the Sabbath, bringing in heaps [of grain] and loading them on donkeys along with wine, grapes and figs, and every kind of burden and bringing [it all] to Jerusalem on the day of the Sabbath. And I warned them at that time against selling food.
The sabbath » Saints » Observe
And then I told two Levites that they must purify themselves and come to guard the gates in order to consecrate the day of the Sabbath. Remember this also, my God, and take pity on me according to the greatness of your loyal love.
The sabbath » The seventh day observed as
Six days you will work, and you will do all your work. But the seventh day [is] a Sabbath for Yahweh your God; you will not do any work--you or your son or your daughter, your male slave or your female slave, or your animal, or your alien who [is] in your gates-- because [in] six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that [is] in them, and on the seventh day he rested. Therefore Yahweh blessed the seventh day and consecrated it.
The sabbath » The wicked » Hide their eyes from
Its priests treat my law violently, and they profane my holy objects; they do not distinguish between holy object and what is unholy, or between the clean and the unclean. They do not teach the difference, and they hide their eyes from my Sabbaths, and [so] I am profaned in the midst of them.
The sabbath » God » Shows favor in appointing
You made known your holy Sabbath to them and gave them commandments, regulations, and law by the hand of your servant Moses.
The sabbath » Grounds of its institution
And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. And God blessed the seventh day, and he sanctified it, because on it he rested from all his work {of creating that [there was] to do}.
The sabbath » The wicked » Do their own pleasure on
If you hold your foot back from [the] Sabbath, [from] doing your affairs on {my holy day}, if you call the Sabbath a pleasure, the holy [day] of Yahweh honorable, if you honor him {more than} doing your ways, than finding your affairs and speaking a word,
The sabbath » Called » The rest of the holy sabbath
And he said to them, "This is what Yahweh has said. Tomorrow [is] a rest period, a holy Sabbath for Yahweh. Bake what you [want to] bake, and boil what you [want to] boil. Put aside all the surplus for yourselves for safekeeping until the morning."
The sabbath » Saints » Honor God in observing
If you hold your foot back from [the] Sabbath, [from] doing your affairs on {my holy day}, if you call the Sabbath a pleasure, the holy [day] of Yahweh honorable, if you honor him {more than} doing your ways, than finding your affairs and speaking a word,
The sabbath » Called » The sabbath of rest
[On] six days work can be done, and on the seventh {is a Sabbath of complete rest}, {a holy day} for Yahweh; anyone doing work on the Sabbath day will surely be put to death.
The sabbath » Called » God's holy day
If you hold your foot back from [the] Sabbath, [from] doing your affairs on {my holy day}, if you call the Sabbath a pleasure, the holy [day] of Yahweh honorable, if you honor him {more than} doing your ways, than finding your affairs and speaking a word,
The sabbath » God » Shows considerate kindness in appointing
" 'Six days you will do your work, but on the seventh day you will stop so that your ox and your donkey will rest and the son of your slave woman and the alien will be refreshed.
The sabbath » God » Hallowed
because [in] six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that [is] in them, and on the seventh day he rested. Therefore Yahweh blessed the seventh day and consecrated it.
The sabbath » God » Commanded to be sanctified
The sabbath » Instituted by God
And God blessed the seventh day, and he sanctified it, because on it he rested from all his work {of creating that [there was] to do}.
The sabbath » Christ » Was accustomed to observe
And he came to Nazareth, where {he had been brought up}, and according to {his custom} he entered into the synagogue on the day of the Sabbath and stood up to read.
The sabbath » Christ » Is lord of
The sabbath » Made for man
And he said to them, "The Sabbath was established for people, and not people for the Sabbath.
The sabbath » The wicked » Wearied by
saying, "When will the new moon be over, so that we can sell grain? And the Sabbath, so that we can open the grain bins, that we can make [the] ephah small and make [the] shekel large, and can practice deceit [with] a set of scales of deceit?
Topics on The Sabbath
Keeping The Sabbath
Exodus 31:16The {Israelites} will pay attention to the Sabbath [in order] to fulfill the Sabbath throughout their generations [as] a lasting covenant.
On The Sabbath
Leviticus 24:8{On every Sabbath} he shall arrange it in rows {before} Yahweh continually; [they are] from the {Israelites} [as] an everlasting covenant.
The Sabbath And Christ
Matthew 12:2But [when] the Pharisees saw [it], they said to him, "Behold, your disciples are doing what it is not permitted to do on the Sabbath!"