1240 occurrences in 13 translations

'Going' in the Bible

And a river is going out from Eden to water the garden, and from thence it is parted, and hath become four chief rivers;

Verse ConceptsBefore The FloodWater IrrigationFour Other ThingsGardensRivers

and the name of the third river is Hiddekel, it is that which is going east of Asshur; and the fourth river is Phrat.

Verse ConceptsRivers And StreamsAssyria, Facts OfRiver TigrisRivers

Then God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to every creature, for the earth is filled with wickedness because of them; therefore I am going to destroy them along with the earth.

Verse ConceptsViolence In The EarthFlesh, Description OfFilling PlacesViolenceDestruction Of All CreaturesThe Universe DestroyedGod KillingPeople EndedGod Killing All PeopleThe End Of The WorldFloods

And turn back do the waters from off the earth, going on and returning; and the waters are lacking at the end of a hundred and fifty days.

Verse ConceptsFive Months And MoreWaters Subsiding

and the waters have been going and becoming lacking till the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first of the month, appeared the heads of the mountains.

Verse ConceptsMonth 10VisibilityWaters SubsidingMonths

and he sendeth forth the raven, and it goeth out, going out and turning back till the drying of the waters from off the earth.

Verse ConceptsRavensBirds, Types Of BirdsCrowsWanderersWaters Drying UpPeople Sending CreaturesFloodsflying

and with every living creature which is with you, among fowl, among cattle, and among every beast of the earth with you, from all who are going out of the ark -- to every beast of the earth.

Verse ConceptsNoah's ArkThe RainbowRainbow

And the sons of Noah who are going out of the ark are Shem, and Ham, and Japheth; and Ham is father of Canaan.

The Canaanite border went from Sidon going toward Gerar as far as Gaza, and going toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim as far as Lasha.

Verse ConceptsSodom And Gomorrah

And Abram goeth on, as Jehovah hath spoken unto him, and Lot goeth with him, and Abram is a son of five and seventy years in his going out from Charan.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamFaith, Nature OfAbraham, The Friend Of GodAbraham, Calling And LifeGoing Together

And Abram journeyed, going on still toward the south.

Verse ConceptsParticular Journeys

And also to Lot, who is going with Abram, there hath been sheep and oxen and tents;

Verse ConceptsTentsOwning LivestockPossessing Sheep

because I'm going to give you and your descendants all of the land that you see forever!

Verse ConceptsThe Promised LandEternal PossessionDescendants ofPromisesSeedsprovidingwillland

Get up! Walk throughout the length and breadth of the land, because I'm going to give it to you."

Verse ConceptsBreadthLengthWalkingDirectionland

And separating his forces by night, he overcame them, putting them to flight and going after them as far as Hobah, which is on the north side of Damascus.

Verse ConceptsdefeatDuring One Night

And Abram saith, 'Lord Jehovah, what dost Thou give to me, and I am going childless? and an acquired son in my house is Demmesek Eliezer.'

Verse ConceptsAbrahamMoney, Stewardship OfWhat God Gives

Look!" Abram said, "You haven't given me any offspring, so a servant born in my house is going to be my heir."

Verse ConceptsAdoption, nature ofAbrahamSlavery, In OtBorn In One's HouseNot Giving

And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.

Verse ConceptsNightSleep, PhysicalSunsetsOvertaken By DarknessThose Frightened Of GodEclipseSolar Eclipse

He said, “Hagar, slave of Sarai, where have you come from and where are you going?”She replied, “I’m running away from my mistress Sarai.”

Verse ConceptsWhere From?Where To?mistress

I'm going to cause you to have many descendants, and I'll bring nations from you. Kings will come from you.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalMaking KingsfruitfulnessReproduction, After Kind

I will give to you and to your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger [moving from place to place], all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession [of property]; and I will be their God.”

Verse ConceptsBlessings, To AbrahamGod, The EternalLand, As A Divine GiftProperty, LandThe Promised LandEternal PossessionSojourningI Will Be Their God

God said, "No, Sarah your wife is going to bear you a son, and you will name him Isaac. I will confirm my covenant with him as a perpetual covenant for his descendants after him.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamBearingThe Eternal CovenantGod Naming PeopleGod's Covenant With The PatriarchsThe Promise Of A Babysarah

That's why Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, "After I'm so old and my husband is old, too, am I going to have sex?"

Verse ConceptsHumourPeople Wearing OutSoliloquyThe Promise Of A BabysexHaving A Babysarah

The LORD asked Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh and think, "Am I really going to bear a child, since I'm so old?'

Verse ConceptsWhy Do Others Do This?The Promise Of A Babysarah

And the men rise from thence, and look on the face of Sodom, and Abraham is going with them to send them away;

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Testing And VictoryGoing TogetherSetting Out

The Lord said, “Shall I keep secret from Abraham [My friend and servant] what I am going to do,

Verse ConceptsGod, Purpose OfPredictionsGod's Things Concealed

I'm going down to see whether they've acted according to the protests that have reached me. If not, I wish to know."

Verse ConceptsGod Seeing The WickedInvestigatingOutcry

But they replied, "Get out of the way! This man came here as a foreigner, and now he's acting like a judge! So we're going to deal more harshly with you than with them." Then they pushed hard against the man (that is, against Lot), intending to break down the door.

Verse ConceptsSeductionThreateningsSojourningPressingBroken ThingsSuffering From ForeignersWorse

because we're going to destroy it. Their outcry has come to the attention of the LORD, so he sent us here to destroy it!"

Verse ConceptsAngels as agents of judgmentSodom And GomorrahReprobatesGod Sending ProphetsOutcry

So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were going to marry his daughters. “Get up,” he said. “Get out of this place, for the Lord is about to destroy the city!” But his sons-in-law thought he was joking.

Verse ConceptsBetrothalMarriage, Customs ConcerningJestingPowerlessnessSkepticismSons In Lawjoking

As dawn was breaking, the angels pressured Lot. "Get going!" they told him. "Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be engulfed by the devastation that's coming to this city."

Verse ConceptsDawnIniquity, Punishment ForEvil AssociationsDaybreakDestruction Of CitiesAt DaybreakGod UrgingAngels Providing Protection

He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah and all the land of the plain, and he saw that smoke was going up from the land like the smoke of a furnace.

Verse ConceptsFurnacesSmokeConflagrationssmoking

Behold, I am standing by the spring of water, and the daughters of the men of the city are going out to draw water.

Verse ConceptsDrawing Water

The woman was very beautiful, young, and had not had sexual relations with a man. Going down to the spring, she filled her jug and turned for home.

Verse ConceptsBeautifulAbsence Of SexWomen's BeautyBeauty Of Nature

He said, “Blessed be the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who has not denied His lovingkindness and His truth to my master. As for me, the Lord led me to the house of my master’s brothers.”

Verse ConceptsJourneyKindnessGod Has GuidedBless The Lord!God Showed His Lovingkindness

And I come to-day unto the fountain, and I say, Jehovah, God of my lord Abraham, if Thou art, I pray Thee, making prosperous my way in which I am going --

Verse ConceptsSuccess Through Godspringtime

Now, if you are going to show kindness and faithfulness to my master, tell me; if not, tell me, and I will go elsewhere.”

Verse ConceptsChanging DirectionGiving InformationTurning To Right And Left

Now Isaac had come from going to Beer-lahai-roi; for he was living in the Negev.

and they tabernacle from Havilah unto Shur, which is before Egypt, in thy going towards Asshur; in the presence of all his brethren hath he fallen.

Verse ConceptsOpposite Sides

But the children struggled inside her, and she said, "If it is going to be like this, I'm not so sure I want to be pregnant!" So she asked the Lord,

Verse ConceptsBabies In The WombGrinding PeopleWhy Does This Happen?Fighting One AnotherstruggleLife StrugglesFamily ConflictStrugglesHaving A Baby

And Esau saith, 'Lo, I am going to die, and what is this to me -- birthright?'

Verse ConceptsNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon Happen

I'm going to do this because Abraham did what I told him to do. He kept my instructions, commands, statutes, and laws."

Verse ConceptsAbraham, The Friend Of GodObedienceObeying Godstatuescommandmentsobeying

and the man is great, and goeth on, going on and becoming great, till that he hath been very great,

Verse ConceptsGrowth In WealthWealthy PeopleWealth And Prosperity

where one night the LORD appeared to him. "I am the God of your father Abraham," he told him. "Don't be afraid, because I'm with you. I'm going to bless you and multiply your descendants on account of my servant Abraham."

Verse ConceptsFathers, Sin Of TheGod Of The FathersServanthood, In Life Of BelieversFear, Overcome ByProsperity PromisedGod With YouVisions At NightGod AppearingGod Multipling PeopleI Am GodGod Will BlessDo Not Fear For God Will HelpFor The Sake Of God's People

And it cometh to pass, as Isaac hath finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob is only just going out from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother hath come in from his hunting;

Verse ConceptsGoing Outside

In response, Isaac told Esau, "Look! I've predicted that he's going to become your master, and I've assigned all his brothers to be his servants. What then can I do for you, my son?"

Verse ConceptsServing PeopleProviding Wine

Your descendants are going to become like the dust of the earth and spread out to the west, east, north, and south. All the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants.

Verse ConceptsConsistencyeastNorthOffspringSpreadingSouthNorth, South, East And WestNumerous As DustBlessing Through God's PeopleBlessings For Jew And Gentile

And Jacob voweth a vow, saying, 'Seeing God is with me, and hath kept me in this way which I am going, and hath given to me bread to eat, and a garment to put on --

Verse ConceptsJourneyPresent, TheGod Will Be With YouGod With Specific PeopleGod KeepsProtecting Your FamilyGiving BackDivine Protection

Rachel noticed that she was not bearing children for Jacob, so because she envied her sister Leah, she told Jacob, "If you don't give me sons, I'm going to die!"

Verse ConceptsBarren WomenJealousyPolygamySistersSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfAnger Of Man, CausePossibility Of DeathThose Jealous Of People

What you had previously was only a few head, but the herd has now multiplied, because the LORD has blessed you through my efforts. But now, when am I going to be able to provide for my own household?"

Verse ConceptsLittle FoodGrowth In WealthPeople ProvidingBlessing Through God's People

And it cometh to pass at the time of the flock conceiving, that I lift up mine eyes and see in a dream, and lo, the he-goats, which are going up on the flock, are ring-streaked, speckled, and grisled;

Verse ConceptsAnimals MatingAnimal ReproductionBlemished CreaturesBlack And White

And He saith, Lift up, I pray thee, thine eyes, and see -- all the he-goats which are going up on the flock are ring-streaked, speckled, and grisled, for I have seen all that Laban is doing to thee;

Verse ConceptsGod Seeing Their AfflictionBlemished CreaturesBlack And WhiteGod Sending His Son

And now, it seems, you are going because your heart's desire is for your father's house; but why have you taken my gods?

Verse ConceptsHomeLove, And The WorldRight DesiresRobbing Gods

Now, you promised me that "I'm certainly going to cause things to go well with you, and I'm going to make your offspring as numerous as the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.'"

Verse ConceptsUncountableImpossible For PeopleGod Doing GoodSand And Gravel

And he told the first one: “When my brother Esau meets you and asks, ‘Who do you belong to? Where are you going? And whose animals are these ahead of you?’

Verse ConceptsAskingWho Is This?Where To?

And he commandeth also the second, also the third, also all who are going after the droves, saying, 'According to this manner do ye speak unto Esau in your finding him,

Verse ConceptsMen's Orders

You are also to say, ‘Look, your servant Jacob is right behind us.’” For he thought, “I want to appease Esau with the gift that is going ahead of me. After that, I can face him, and perhaps he will forgive me.”

And while he was going past Peniel, the sun came up. And he went with unequal steps because of his damaged leg.

Verse ConceptsDaybreakAt Daybreak

And he himself, going before them, went down on his face to the earth seven times till he came near his brother.

Verse ConceptsBowingSevenSalutationsSeven TimesIn Front

Jacob’s sons answered Shechem and Hamor his father deceitfully, because Shechem had defiled and disgraced their sister Dinah.

Verse ConceptsRapePeople Being PollutedNamed SistersThose Who Deceivedhumor

But if you won't listen to us, then we're going to take our daughter and leave."

Verse ConceptsSetting Out

And unto Hamor, and unto Shechem his son, hearken do all those going out of the gate of his city, and every male is circumcised, all those going out of the gate of his city.

Verse ConceptsAgreement, Making AgreementsBusiness At The GatewayConsent

Then Jacob told Simeon and Levi, "You have certainly stirred up trouble for me! You've made me despised by the Canaanites and the Perizzites who live in this territory. Because I have only a few men with me, they're going to gather themselves together and attack me until I am totally destroyed, along with my entire household!"

Verse ConceptsTrouble, Causes OfNosesSmellsFew PeopleTroubling IndividualsNations Attacking IsraelFamily Problems

While she was suffering due to her difficult labor, the midwife told her, "Don't fear! You're going to have another son."

Verse ConceptsMidwifechildbearing

And it cometh to pass in the going out of her soul (for she died), that she calleth his name Ben-Oni; and his father called him Benjamin;

Verse ConceptsAfterlifePainSuffering, Nature OfBlessings For The Right HandPeople With Apt NamesIntermediate StateMothers DeathDeath Of A ChildDeath Of A MotherDeath Of A Father

“Are you really going to reign over us?” his brothers asked him. “Are you really going to rule us?” So they hated him even more because of his dream and what he had said.

Verse ConceptsHating Individualsdominion

He told his father and brothers, but his father rebuked him. “What kind of dream is this that you have had?” he said. “Are your mother and brothers and I going to come and bow down to the ground before you?”

Verse ConceptsSalutationsBowing Before JosephWhat Is This?Immigrants

And Israel instructed Joseph, "Your brothers are tending the flock in Shechem. Come here, because I'm going to send you to them." "Here I am!" he responded.

Verse ConceptsSheepBehold Me!People Sending People

And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.

Verse ConceptsBalmsCaravansHerbs And SpicesMoney, Uses OfMyrrhPerfumeTradeTravelCamelsCommercePeople EatingSitting In Fellowship

He went back to his brothers and said, “The boy is gone! What am I going to do?”

Verse ConceptsNowhere To Be FoundWhere To?

Tamar was told, “Your father-in-law is going up to Timnah to shear his sheep.”

Verse ConceptsSheep ShearingTelling Of Movements

Israel's sons went in a caravan that included others who were going to Egypt to buy grain, because the famine pervaded the land of Canaan, too.

Verse ConceptsMoney, Uses Of

But the man who was in charge of the land responded, "I'm going to test your honesty. Leave one of your brothers with me, take some grain for the famine that's afflicting your households, and leave.

Verse ConceptsPeople Abandoning People

Their father Jacob told them, "You're causing me to lose my children! Joseph is gone. Now Simeon is gone, and you're planning to take Benjamin, too. Everything's going against me!"

Verse ConceptsPeople OpposedIndividuals Passing AwayBereavement

But Jacob replied, "My son isn't going back with you, since his brother is dead and he's the only one left. If something should harm him as you travel, then it'll be death for me and my sad, gray hair!"

Verse ConceptsBereavement, Experience OfGrave, TheLove, And The WorldUnhappinessParental LoveAfflicted To DeathGreySole SurvivorsDeath Of Unnamed Individuals

But if you don't send him, we're not going, because the man told us, "You'll never see my face unless your brother is with you.'"

Verse ConceptsNot With People

Then Judah said to Israel, his father, Send the boy with me, and let us be up and going, so that we and you and our little ones may not come to destruction.

Verse ConceptsGoing TogetherKept Alive By Men

Since the men had heard that they were going to eat a meal there, they prepared their gift for Joseph’s arrival at noon.

Verse ConceptsPreparing FoodThose Who Provided A Meal

That's because this famine has been going on for two years now in this region, and there are still five years left, during which there won't be any plowing or harvesting.

Verse ConceptsTwo YearsFive YearsTilling The SoilNot Reaping What You SowIdentity

"It's enough," Israel replied. "My son Joseph is still alive. I'm going to go see him before I die!"

Verse ConceptsBefore DeathLiving On

"I'm God, your father's God. Don't be afraid to move down to Egypt, because I'm going to turn you into a mighty nation there.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamI Am GodDo Not Fear For God Will Help

I'm going down with you to Egypt, and I'm certainly going to bring you back again. And Joseph himself will be with you when you die."

Verse ConceptsPreparation For BurialLaying On Hands To HealGod Will Be With YouGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egyptefficiency

He told me, "Pay attention! I'm going to make you fruitful and numerous. I'm going to build you into a vast nation of people and then I'll give this land to your descendants for an eternal possession.'

Verse ConceptsGod, The EternalEternal Possessionfruitfulness

But his father refused. "I know," he said. "I know. He's going to produce a large nation, and he's going to be very great. However, his younger brother will become even greater than he, and his descendants will become a multitude of nations."

Verse ConceptsThe Youngest ChildPeople With General KnowledgeRules About Young People

After this, Jacob called his sons together and told them, "Assemble yourselves around me so I can tell you all what is going to happen to you in the last days.

Verse ConceptsPredicting The FutureOthers SummoningTogetherness

As soon as the Canaanites who lived in the land observed the mourning going on at Atad's threshing floor, they commented "This is a significant time of mourning for the Egyptians." That's why the place, which is located beyond the Jordan River, became known as Abel-mizraim.

Verse ConceptsMourningMourning DeathBeyond Jordan

And Joseph turneth back to Egypt, he and his brethren, and all who are going up with him to bury his father, after his burying his father.

Verse ConceptsReturning to their land

Later, Joseph told his brothers, "I'm going to die soon, but God will certainly provide for you and bring you up from this land to the land that he promised with an oath to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."

Verse ConceptsAssurance, basis ofProperty, LandThe Promised LandGod VisitingNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon HappenDeath Approaching

So Joseph made all of Israel's other children make this promise: "Because God is certainly going to take care of you, you are to carry my bones up from here."

Verse ConceptsBonesFaithfulness, In Human RelationshipsLove, And The WorldExhumationsGod VisitingPeople Bound By Oaths

Going out the next day, Moses noticed two Hebrew men fighting right in front of him. He told the one who was at fault, "Why did you strike your companion?"

Verse ConceptsFighting One AnotherTwo Other Men

And he said, Who made you a ruler and a judge over us? are you going to put me to death as you did the Egyptian? And Moses was in fear, and said, It is clear that the thing has come to light.

Verse ConceptsRulersAttempting To Kill MeThings Revealed

Then Moses said to God, “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?”

Verse ConceptsMoses, Life OfI Am The LordGod Sending ProphetsWhat Is God's Name?

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'In thy going to turn back to Egypt, see -- all the wonders which I have put in thy hand -- that thou hast done them before Pharaoh, and I -- I strengthen his heart, and he doth not send the people away;

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Of The WillHardened HeartsGod Hardening PeopleHeart, Fallen And RedeemedPower, HumanOther Miracles

So the taskmasters of the people and their foremen went out and spoke to the people, saying, “Thus says Pharaoh, ‘I am not going to give you any straw.

Verse ConceptsHeraldTaskmasters

And they met Moses and Aaron, [who were] waiting to meet them when they [were] going out from Pharaoh.

Verse ConceptsWaitingMeeting PeoplePeople Waiting

But the Lord replied to Moses, “Now you are going to see what I will do to Pharaoh: he will let them go because of My strong hand; he will drive them out of his land because of My strong hand.”

Verse ConceptsStrength Of GodLooking At God's Works

Related Words

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 2600

Usage: 70

Usage: 9

good pleasure , good will , seem good 9 , desire
Usage: 7

God , god , godly , God-ward ,
Usage: 1151

be warned of God , call , be admonished of God , reveal , speak , be warned from God
Usage: 9

Usage: 114

'elahh (Aramaic) 
God , god
Usage: 95

אלהּ אלוהּ 
God , god
Usage: 57

Usage: 32

Usage: 32

he , goat , he goat
Usage: 6

Usage: 15

Usage: 20

be of good cheer , be of good comfort
Usage: 1

Usage: 0

I would , I would to God , would to God
Usage: 3

Usage: 3

Usage: 27

Lord , lord , God
Usage: 438

Usage: 2

Usage: 12

Usage: 12

'azad (Aramaic) 
Usage: 2

gone , fail , gaddest about , to and fro , spent
Usage: 6

Usage: 0

אחלי אחלי 
O that , would God
Usage: 2

אלּף אלּוּף 
Usage: 69

Usage: 5

Usage: 1

Usage: 5

אשּׁר אשׁר 
Usage: 9

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

גּוב גּב 
Usage: 2

Usage: 10

Usage: 5

Usage: 4

Usage: 6

Usage: 37

Usage: 6

Usage: 1

Usage: 15

D@hab (Aramaic) 
Usage: 23

Usage: 3

Usage: 30

Usage: 24

way , goings , companies , walk , vr way
Usage: 6

Usage: 390

Usage: 77

Usage: 33

חללה חלילה 
God forbid , far be it , be...far , Lord forbid ,
Usage: 20

Usage: 16

Usage: 247

Usage: 19

חרץ חרוּץ 
Usage: 18

Tab (Aramaic), 
Usage: 2

Usage: 31

Usage: 553

Usage: 302

Usage: 115

Y@tab (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 23

Usage: 3

Usage: 26

Usage: 3

לוּ לא לוּא 
if , would God , O that , Oh , would it might be , if haply , peradventure , Oh that , pray thee , Though , would
Usage: 22

Usage: 300

Usage: 23

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

מל מואל מול מוּל 
Usage: 35

Usage: 2

Usage: 5

Usage: 20

Usage: 12

Usage: 2

Usage: 167

Usage: 1

Usage: 16

מעגּלה מעגּל 
Usage: 16

me`al (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 81

Usage: 2

Usage: 11

נגד נגיד 
Usage: 44

Usage: 39

N@kac (Aramaic) 
Usage: 2

נשׂא נשׂיא 
Usage: 134

Usage: 1

C@gan (Aramaic) 
Usage: 5

`abad (Aramaic) 
do , made , cut , do , do , worketh , executed , goeth , kept , moved , wrought
Usage: 28

עד עוד 
Usage: 483

goat , kid , kid , he , kids
Usage: 73

`ez (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 20

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

King James Version Public Domain

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible