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Male and female of all flesh went in, as God had said, and the ark was shut by the Lord.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in OTTypes Of ChristShutting SecurelyShutting DoorsMale And Female Animals

And the fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were shut, and the rain from heaven was stopped.

Verse ConceptsFlood, TheSkyDivine RestraintsWindows Of HeavenSealing ThingsThe Sea StilledFloods

See now, I have two unmarried daughters; I will send them out to you so that you may do to them whatever seems good to you: only do nothing to these men, for this is why they have come under the shade of my roof.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersRooftopVirginTwo WomenLeaving People AloneNever Giving UpFather And Daughter RelationshipsProtecting Your FamilyFathers And Daughters

And he put them in prison under the care of the captain of the army, in the same prison where Joseph himself was shut up.

Verse ConceptsImprisonmentsPrisonersPrisons